This magazine has made cooking so much more enjoyable for me. I have purchased cooking magazines in the past and the recipes were too fancy or called for all kinds of ingredients that I didn't have on hand.
The recipes in Taste of Home are easy to prepare for the most part and my family has loved everything so far.
I especially like the fact that advertising is at a minimum. My pet peeve about most magazines is all of the cards that fall out when you try to read them. I spend more time trying to find the articles mixed in with the ads!
I enjoy cooking but get tired of always having to decide what to fix. When I need inspiration I open up Taste of Home and it is never a problem coming up with something new and original.
Makes the kitchen a fun place to be!
This magazine format is so incredible I forgot I was looking at a bi-monthly magazine. I look forward to Remimans Publication every other month. The recipes are those straight from mom and grandma's kitchens. The ingredients used are usually always what you would have in your pantry already. Unlike some of the other cooking magazines and cookbooks where you have to go to the store and prepare for a meal, these are simple and quick.
I have a passion for baking and cooking and have even passed on the "test tasting" of these recipes since I trust them so much.
I read this magazine from front to back and even read the little inspirational sayings on the bottom of each page.
There are no advertisements which account for the wonderful ease of reading and paging through till you find an article.
I highly recommend this magazine to anyone from beginner to expert.
I have been a subscriber since this magazine first came out. It is wonderful, loaded with tried and true recipes that are subscriber's family favorites.
There are all sorts of categories, so there's something for everyone. Each month a favorite meal is featured by one of the editors, there's budget meals, diabetic meals, cooking for two, how to get your kids to cook, late night snacks, etc.... Definitely something for all ages and interests.
The recipes are well written and easy to understand. The pictures are wonderful and you really feel as if you know some of these cooks. You learn about them, where they're from, and why this is a favorite.
I have seen many recipes printed in this magazine that have been family favorites in my family for years. It's neat to see some regional variations every so often and see how some recipes have changed from the recipe I have on file from my grandmother's recipe box.
There's also a section to clip recipes for your recipe box -- very handy.
I highly recommend this magazine to all my friends -- at all different levels of cooking -- especially beginners.
Has it really been seven years? That's how long I've been subscribing to Taste of Home. I started my subscription beginning with the second issue. I have magazine racks full of my issues. I have more issues than I know what to do with! The biggest problem is, the recipes are all so good, I can't bear to throw any of the issues away or just clip out my favorites!
What appealed to me most about Taste of Home was that I didn't have to go searching for odd ingredients to make any of the dishes. As a poor college student, this was important; not to mention the very frugal meals included in each issue.
Some of the recipes have become family favorites; some are always going with me to potlucks.
In my long-time subscribing to this magazine, only ONE dish has not been a keeper. I have never had this kind of success with magazine recipes in the past.
My mother now subscribes and we call each other to review and rate the recipes.
This is definitely one magazine worth a lifetime subscription!
I first subscribed to its magazine sister, if you will, Quick Cooking. I fell in love with that magazine so I knew I had to try this one. It is equally fabulous! Down home cooking and EASY! My family actually eats what I make. There are so many recipes to choose from. It makes menu planning a snap. And there are NO ADS! They don't throw pitches at you. It is down to earth and easy. I cannot stress that enough.
My husband evens enjoys it. We sit down together and plan our menu. Most things are right in the cupboard. What a simple way to get back to the basics of cooking!
A must for every household, on the high end as subscriptions go. BUT WORTH IT! You will use each issue over and over! Order it today and taste the difference!
My Mom and I both Love taste of Home.We have both been subscribing to it on and off for about 5 years. Luckily it seems when one doesn't the other has. It is nice because it can be a family thing to. When they come in the first thing my husband and children do is try to find the tooth pick.Every recipe we have tried out of the magazine has been outstanding.The recipes are usually quick and easy . Very tastey and usually stuff you have at home. Many of days I have picked one up and made dinner out of it.
A few years back a friend of mine introduced me and another friend to Taste of Home, this is one of the best magazines that I have ever seen. It is entertaining from cover to cover. I love to see how different people have remodeled their kitchens, the recipes are easy, there is a place to write if you have a question or maybe you are looking for a certain recipe and can't find it. There are different contests, that maybe as simple as submitting a recipe that you have been using for years. Best of all these recipes featured in the magazine are ones that people have been using for years and are not hard or require a lot of different ingredients that you have to go and buy. I would recommend this magazine to anyone that likes to cook and is looking for new ideas.
I have been subscribing to Taste of Home magazine for about a year now. I believe this to be the bible of all cooking magazines. I have made many meals and such from this magazine and all have turned out wonderful. It has every thing from appetizers to quick meals to fancy meals. Party ideas and answers to questions I thought I was the only one who wanted the answer. It also has a "how to get your kids to cook" section that I have tried with my children and they are just as excited as mommy when the mailman delivers the next issue. The only other magazine that I feel can be even remotely compared to Taste of Home is the Magazine that is part of the Cooking Club of America.If you are looking for the one cooking magazine that has everything then "Taste of Home" is the one for you.
I have been receiving Taste Of Home magazine for about 2 years now. I enjoy it very much. There are many recipes to choose from in each issue. With comments on recipes from readers and helpful hints.
Each person is sure to find a recipe he or she will like. With easy instructions and some with colorful pictures showing the outcome of the finished product.
I like the part where you can even find recipes for diabetics. I am a mother of a diabetic child so naturally I found this to be a great feature. Special diet recipes aren't often included in many other cooking magazines of this nature.
Recipes are submitted everyday by people like you and me. Often you might find a picture of the contributor's recipe along with the written recipe in the magazine stating where she is from. I think this is a kind of neat feature.
I would recommend this recipe to anyone who enjoys cooking or baking.
My mother sent me a trial copy of Taste of Home last year and I was hooked. This magazine is written by real home cooks just like you and me who have families to feed and dinner to get on the table.
The recipes in it are wonderful, really creative things that you would really cook. Nothing with a million ingredients or requiring hours of cooking, ingredients you can actually find when you go shopping.
It's full of great ideas for leftovers and staples you already have on hand. What a great source to go to when your in a food rut and just can't decide on what to make for dinner.