I don't often have time to read magazines, and then they just pile up. But this one caught my attention when I first found it at the gym, because it's tailored for ME: a woman over 40. As I flipped through it, I realized that most other magazines can't keep my attention because they have a much broader audience. Admittedly, this one is only tailored in the age it's aimed for (not necessarily hobbies, politics, faith-based issues), but I already can relate much more to the content than to many other lifestyle magazines. Looking forward to issue #2. . . .
Pretty good but kind of thin
This magazine has good stories about women in their 40's and 50's living their lives to the fullest. I bought it as an inspiration. I love the content, just wish there was more of it. Its a little on the thin side. Doesn't take more than an hour or two to read cover to cover.
Great Magazine
This is a wonderful magazine for Women over 40 years old. Great beauty tips and other info for our age group.
a reader from istanbul turkey
i am 42 and really like to read this magazine.? also want to subscribe but i know that this is impossible.whenever i find it in the shops i immediately buy one. regards
I keep hoping, giving it a second and third chance
Some day, a wise and respectful publisher will come along who really believes that (real) women over 50 look beautiful, just as we are. So far, most women's magazines are STILL telling us that mature women are beautiful only when we look as if we can pass for 30. Sadly, More magazine is no different.
There are enough things about More that inspire me to purchase individual copies, occasionally, at the grocery store. I've enjoyed some of the articles. But not enough to make me want to subscribe again. I love clothes and care about how I look, but there's never anything in More that I would be able to wear in real life. I am not overweight or totally out of fashion, but once again, I am tired of being reminded that I am only as lovely as my last Botox treatment and that I ought to wear the same short skirts that my son's girlfriend wears. I don't need articles on dating the third time around. I don't need to be reminded that I could get rid of those bags under my eyes with a two-hundred dollar eye cream. I am a happily married grown-up, still looking for a grown-up woman's magazine.
Looking for Good Articles
I'm always looking for good reading material and get a bit tired of the younger set's taste. I ordered the More subscription based on recommendations of friends and looking forward to good articles. It is loaded with advertisements which, unfortunately, is a must in today's publishing environment but hopefully at the end of the year's subscription I will be pleased with my purchase price.
more magazine
As magazines go it's good. Some useful info and product suggestions for we mature women. good reading.
Gift or no gift?
Just sent "More" magazine subscription as a gift to my sister. There's no "link" for the gift announcement. Only thing I have is the printed order giving details of my payment. The link was supposed to be to the right of the large photo of the magazine cover. It's NOT there. A few years ago I purchased 12 presents all from the same place (Crate & Barrel) and none shipped. No one said anything until we spoke on Christmas day. I got hold of Crate & Barrel who apologized. Unfortunately, that doesn't right the wrong. I wouldn't have made this purchase if I knew the gift card that it SAID was available to print wasn't at all available.
Just okay
Very light read. Not much meat. Oprah a better pick.
Some good information, but a downbeat tone
I can't say this magazine has no useful or interesting information - but I find the overall tone quite depressed and depressing. I don't mind that the fashion articles are full of over-priced clothing - they still give a general idea of styles that can look good on women over 40. I don't mind that most of the women pictured look like they spend many hours a day working on their appearance - we all have different priorities, and maybe my own should be adjusted a bit more in that direction. I don't mind the celebrities on the covers - if a photo of Holly Hunter helps them sell magazines, it's okay by me.
But many of the (admittedly well-written) articles seem to suggest that the number and the scope of problems that women over 40 must deal with are overwhelming. Unhappy marriages, age-related illnesses, resentful children, difficult parents, estranged siblings, soul-destroying jobs, etc., etc., etc. - even the books and movies reviewed seem to be mostly in the same vein. The occasional up-beat article often celebrates a woman who divorced her husband, quit her job, moved away from her family, and "re-invented" herself as a ceramic artist, or an acupuncturist, or an ostrich farmer. (I'm exaggerating a little - but not much!)
Yes, middle age brings some difficulties with it, but not every woman who is 40+ regrets every important decision she has ever made. And most of us who have reached that milestone have also reached a point at which we can and do use our common sense to deal with problems as they arise. Lighten up, More!