Reviews For Seventeen Magazine

Good or Bad Mag?

"Seventeen" magazine is supposedly a very good magazine among teenage girls. I agree, for the most part. "Seventeen" is very informative, and also very enjoyable. There are awesome surveys, and very good articles about stars that teenagers would find most exciting. The layout of the advertisements gives the magazine a professional look, plus the teens that look through before buying the magazine are enticed by the colors and pictures of the advertisement. This makes the buyer even more interested in the magazine's content. One thing that I particularly like is the "Trauma-rama" section. This page contains embarassing accounts that change topics every time the magazine is published. Topics include, boyfriend problems, friends being stupid, or just plain girl problems. In conclusion, "Seventeen" is a very good magazine, for teens 13 years of age and up.



I've read almost every single teen magazine out there at least once but this is the only one that my subscription to must be renewed!This magazine has a great balance between the amount of stuff about celebrities, stuff about real girls, fashion, etc. It has great true stories every month about girls who have dealt with suicide, drugs, etc. It's good to read about how girls managed to get through tough situations like those and gives other girls hope.

I'm also pleased to say that some of the models in this magazine have meat on their bones!I've seen more tons of issues of this magazine where girls were featured who could not fit the Britney Spears mold and believe me, there's lots of real girls who can't and it makes them feel better to see a girl like that modelling for this magazine.

I also love all the fitness sections,guy sections, and clothes and make-up but I'll be the first to admit, how do they expect us to afford half of the clothes they feature in there!?

Now if any of you ever find yourselves standing at the magazine rack and you just can't decide which one to spend your four bucks on today, just think back to this and pull off seventeen!



Seventeen magazine is a magazine aimed for teen girls. It is fun to read and full of advice. I was subscribed to the magazine for a year, and then stopped subscribing because I wanted to try out a different magazine. I wish I had kept my subscription to Seventeen because it was a good magazine that didn't only focus only the celebrities and models, it focused on you... the teenage girl. It was encouraging to girls and stressed the idea that you looked pretty even if you weren't a supermodel. The magazine got that message across, but it didn't just say that- oh your beautiful now you don't have to clean yourself anymore. It gives beauty advice on how to improve yourself and keep healthy without starving yourself. It focuses on the average teen girl. It has much wonderful advice and funny stories. To get a laugh just read their "Trauma Rama" section that tells of embarassing stories of people. Give it a try. Buy one magazine at the grocery store and if you like, I encourage you to subscribe.


The Teen 'Zine' of the Millennium

Seventeen is most likely one of the most read magazines among the teenage generation in our day in age. Many girls look to the various pages in each monthly issue for advice on issues dealing with beauty, health, love, relationships, and friends. The magazine gives teenage girls the opportunity to become updated on the trendiest fashions, must-haves, beauty tips, and hippest clothing stores. Not only does is it a fun source of entertainment, but it allows girls to speak their minds as well. Seventeen Magazine includes many controversial articles about real-life issues, written by real-life teens. It also gives girls the opportunity to seek advice from experts concerning health issues and love and relationship problems. I find myself always turning to the humorous pages to read up on the embarrassing moments that sometimes sound all too familiar in my life!! Overall, I enjoy reading the magazine, I like to read articles whose messages I believe are speaking to me. I like learning about the stars and the hottest boy bands. Needless to say, I read the magazine monthly, and I always look forward to receiving the new month's issue when it comes out.


Seventeen Ages Well...

I have subscribed to this magazine since I was fifteen. As much as I don't buy into a lot of "female consumer culture" I found something very familiar and cozy about this magazine. Even as I have grown older, the magazine has suited me well over the last three years.
While Seventeen doesn't lack in the usual "hair-looks-clothes" sections that seem to plague so many other girl magazines, it has other things that have made it a worthwhile magazine all these years. It has covered important social issues such as date rape, political conventions, abortion and cultural and social groups such as Straight Edge, vegans, athletes and other positive things that girls of all ages are involved in. The magazine may stress new clothes and this season's colors, but it has done a good job entertaining and introducing new things to girls. It does a hard job, trying to represent teenage girls for who they are: diverse, not all stick thin, thinking, feeling, and human people. It tries hard not to treat them as marketing demographics. While the magazine can be faulted for some bias, poor image protrayal, and consumeristic tie-ins, it does a lot in the way of making itself a reputable periodical.
In short, Seventeen is enjoyed by teens of all ages and for good reason. While it may use some of the ploys of other teen magazines targeted to girls, it makes up a lot and overall is a great read for girls who are interested in popular culture and some of the offbeat.


A Teen's Guide to Fashion and Accessories

I first started reading seventeen when I was in the 7th grade I think. I used to read all those Teen Beat type magazines, witch are the magazines that just give information on NSYNC and Backstreet boys and stuff. Then I decided I want a more grown up magazine that would give me information on like the latest trends and reading articles that deal with teen issues. So I bought Seventeen and believe me I got just what I wanted. It has tons of stories and articles about sad stories and hilarious ones.

The only negative thing I can think about in this magazine is it has way to many articles.Like every other page is for Covergirl or something. It's also a little on the expensive side put it worth buying.

One of the regulars and witch are my favorite things to read about are the embarrassing moments. I love to read about stupid stuff that happens to other people it makes me fell better that I'm not the only one who does totally embarrassing. Sometimes in the magazine it contains samples witch I love to get so I can make sure I want something before I blow my money on it.

This magazine is the perfect guide for anything on from looking for pictures of hot guys to how to style your make up a new way.


Want a magazine? 17's the one with variety.

I buy this magazine because it is cool, keeps me up-to-date with all the new stars and movies, I love the celebrity sections, and it's just a way to keep a person busy.
This magazine compared to Teen People, for instance, Seventeen has a less amount of advertisements and more teen stuff.
The best part of this magazine is the articles. Some funny, some sad, some scary, some heartwarming and some that make you angry. Seventeen has something for every teenaged girl.
If you want to try a different magazine than Seventeen, try: Twist, Teen, Teen People, YM, or CosmoGirl.
TOTALLY recommended for any teen.


A good teen magazine

When reading other reviews for this publication, I found that most reviewers were down on this magazine. I think something reviewers should keep in mind, is that this magazine is geared toward the title: teens.
True, some of the articles are a little juvenile for mature readers, and it is not something someone ever the age of 25 would enjoy. As a teen, I have been receiving the magazine for the past year. It is one of the better teen publications these days.
I like to read this magazine because it has a variety of articles. It has articles on hair, make-up, and fashion do's and don'ts. As shallow as these topics may seem, these are topics teens enjoy reading.
In addition to these articles, it always has at least one real life story of a teen's individual struggle with things such as eating disorders, the loss of loved ones, drugs, cancer, and other situations teens are faced with in every day life.
Other magazines similar to this one are TEEN and YM.
Before you diss the magazine, consider its readers and decide if it meets the interests and needs of its readers.


Teenage Body Perception

I recently read the June issue of Seventeen, and was very impressed with the feedback of one columnist. A girl of 15 asked if she should be considered overweight at her specific height and weight. The columnist tactfully and kindly told her that she was in no way overweight, and she should not judge herself by what the scale said because she was still developing. I truly believe that young girls take advice like this seriously, and the columnist reinforced that girls should by no means strive to look like the pictures in fashion magazines. All too often, fashion magazines quote age/height/weight charts that give girls an impersonalized and often incorrect perception of what they "should" weigh.
I was also happy to see a section on swimsuits for "real" teenage bodies. Instead of magazines that claim to find swimsuits for all body types, Seventeen enlisted the help of models of all different shapes. I would recommend this magazine to any parents or relatives looking for a present for an adolescent female. Congratulations Seventeen for setting a new standard of excellence!


#1 Teen 'Zine

Seventeen guarantees top celebrity interviews, top fashion advice, and excellent predictions of upcoming trends. For years I have subscribed to Seventeen and have been pleased for years. I have looked to Seventeen for advice, fashion, and news about my favorite celebrities. I have never been dissatisfied. Not only does Seventeen give fashion tips, they venture into the real world to provide stories which give readers insight. I recommend Seventeen to those who enjoy fashion, art, music, entertainment, make-up, because Seventeen covers all of these categories. Seventeen is not for those aged only 17. It also caters to the age group 12-18. Seventeen has never jumped on the bandwagon, yet has created its own. Two thumbs up!

