Reviews For Wired Magazine

Wired Magazine

This is, without a doubt, one of the most exciting, visually and mentally stimulating magazines I have ever read. It not only covers issues, but gives one a sense of wonder about the world and optimism about the excitement of the future. It is the antidote to the despicable nightly news, which tells of nothing more than the relatively few, but awful things that happen in the world each day.

not just another computer magazine

Wired pushes at the forefront of technology reporting. This is
a thick, colorful, dense magazine. Some articles are among the
best ever written, and some aren't. Wired lets their authors
write really really in depth long articles when they need to.
This is more of a magazine about how technology impacts society
than it is a typical technology magazine. I look forward to
recieving this every month because there just isn't anything like it.

Love Wired

Got it free with a purchase. One of the few I might even buy.

Excellent reading for an excellent price

I would recommend Wired to anyone. It has the best price-to-content ratio I have ever seen in a magazine.

One of the best subscriptioni I've made.

I'm not much of a big reader, in fact I really don't like to read. However, a friend of mine suggested that I read this magazine since he and I share a similar interest with electronics. As soon I started to read it, I found myself not putting it down. Eventually, I've read the whole thing which is something that I haven't done in a long time.

If you are into electronics, science, and technology; this is a must read subscription.

Great magazine

Wired is a great magazine that I would recommend to anyone who wants to know the latest news about technology and the world. I have been a loyal reader for over a year now, and I look forward to each magazine every month.

Still on the money

Wired is where its at. Period.

best mag

This is the best magazine I've ever been subscribed too. Great articles about everything I'm interested in, from programming to crazy inventions to new science.

Nice infos , good to keep being up to date

Diverse enough to attract everybody.
Nice to keep in touch with what s going on in the world

inexpensive subscription

this is the cheapest subscription I have found to a very useful magazine, Wired. will look here next time I need a magazine
