I'm probably the last person to write a review about Seventeen Magazine! Considering I'm a guy, its Guys Law to never pick up a teen magazine in any store or ever for that matter. Well, a couple of years ago, I moved into my Aunt's house because my new house had yet to be built. I slept on one of the Sofa-Beds in the freeeeeezing basement (I have frostbite scars to prove it :P) and had nothing to do at night. Besides the obvious though.
Well the only reading material under the small nightlight that I could find were cookbooks and this magazine called Seventeen. I had only heard of the name before and that it was a teen magazine for girls. Ah well, "I was alone ... I was all by myself" to quote a hidden Green Day song.
As you open this magazine you will soon find an ad, one of many, that will make you feel sorry for your body. Girls will start crying and begin to go on their 3 month diets to look like the figures in the magazines. Also there are horoscopes that tell you your fortune and who you match up with. "oooooo, my crush is a pisces!, hee hee"
There are many number games that go with it, like enter in your birthdate, multiply by 5, add 63, square it, find the antiderivative of it and finally figure out the extraneous roots using the quadratic formula rounding to 2 decimal places and your crush will call you in that many days. Absurd.
There is also a section that will feature hair products, perfumes, jewelery and how to get your hair a certain way. Excellent article for girls to read to expirement with new do's for guys to drool over. Might I suggest the mohawk look? :)
As well, girls are able to send real life testimonies of situations that were embarassing for them.
Dear 17,
I was with my crush in his car and all of a sudden I started to leak. We were at the coffee shop and I really had to change my pad, as I walked in I was leaking all over the floor. A whole bunch of cute guys saw this, I went home crying!
Then they rank them with a level of embarassment, like ***** for TOTAL EMBARASSMENT!
As well, you can find the latest scoop on the cutest guys "Ohh Kevin, Ohh Brian!"
Overall, a health hazard to teenage girls is this magazine as it promotes skinny bodies and picture perfect figures, some great articles for girls to look prettier, so the boys dont say "Fatty-fat, stupid-haired wiiiiitch!" Decent magazine for a girl; for a guy --- I will deem you a homosexual if I see you reading such a magazine!
Disclaimer: I, Rich G, solemnly swear that since that day I have not picked up a 17 Magazine and in the future swear never to gaze, glance, look or open one!
Seventeen magazine is a great magazine for ages 12 to 19. It has articles about movie stars, clothes, shoes, many styles, guys, dating, opinions, and embarrassing moments. The embarrassing moments are funny to read and time-occupying. Seventeen magazine also has quizzes about many different topics, and they are fun to take so you can learn more about yourself. These magazines are very good to read when you're traveling so it will cure your boredness. It is also good to subscribe to it because you will get the new issue every month. Or, you can just go to the drugstore and buy the magazine. This magazine is awesome.
I began buying teen magazines when I was in around 5th grade because a lot of the popular girls had pics of the then popular TV characters of 90210 in their lockers. So my mom bought me a copy of one and after I tore out the pictures, I read the magazine. It was perfect! You would swear the editors were teens themselves!! Even the language fits us perfectly. I began to buy these kind of magazines and Seventeen is my favorite. I love it so much my grandma bought and renews a subscription for it every year for my birthday..the gift that just keeps on giving! Seventeen is the most well written, complete magazine. There are way less ads and more informative articles. It offers advice you would be scared to ask your parents and your friends. It shows great clothes, makeup, hair, and other beauty hints, tips, and tricks. It touched every issue a teen has, everything from beauty to college and everything in between. This makes a great gift to give to any teen or preteen wanting a fun magazine to read in study hall or at home when they're nothing to do. Seventeen is the best of them all, the most through and organized, and also the favorite of me and many of my friends. Others try to copy the same columns but 17 surpasses them all. It also keeps up to date with technology and other things. It's more than just a magazine, it's helpful in all the things teens think about, some guys even read it!! Give this to any young girl needing assistance in adolesence and how to survive.
I started reading this magazine when i was around 15. I think that every teen age girl should subscribe to this magazine. They have everything a girl could want and more. This magazine has great make up tips, dating advice, fashion, trends, advice, health, beauty, fitness, and way more than i can even say. I would say i have like 200 or more of these magazines, i just hate to throw them away. Sounds crazy i know. This magazine is really fun if you take all the quizzes inside. And the horoscopes are the best. This magazine gives a teenaged girl a lof of motivation and self esteem. This magazine also does not encourage sex, which i find important for this type of magazine. When my daughter gets older i will let her read this magazine> It is great.
Seventeen magazine is a great magazine for teens. It has many tips about what the new hairstyle is and what clothes are in style. It has funny Traumas and can help you with your problems. It can help you with guys by having quizzes and your body by having editorials. They have columns about Seventeen's makeover group doing makeovers on average teenagers. They put makeup on girls that make them look like a totally different person. This magazine has some good ads and some bad ones but most of them are good. They give you information on things that I probably wouldn't have known about and they have really good pictures of celebrities to look at. It talks about people's lives when they were growing up and kids today. This magazine is really interesting and fun to read.
Some people like to be critics about magazines like Seventeen, because they are old and don't understand what they are reading. When there is gossip that really is quite insignificant it makes the magazine look bad in some peoples' view. But the thing I love about Seventeen is the fun things that you can get out of it. I read the beauty sections to get hair and cosmetic ideas that have really helped me out look-wise. It also has fun little quizzes that are great for little parties to do with your friends. They have horoscopes that can be fun to read, (Whether you are into them or not) They also have great stories that people send in, sometimes they are embarassing moments or boy(girl)friend stories, date stories, they can really make you laugh. As if that isn't enough there are always awesome stories with teh latest news and updates on your favorite stars and celebrities.
I love Seventeen Magazine. I read it because it has a wide variety of columns. They have beauty, fashion, advice, real life and more. One of the most moving articles that I have ever read was found in Seventeen. It was about how women in other countries were being treated. It really shocked me and made me be thankful for where I live.
There are a lot of teen magazines out there, but I feel Seventeen is one of the only ones that stands out. Maybe that's why my mom even read it as a teenager!
If you like Seventeen, then you might like COSMOgirl!, Jump, YM, or 'Teen.
Seventeen magazine is the best magazine anyone could ever buy. It has great articles for everyone, no matter what your interests. They really care about their readers because in each issue they have a mail section. They put in as much mail as they can possibly fit in their issues and take the constructive criticism and make it work for them.
Seventeen magazine has so many different articles. In the July issue for example, they tell all about summer love, different types of dates to go on, help for oily skin, and a mega concert guy. Seventeen also has articles dealing with real life, every day stuff. Questions people are afraid to ask because of what other people might say. Seventeen magazine also always has at least one awesome quiz, and of course, who can forget the horoscopes?
If you like Seventeen magazine you could also try magazines that have many similairities. Some of these magazines are: Teen, Teen People, CosmoGirl, and YM (Young and Modern).
This is a great magazine that has been around for many years. I first learned of this magazine when I was a teenager many years ago and my mom would buy it for me and my sister. Now I am grown up and have a teen of my own, I subscribe to it for her, and she just loves it!! I find myself sitting and reading it, and often learn things that I did not know. : ) This is a great magazine for helping teens in their teenage years, helping them to learn things about people and boys. They have great quizzes, fun stories, and wonderful ads. This is a great magazine, has been for years, and will be for many more years to come. If you have a teen and are looking for a magazine for them I highly recommend Seventeen magazine.
Because I am a teen I really love Seventeen. I think the magazine has great tips for teens, like on hair, make-up, and exercise. It also tells a lot about what is going on with our favorite stars and much more. I personally think this is a great Magazine for teen girls ages fourteen threw nineteen, twenty. I have been reading it sence I was about fourteen and still love to read it and I am now eightteen. You can just sit back listen to the radio and read the magazine and just relax while getting great advice about fasion and looks. Its a great magazine.