Reviews For Popular Science Magazine

Love this magazine

I got a 12-month subscription for my then 11YO son and he LOVED it. He couldn't wait for each issue to arrive and when it did, he devoured it, often seeking someone out with whom to share the fascinating nugget he had just learned. When the subscription lapsed, I didn't notice but he did - he kept looking for the next issue in the mail. So I renewed his subscription as his birthday gift and he is happy again. He is now 13 and still looks forward to his magazine arriving each month. What a great way to get kids interested in - even excited - about science!

Happy Customer

I just want to say that I was pleasantly surprised when the magazine was delivered A LOT sooner than promised. I had ordered it for my boyfriend whose subscription with Popular Science had just ended and I wanted to surprise him with another one. He got the first issue within two weeks of my placing the order. He's very happy, too. He loves this mag. And, I have to say that even though I'm not a tech-y person, I did enjoy flipping through his older issues. Very interesting read. Recommend it to everyone.

Husband Loves It

My husband subscribes to this magazine and reads it from cover to cover. He loves all the articles on the latest developments in science and technology. Highly recommended.

Best mag at a low price

This has always been my favorite magazine and to get a whole year of it for just a few bucks was the best deal anywhere.

Great magazine! Husband loves it!

Got this for a present for DH, and he is very happy with the magazine. Says, "It has everything I want to read in it!"

Best Mag for future minded and history lovers

If you love nucular fusion, you'll love pop sci. Don't be in the dark about new inventions and consepts. This will help give you idea's to create and be the next great....(inset your fav inventor here)


This magazine is more enjoyable than any other I have subscribed to. Though, at times, I have become bored reading other magazines I always find interesting items in _Popular_Science_.

A good gift

This was a renewal subscription for our son. He enjoys this magazine very much.

Nice Magazine!

This is a very nice magazine for those who like to stay up on current and possible future technologies! I love to read the articles about technologies that may come in the future or that are in the design and research process.

fun for gadget enthusiasts

Much better than WIRED. deals in realities and up and coming tech.
