Reviews For Seventeen Magazine


This is a good magazine because it gives good advice to teens on fashion, family, and friends. It gives advice on everyday situations and has articles on every day things. It shows the latest styles for teens, and teaches us how to eat and diet correctly. One Article I read made me realize that I had an eating disorder, and I called the help hot line provided for me and I got help. I especially enjoyed the recent article on "dealing with divorce" because it gave me a better understanding of what one of my friends is going through. Magazines such as Teen People only talk mainly about one specific topic such as entertainment. Seventeen on the other hand, covers a wide range of topics. I am a subscriber to this magazine, because it was recommended to me by a lot of people and it got me curious. What made me renew my subscription every year was they didn't repeat articles like some other magazines I used to subscribe to, and the articles were always interesting.



As a teen, I remember reading Seventeen magazine. I used to like it very much because of the funny stories, the true-to-life articles, and the questions with answers about subjects ranging from sex to friendship issues. With lots of good articles, there seems to be too much about guys. So many articles can be found about finding the right guy, or quizes about how to decide if you and your boyfriend ought to become steady. Like other magazines of this type, they are for boy-crazy girls, and are not suggested if you are trying to keep your daughter away from that sort of thing, or if you yourself aren't interested in, for example, the steps to getting a boyfriend. However, if the person for whom Seventeen is being purchased is already neck-high in guys, the magazine will help them with any problems with which they might need. Another overdone topic is fashion. Many articles on this subject are actually rather good, but many have styles and looks which no one really wears. So, as a final thought, I enjoy this magazine for several reasons, but I wouldn't recommend subscribing. A better idea would be to pick up several issues each year at the newsstand because some issues really don't have too much worth reading, and it would be cheaper and more interesting just to pick those issues which seem interesting.


A Dose of Reality

I have read Seventeen for the last 4 years. It has helpful hints and beauty tricks in it. The magazine also has advice on dating and fashion; and articles about important issues in the world.

However, it is lacking in two areas. It covers the same topics year after year. I would purchase the magazine to read or get an idea for something to wear to a dance and while browsing the magazine I began to notice that the same topics were covered. At times the same advice topics are covered in the same month in two separate years.

The other are that Seventeen lacks is reality. The clothing and accessories they display on the pages of their magazine is so expensive. I often wondered if the people that create the magazine think everyone can afford it. It isn't that it expensive but the attitude given to the displayed items is that they are such a fashion bargain. I have yet to find a magazine that is a suitable replacement.


A Teen Magazine Not Worth Buying

I started receiving a subscription to Seventeen when I was 13. Five years later, I have to say that I have definitely grown out of this magazine.

Even though I'm now in college and the magazine does have college-related articles in it, the magazine is definitely geared to younger teens. For example, one issue has quizzes in it titled, "Are You a Cool Girlfriend?" with possible results as "The Smothering Girlfriend", "The Cool GF" and "The Pushover GF". Hmmmm... a few pages further into the magazine lies another lame quiz titled, "Are You College Material?" Underneath reads "Time for a pop quiz to see if you can cut it on campus!" Yeah, these 8 multiple choice questions are going to determine my future. Sure. Possible results: "Ready to Enroll", "Want to be Wait-Listed?" or "Definite Deferment". Personally I find these quizzes, particularly the college one, insulting to the intelligence of teen girls.

A typical issue of Seventeen consists of the obligatory dose of teen magazine fashion, beauty, boys, advice columns, celebrities, embarrassing moments, and real-life teen stories. While some articles can be informative and helpful most are fluff. Yes, those unimportant articles on makeup and celebrities are fun to read and I enjoy them. But, Seventeen is childish. For example, at one point they had a monthly column to update us on the elusive Josh Hartnett's whereabouts, called "The Josh Watch" (No joke). Typical dumb stories advertised on the cover include the following real headlines: "GOD ROCKS! Sexy bands that praise the Lord", "Great Party Hair", "The New Choppy Haircut" and "'Sort Of' Boyfriends - Using You - Or Useful?" Trust me, there are much worse ones than those.

Seventeen does however manage to pack at least one story into it each issue, worth reading. True stories can deal with teen suicide, pregnancy, eat disorders, depression, cancer, and many other tragedies. One particular story I enjoyed in a recent issue was titled, "Can One Friendship Change The World?" - the story of a beautiful friendship between an Israeli girl and Palestinian girl.

One of my major complaints with the magazine is the fact that they probably have twice as many ads as they do articles. Honestly it takes very little time to read the magazine. It's all ads! As far as layout goes, the magazine is colorful and full of pictures, but every few pages is ad after ad.

I'd have to say that this magazine is only interesting to younger teens (I'd say 13-15). Any older than that and it's just silly and definitely not worth the money. It would be better to just get this at the library, skim it for free, and return it.


The Title Is SEVENTEEN.....?

The title DOES say Seventeen right? If so then why is this magazine FILLED with stuff from 12-13 year olds? And really..just how many 17 year olds, have a subscription to this magazine?

Before I was a mommy (nine months ago), I was into the whole *teen* thing, and this magazine irked me so much. Some of the articles are actually interesting, and thought provoking. Some of the fashion stuff is useful. And the advice articles are hilarious (how stupid can some girls get). But then some stuff is just stupid. What's the point of showing 10 pages of fashion that no one will actually follow? And what about all of those ads, it seems like there are 10 times more ads then actual stories. Ever wonder why its so thick? Not because it has more articles, but simply because it is FULL of .....ADS!

Now that I am mommy, I do not find myself pulled to this magazine, so I am not sure if it is the same, but it most likely is. Its worth a few laughs, but not worth a subscription.


not as good as it used to be

Not to long ago I was a big fan of Seventeen. I looked forward to it comming in the mail. Although I have noticed that the articles are always the same nowadays. My younger sister has a subscription and when I am over there I sometimes look at it. I can always remember reading almost the exact same article as I had previously when I had subscribed.
It is not a bad magazine though. It has articles about things most young girls really car about, celebrities, cute boys, clothes and all the normal stuff. It also has informative articleson real life problems. All in all I would say it is a pretty good magazine for teen aged girls to read. I love the quizes. That was always my favorite part. The most embarassing moments section was always fun to read too.


Whats the age of Seventeen readers?

Is it worth it? Is the money you spent to buy this magazine, weather for you, or your kids worth it.

From my point of few, its not. When I purchase the Seventeen magazine, I read about 1 or 2 articles and that's it. It is not interesting for me. I might be a bit old for it, but I know I can't sit there and read it for hours. But that doesn't mean its not a good magazine for other ages.

But from a teenagers point of few, its probably worth it. The magazine has hair and makeup tips, celebrity news, the new fashions, and articles that are interesting to young people. The name says it all. So unless your seventeen, this magazine is not for you.

One good thing I noticed about this magazine, is it doesn't encourage the teens to drink, smoke, or have sex. Seventeen also speaks highly on education. I have read a few articles where they stood up for teaching, writing, and reading.

If you are a parent to a teen, I suggest getting this magazine for them. But if there are no young ones in the house, there is no use for it.


Is it Seventeen...or more like FOURTEEN?

Okay, okay. I have to admit that when I was thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen, I was a fanatic of Seventeen magazine. The clothes, the makeup, and the hair advice always inspired me to do something new, and sometimes, very unusual to make my self more "in". However, but the time I actually reached the age of sixteen and seventeen, the magazine was just to immature for me.
Perhaps it was that I was a little more mature than my high school counterparts, but I looked at the magazine and some of the girls who read them religiously and rolled my eyes with disgust. By then I was reading more adult magazines like Cosmopolitan and Jane.
The "Why-Me" sections, which is a column where girls write in about their most embarrassing moments (and most of the time they aren't embarrassing at all, just a little silly), and the moments are rated by the column writer. *Yawn*
The rest is just the average teen magazine. The "doctors" repeatively answer questions like "Why won't my boobs grow?" or "I have hair above my lips. Is that normal?!?" It's just crazy, juvenile stuff. In every issue there is some diet and health tips, which aren't always true, and the magazine pretty much emphasizes the importance of being little and skinny and cute.
Basically, I think they should either change their name, or really put stuff in there that these girls haven't already read twenty hundred times by the time they actually reach the age of SEVENTEEN.


What A Standard

I was looking at Seventeen a few weeks ago and started to realize that these poor younger girls just see this image over and over of perfect girls. I know that this is an issue that people talk about pretty often but I never really looked through those magazines. I walked up to the magzine counter and picked up Seventeen, Cosmo Girl, YM, and Teen People. I flipped throught them and started to think how easy it could be for a young impressionable girl to fall into the image trap. On every page there was a thin and beautiful girl. All the quizzes were about boys. The titles were like Is he meant for you? or Are you more than friends. I mean really, it seems like all these magazines care about is making money, not peoples feelings. I just wish that sometimes there would be an article called its ok to be a size 12 or a quiz called Do u need help? Something to reach out to these girl and show them that its ok to be yourslef and that you dont need to always try to impress people. I guess what I'm trying to say is dont let your daughters or younger sisters get sucked into a black hole of image and pretty girls. In my opinon try to help your daughters stay away from these magazines.


Seventeen: Going Downhill These Days

Seventeen is a great magazine. Well, it is when they deal with real life issues. I've been subscribing to Seventeen for about two years and I love it. Although I am starting to get fed up with all of the articles they write about guys and makeup and clothes and celebs. The world does not revolve around this stuff. Well, at least my world doesn't. I am much happier reading about their real life articles. Sure it's fun to read about cute guys and the hottest makeup, but it has no relevance to the real world. I am only fifteen years old, but I want to know more about the real world and not about guys and makeup. I would really appreciate it if Seventeen changed it's style and dealt with real life situations. I'm sure there are other teenagers out there who feel the same. We can change this if we want to.

