Seventeen Magazine is a very neat magazine to read. I have been reading this magazine ever since I was about 12. Some of the articles are really bad, but most of them are actually pretty good to read. They explore issues like fashion, guys (because generally girls only read this magazine), school, and friends. In every issue, there is always a fun quiz to take. A lot of my friends like taking those quizzes. They always interview a celebrity and those articles are cool to read because you get to learn about what that celebrity is really like. There is one part of the magazine which I think is just a complete waste of space and that is the School Zone part. I mean who actually cares what fashion stuff is popular in a different city. Chances are, it's the exact same thing that is popular at your own school. Other than that, I would have to say that Seventeen Magazine is a very good teenage magazine out there.
This is a wonderful magazine that tells info from boys to makeup to sex to everything else you would want to know. It also relates to everyday life. It gives you celeb info, makeovers, free samples (sometimes) and even stories about people just like you who are going through things you think only you experience. If you want to, there is also Cosmogirl and YM magazines to pick from.These magazines also contain a lot of hot, informative, and funny stories. Even if you are not a makeup, boy crazy, fashion freak, just reading the stories makes it worthwhile to buy or subscribe to the magazine.
This is a fairly good magazine. It's bigger so it looks like their ould be more articles but there are just more advertizments. It's ok. But not one of my fave's. It is a high-uality magazine for teens. It has a lot of advice on guys. Beauty is also a big section of this magazine. I read it often hen my friends have a copy. Although it isn't as good as Twist. It is still pretty good. It has good uizes. It needs more color and details in the magazine though. It is just too boring. If they spiced things up a bit it ould be a lot better.
I have been subscribed to Seventeen magazine for as long as I can remember. Well, probably since I was 12 or 13, I have been getting it. I prefer Seventeen to some of the others that I have been subscribed to such as Teen or YM.
First reason: Good articles.
Seventeen has a wide variety of articles so there is pretty much something for everyone.
Second reason: Advice,
Every issue of Seventeen has new question and answer pages full of advice. Warning: Not all advice is good advice though. You have to keep in mind that the people writing the advice don't know the whole situation, and their resolution might not be the best.
Third: The opposite sex.
Everyone wants to know what is going on in the world of the opposite sex.
This magazine gives advice on how to cope with dating and deciphering the meanings of what they say.
Fourth: Online access.
It is fun to get on the internet and check out some of the cool things that Seventeen has on their web site. You can take quizzes and leave messages on the message boards and interact with other Seventeen subscribers.
Fifth: Quizzes.
The quizzes are one of the best things about Seventeen! Every month there are new quizzes that allow you to get to know yourself better.
Sixth: Calendar.
A monthly calendar is featured in each issue with things written on it like celebrity birthdays and things that are going on. The calendar helps to set goals like meeting new people if it is National Friendship Week or something.
Seventh: Horoscopes.
Who can live without their monthly horoscope! These horoscopes tell you your best days, and about romance and friendships.
Eighth: Celebrities.
Each issue features a new celebrity on the cover. Inside there is a detailed article about the celebrity. You can find out things about your favorite celebrities you never knew before!
Ninth: Fashion.
This would make a good magazine for people who like to trend set. There are always some wild new fashion statements for the readers to try.
Tenth: Hair.
Just like the fashion articles, Seventeen also includes articles on fashionable hair. It gives ideas for new ways to wear hair or new hair accessories.
Eleventh: Makeup.
New makeup and ways to wear it is coming out every day. Seventeen has a new article about the new makeup each month.
Twelfth: Body.
Most adolescent girls have questions about their bodies while maturing. Seventeen's article, "Sex and Body", answers questions from readers about their bodies during these changes.
Thirteenth: Seasons.
Along with each season comes new clothes and colors. Seventeen makes it a point to show the newest colors and clothes of the season.
Fourteenth: Special events.
Homecoming! The day every girl dreams of! This magazine shows the new dresses and shoes to wear for dances, and how to pick them out so you won't be disappointed later.
Fifteen: Advertisements.
In every magazine there are advertisements. In Seventeen there just happens to be a lot. But I try to make the best of them. Tip: when I see advertisements of something I want or need, I rip it out and show it to my parents. This is also a good visual way of making a Christmas or birthday list!
Sixteen: Taste.
Not everyone has the same taste in things. Not everyone will agree with me on this opinion. BUT....for people who like fashion and trend setting, this would be a good magazine for you. Other magazines people might be interested in could be YM or Teen which are relatively the same, but have a few different articles. These magazines as well are targeted at teenage girls.
Seventeen: Your opinions!
Just like most other magazines, Seventeen loves for their readers to write in and tell them their opinions!
Seventeen is a great magazine for teens. They have relevant articles to teens such as eating disorders and the dangers of drug and alcohol use. They also help teens solve their problems with friends, parents, and lovers with a non-violent, sensible approach. They also discuss such issues as teen pregnancy, abuse, rape, depression, and career and college choices. The only problem with this magazine is that the fashion part of the magazine is aimed at thin teens and really does not apply to overweight teens in the fashion world. I would recommend this magazine to all teens regardless of age to help deal with their problems social or school related.
Seventeen is a wonderful magazine that includes a variety of topics. I buy this magazine because of the fascinating articles, the funny blurbs, and the interesting tidbits scattered throughout the pages. The articles show in depth research about the topic and are easy to follow. They are well written and easy to read due to the flowing sentence structures and the phrasing of paragraphs. I especially enjoyed reading an article about rape because it told the story of an unfortunate girl while adding suggestions and tips on what to do if the same situation applied to the reader. The information Seventeen included was useful and could help save many girls stuck in the same predicament. The horoscopes are not as in depth as I would like and focus more on life than romance. If you enjoy this magazine, I suggest also reading Teen or Young and Modern.
Seventeen magazine is a popular item in my household of two teenage daughters. They have separate subscriptions. I have been pleased with the quality and editorial content of this magazine. They recognize, but do not advocate, teen sexuality. Their strongest message is you shouldn't, but if you do, be responsible. Almost monthly quizzes serve to reassure my 15- and 17-year-old girls they are within the norm. Make-up tips; fashion advice; and how to hold on to, and build, your self esteem are issues revisited time after time. The emphasis on boyfriends is higher than I like but I remember the importance of this issue way back when and try not to scoff at the idea a man in your life is all important.
The models used in the magazine are thin but the magazine does not advocate dieting for young teens and I applaud this attitude.
I recommend parents allow their children a subscription to this magazine after they read through an issue or two themselves. And don't hesitate to pick up your daughters copy from time to time to see who are the latest role models and check out the newest fashion trends. And discuss the issues raised, especially if you have a different viewpoint.
I've been getting this magazine for a couple years now and I really love it. It has all different articles and columns that really focus in on teens. It offers great advice on love, friendship, fitness, nutrition, and much more.
I like "seventeen" better than the magazine "teen", because "seventeen" is a lot bigger and has more in it. It also just has better content.
The only thing I don't like about "seventeen" is when they have 5 or 6 pages of models modeling (usually quite weird) clothes. These clothes are usually too expensive anyway, so I just skim over that part. But some columns I really like are the embarrassing stories, the quizzes, the advice, and more.
If you like "seventeen" you'll probably like "teen" or "ym". This magazine is well worth getting, and is good for long car trips.
Every month I look forward to getting Seventeen. As soon as it arrives in the mail I pick it up, check who's on the cover while reading what's in this month's issue. If I see a topic I can't wait to read, I scan to that page, and If not I scan to my monthly favorites. The next day after Seventeen comes out, you at least see one person with the issue, and many wanting to read something it in. Some of my personal monthly favorites are the "Trauma-Ramas" and "Guy of the month." "Trauma-Rama" consists of readers writing in and telling what their most embarrassing moments are. I personally like Seventeen's Trauma-Ramas because unlike some magazines they don't rate their opinion on how embarrassing their experience was. I like to see for my self, instead of knowing what to expect. The "Trauma-Ramas" also has a theme for each month, like most embarrassing beach moment. The "Guy of the Month" features a regular guy telling what he likes in a girl. He also mentions his interests. On that same page, readers write in and tell their great or horrible date. Some of the date experiences are real funny. Seventeen also features many real life experiences and addresses many different topics. If something happened, like a school shooting, they'll feature it in the magazine, and give you different ways to prevent this in your school. In one section a reader will tell their experience that they had in anything. Some past ones where dealing with a disease, walking again, and getting teased because of their beliefs. Now, I'm not saying that Everything is perfect in the magazine. A lot of the fashion featured in the magazine is real unrealistic and expensive. I've never seen a teen wear anything so expensive and extremely trendy before. Most of the things you'd see on movie stars, and not everyday teens. I personally like the magazine, and agree with most of the stuff inside.
I'm a girl, I'm 19, I enjoy reading magazines. All of them. But some more in particular. Seventeen is on that list. The "it" list. And this is why.
Celebs who?
I'm sick of those teenager magazines where they gush about N'Sync or Britney Spears. The magazines who parade celebrities don't make the mark in my book. But Seventeen tends to focus on celebrities on a low key approach and doesn't glamorize them but brings the real side to household names. Mixed in this recipe for a magazine are articles about real people and real issues. It's nice to read about real girls, real women and not people who you already know about for the millionth time.
Clean and Simple
I've noticed in many teenager magazines that they try to jam pack color, text, blurbs, stats, and pics all on one page. Seventeen takes the feng shui approach with a minimal attitude to it. They don't overcramp the style but provide eye pleasing layouts without the clutter and busy emotion.
Although the topics change from month to month, the main ideas stay the same. This relationship of concrete and changing works. There will always be a beauty page but it will differ on what it has in this month's installment of beauty.
Let's face it. Seventeen compared with your YM, Teen, Twist is far superior. They have a level of class which appeals to teens who aren't teens anymore like me. While the others have a target audience of 13. If you're going to subscribe to a magazine for your daughter or a teen looking to subscribe, consider Seventeen.