Have subscribed to this magazine for many many years. Lots of good information & great stories. Cannot go wrong with this all around womens magazine
Good Housekeeping mag
The first magazine arrived quickly, but just not my favorite magazine. I bought it for the coupons, but there has only been 1 in each of the first 2 issues.
Good Magazine
This is overall a good magazine. I like the reviews and have tried a few of their recipes with much success.
Good House Keeping
Really good articles and the best part is that they usually have coupons in them so it's like getting the magazine for free if you use the coupons.
Good magazine
This is a good magazine to have around your house not only for yourself but guests. It has interesting articles.
An actual magazine with news you can use
This is a very good magazine for daily life. It has lots of tips for finances, relationships, organizational skills, cooking, almost anything. What it DOESN'T have is how to hook up in 5 minutes or less, what a great idea non committment sex is and so on. There are a few magazines like that which is sad that they are still in print. It used to be that type of garbage was found i Playboy and Playgirl which was not displayed. Now these other women's magazines (usually bought by the twenty or thirty-somethings) are displayed where young children can see them.
Good magazine at very low price couldn't pass it up
Took one month to start coming in the mail. Very good price for a 1 yr. subscription.
Super fast delivery!
Good Housekeeping is one of the better magazines I turn to for ideas. If you are looking for an easy read that will help you around the house (even if you are not a stay at home mom or a desperate housewife), full of ideas from cleaning the drapes to what to have for dinner, then this the right magazine for you. I placed the order in the beginning of April and I got my first issue (which I was not expecting until June ) at the end of April (May issue). What more can you ask of a magazine Subscription.
Really a great resource for a new mom / newly wed
I read the reviews for this mag and saw a few friends with it and thought I'd try it. I'm so pleased I did! what an excellent resource as a newly wed like my self,there is a wealth of useful info related to house care,child care,marriage care along with beauty and fashion. I love the tips on organising,these have been especially helpful as I am now developing a household routine while juggling a demanding career. I haven't been blessed with kids yet but I've found the child care articles very insightful and I'm sure to be appling some of this knowledge when I do have kids.
like the magazine
I like the good housekeeping magazine, the price was unbeatable, and the subscrption was started very fast.