Between the two major running magazines in the United States, Runner's World is geared primarily toward the beginning to intermediate runner. In general, columns and feature stories de-emphasize competition and focus on the human interest side of running...a typical feature story may feature an otherwise normal runner who returns to running after a crippling car wreck (in the December '00 issue).
However, a typical issue does include coverage of a race or two by a writer-participant. Sometimes these races can be exotic or unusual, such as the Man vs. Horse Marathon in Wales, or the largest cross-country race in the world (Liddingoloppet, held in Sweden).
Cover stories are usually motivational in nature, and are usually designed to get you off your butt and out the door. For instance, you may have a list of nine weight-loss tips, 13 fun workouts, 10 motivation boosters, etc. etc. etc.
Standout features in RW include:
The Nutrition column written by Liz Applegate, Ph.D., a registered dietitian and probably the most likely to experience death by chocolate (did you know that dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants?). In each issue, Dr. Applegate covers a particular aspect of nutrition, or a particular food that contains hidden treasures for runners.
Medical And Training Advice, a Q&A format column in which readers ask questions that are answered by experts in the field, such as exercise physiologists, former Olympians, or well known coaches.
Body Shop by Marlene Cimons, in which a particular health condition or injury is spotlighted. Recent articles include hyponatremia (too little sodium in the system caused by drinking too much water) and Raynaud's disease.
On The Road, in which a particular city in the United States is reviewed from a runner's perspective...everything from where to stay to what to see to (of course) where to run.
The Human Race, in which several runners are spotlighted, some of whom may have overcome significant obstacles. A recent column spotlighted a deaf-and-blind young man who finished his first race without falling down or getting lost.
The Chronicles, by John "The Penguin" Bingham. Once overweight and out of shape, Bingham took up running late in life and shares his insights in this column, the motto of which is, "The miracle isn't that I finished...The miracle is that I had the courage to start." Each column provides philosophical insights into life in general, and he encourages you to "Waddle on, friends."
Some drawbacks to RW: Very brief coverage and blurbs on past races and winners. Some who are more serious about running and aspire to elite level may not find enough here to satisfy their competitive thirst.
When I'm looking for advice that's immediately useful to me, as an intermediate runner with going on three years of experience and a major marathon behind me, Runner's World hasn't steered me wrong yet. For those like me (read: the vast majority of runners pounding the pavement day after day), I highly recommend this magazine. And if you're just beginning, reading a couple of issues of RW will give you insights as to how to start.
At a 12 minute a mile pace, I'm hardly a fast or efficient runner, yet I still find plenty in this magazine to keep me motivated for the next run around the park or lake. I love the training plans: the August 00 edition gives detailed training plans for improving 5k, 10k and half-marathon times. They have times ranging from the do-able to me (26 minutes for a 5k) to the amazingly fast (a half-marathon at a 6 minute a mile pace.) This magazine makes it seems like it's possible for me to run a marathon!
I appreciate their shoe reviews, because they're very detailed in what kind of shoe each kind of runner should look for. Instead of proclaiming one specific shoe as the best of the pack, something that would be impossible to claim, given the differences in runners, they allow the reader to determine which would be the best shoe. Their sports wear reviews are also great, especially when it comes to winter gear. I've saved their tights review from last winter to use when the temperatures drop here.
Runner's World has excellent nutritional advice. The style of the nutrition column varies each month. Sometimes it's more scientific and in-depth, and other times, it just gives a list of tips. I like that variety.
I enjoy the race run-downs, also, even though I can never attain those speeds and will probably never run a marathon with the famous runners. I like to read the personal tidbits the editors always include.
One of the reasons I love this magazine is that it seems like everyone involved loves running. Their money-making goals seem secondary to their goals of making running more fun and more accessible to more people. You don't find that very often in magazines. In this magazine, even the ads are useful!
Oh, and of course, there's always the Penguin. John Bingham's column is always a treat to me. I hope one day I can run a marathon in his pace group.
Negatives: Not much. I save and reread every issue until I have them memorized. I find the Women's Running section vaguely patronizing, but I usually also find useful information in it, so I deal with it.
I love Runner's World. I've been reading it so long I think some of the columnists, like Joe Henderson, Liz Applegate, and Hal Higdon, are old friends of mine. I think the late George Sheehan, an RW writer, was one of the great philosophers of the 20th century. RW tries to sell me shoes and energy bars, but not exotic breakthrough supplements. It gives me training advice (I must get back to tempo runs), but doesn't try to fool me into thinking I can succeed without hard work. It tells me interesting stories about famous people I didn't know were runners and heart-warming stories about people who recovered from dread diseases with the help of running. It doesn't tell me about makeup or plastic surgery. If I want to lose weight I can do it by watching what I eat and running more. Some hard-core runners think RW is too slick, mistrusting any magazine that's not printed in black and white on newsprint. But for most of us, it's fine.
Runner's World is one of the best magazines for runners (well, obviously). It is geared toward runners of all abilities, and offers hints and tips for both the recreational jogger and the elite competitor of all ages.
Each issue is jam-packed with highly informative articles, covering everything from nutrition, injury and training tips to race coverage to motivational stories. Sometimes a specific athlete or other running-related individual will be profiled; recent articles have included Dave Sanders (the teacher/coach who died at Columbine High School) and Suzy Hamilton.
One of the best parts of the magazine is the "connection" it has with its readers. Besides the typical "letter to the editor" section, there are also other sections where readers can send in questions or stories. For example, the training and nutrition page is in a Q&A format with the questions answered by experts in their field; the "Finish Line" and "Women's" pages consist of essays submitted by readers.
Overall, I highly recommend this magazine.
Runner's World is great for any level runner. Whether you are just a jogger, or you run marathons, this magazine has something for you! I can't wait to get my copy each month. Being female, my favorite articles are those in Women's Running. It so nice to read personal accounts from all different women. My other favorites are The Chronicles and Finish Line. Each month the magazine is packed full of information on nutrition, health issues, training plans for 5K's to marathons. They also have several issues where they give you all the pros and cons on the newest running shoes. Want to find out about a race, turn to Runner's World, they give you information on upcoming races. The writing is great. You know that the writers are true athletes and want to impart good advice to their readers.
Here's a magazine that doesnt judge you if you are a newbie enthusiast and tries to smother you down with the technical stuff for pros. Runners World maintains a balance between enthusiasts, newbies, amateurs and pros. Pick up any issue and a runner in any category will find something that interests him. Even if the starting drills, the basic warmups are common knowledge, still Runners world features them so that the people who are taking up running as a hobby can benefit from it. For serious runners, it offers training plans from the pros. And people who think that they have enough knowledge, Runners World offers inspirational stories/bios about runners who never gave up. An interesting feature is how runners apart from satisfying their own thirst for achievements are also making a difference in other people's lives.
Runners World also tries to balance articles between training, diet and rehab. The best part is that it doesnt emphasize expensive diets or rehab therapy. It gives advice on how best to use the existing resources - how to maximize the dietary benefits from everyday food available in the supermarket and how best to take advantage of seasonal vegetables. Similarly for rehab, it gives tips on easy to do exercises which can be done without the aid of an assistant or machines.
And when the running season comes, RW gives comprehensive information about specific races, charts out the path, gives tips on the local social scene and what to do and not to do for the specific races. This is a good preparation before even running the race.
Overall, this magazine makes you feel that you are a runner as well as human.
Runner's World is an excellent magazine which I have been subscribed to since March, and I still feel like it has given me everything I need. I run generally everyday. As a result, I tend to experience just about every possible problem associated with running. I actually look forward to these problems in a way that as soon as I get an injury I whip out all my Runner's Worlds and read until I find a solution. Runner's World usually has a guide to the best running equipment whether it be cold-weather clothing or good running shoes. You can also count on this magazine to boost your motivation, and help you see the benefits of running to your health. They often provide you with a possibility of different training programs if you are looking to bring down your 5k, 10k, or marathon time. After reading just a few issues of Runner's World, you begin to feel like an expert of the sport of running. Note: There is also a special section JUST FOR WOMEN!!!
My favorite parts of this magazine are the Health & Fitness Fast Facts and the Words to Live By found in the Motivation section. There are so many great articles in Runner's World. I would definitely recommend this magazine to anyone who runs or is interested in running in any way.
If you are serious about your running and want to improve, then this magizine is for you. It has tips on how to improve your speed, your endurance, your mileage, and other useful tips. Other tips could be described as what training you should be under going to improve this or this, how often to run this training, etc. There are also real life stories, biographys on famous runners, statistics on the latest races, reviews on shoes, and other articles of interest to runners. I've been running for about two years now and I found Runners World a little while back, I wish I would have had the guidance when I first started. The problem with this magizine is that it is too short. I think that it could be longer because a lot of people really enjoy reading it(especiallly myself). Another con is that it only comes once a month. This is a magizine about running, so don't go buy it expecting something else. Its for those people out there who are dedicated to a hard sport. Go out and buy a copy of Runner's World, it will change your running life forever.
I would recommend this magazine to anyone who runs, whether they are just beginning or have been running for years. I also recommend it to my non-running friends in the hope that the fun, engaging articles and stories will encourage them to take up the sport. Every issue contains a little bit of everything, from heartwarming stories written by other runners to great training tips written by the pros. When I may be feeling discouraged or burnt out on my running, I pick up "Runners' World" and by the end of it, I am ready to head out the door once again.
On top of that, every year "Runners' World" sponsors incredible events such as providing pacing coaches for certain marathons and backs the Leukemia Society's Team-in-Training program. I can't say enough good things about this magazine. From the low, discount prices for an annual subscription to informative articles on every aspect of the sport, this is a magazine which I'd encourage anyone to buy.
Ever felt inspired by something that motivates you to achieve what you thought was the impossible? This magazine comes very close to giving you that feeling whether you are an amazing runner, or just one who runs for the sense of accomplishment. There are excellent articles in this magazine written by real runners who can inspire you to run and reach your goals. I have only been a runner for two years, but i know that at this point, I will be running for the rest of my life until the day I can no longer run. I have been a subscriber to this magazine for about a year, and each time I pick it up to read it, I get motivated for my next race.
Running is hard because you have to be mentally prepared for the challenge, but once you realize that you can do it, it is much easier. Whether you are a competitive athlete in the sport of running, or you like to run for the relaxation of it, this magazine is for long as you like running! The magazine also supplies you with a lot of good information such as how to keep your mind and body healthy. There are also a lot of training tips and advice that help to make you a better person and runner.