MORE magazine is my favorite. Each issue has something that I find interesting and important to women whether they over 40 or not. I am always referring to it and often give a subscription to someone turning 40. The fashions shown are for practical for real life. The stories of changes and decisions women have made concerning their lives after 40 are inspirational. I look forward to every issue and read it cover to cover.
I love More Magazine. It has great articles, lots of worthwhile information and nice pictures.
Great service!
This subscription was a gift and the first magazine arrived shortly after placing the order. Thanks!
more magazine
Best magazine I've seen for women in their forties, and thirty's and fifty's. Its just great!
How old to read this mag? MORE than Seventeen
I first read More when I was on a girl's weekend. My friend Rosemary brought an issue along, which featured Ann Curry,the tv personality on the cover. As I read along, I realized this was a magazine for women over 40! Boy did I feel special, in that special way that marketing woos you.
I ended up with a gift subscription from my S.O. I do enjoy reading the articles, especially the ones about menopause. (Don't we all enjoy a good menopause read?)The added bonus is that now the S. O. has learned all about the symptoms of menopause,as well as which moisturizers will work on aging skin, and what bags are hot this year.
There is a lot of fluff in More. For example, the "model search" which ends up with women looking like every other "model search" campaign- skinny, tall and blond. I guess there has to be a certain amount of cookie-cutter stuff included, although I have never identified much with the tall and willowy sisterhood, at least you can see a few laugh lines.
But there is also a lot of info in women's health- heart health, exercise,and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (Who knew a glass of wine was like drinking two pats of butter?) There is also a monthly first person feature that tells a story of a woman of a certain age that can be refreshingly down to earth. One month featured a story of a daughter trying to take care of an elderly alcoholic father,another about revisiting old hippie days. They are, for the most part, entertaining without an excess of navel-gazing.
I like the idea of a magazine for women over 40 that accentuates all the good things we have going for us. Another reviewer mentioned the pricey clothing and makeup; I found that More tries to reach those of us who can't afford the highest priced items when they endorse new products.
Overall, it's still a women's magazine. More sticks to the basic formula of fashion, looking good, makeup,and hair with some recipes and travel thrown in for good measure. What makes it worth purchasing ( at least a couple of times a year) are the articles that deal specifically with health and heart issues of women of a certain age.
Recommended: Yes
Lauren Hutton back in the saddle
Just picked-up More Magazine with the ever youthful & always glowing Lauren Hutton!
It is this persons opinion, she looks better now than when she was gracing the cover of Vogue. Each picture in the January issue, seven in all (including the cover), show what a woman well into her 50's can look like if she leads an active & healthy life.
In this extensive article, she gives us the lowdown on her boyfriend of 20 years (not a misprint) who left her in financial ruin, her brush with almost near death...a freak accident with her motorcycle while riding with her buddies(Dennis Hopper, Lawrence Fishburne & Jeremy Irons) and her bumpy road to recovery.
I admire her not only for the way she's lead her no strings attached type life, but also for her courage to do it
her way.
Recommended: Yes
Great for Women Facing Middle Age and Beyond
This magazine is a great "pick me up" for women that are in their late 30's, 40's, and older. It makes you realize that even though you are getting older, you aren't all "washed up". It tells you how to feel good about yourself - both inside and out. It always highlights articles about well known celebrities that are within this age range and it helps you to realize that everyone has the same concerns about getting older as you do. It gives fashion tips, beauty tips, fitness, and many other articles. It is not just a fashion magazine - it has articles about more in depth issues, too.
As soon as I bought this magazine, I read it cover to cover and really felt good about myself. I looked forward to getting it again and subscribed to it, right away. If you need a "pick me up", give this magazine a try. It is well worth it. The only draw back that I saw was it seemed to have more advertisements in it than some of your other Women's magazines.
Recommended: Yes
Less Fluff
As one of the charter subscribers to More, I have had an opportunity to read this magazine from the beginning. I can't say that every issue has enthralled me, but on the whole, I have been happy with the subscription.
I subscribe to quite a few women's magazines and when these subscriptions run out, chances are I won't renew. Approaching age 50, I no longer have the interest in their content. More, on the other hand, gears their articles to the older woman. Some sample articles are caring for aging parents, going gray, career changes, etc. Their are always interviews with celebrities close to my age.
If there is a criticism, it is that the models used in the advertisements still don't seem to fit the image the magazine is trying to project. And I would like to see photos that haven't been air brushed of some of the celebrities featured.
Recommended: Yes
only complaint:it's too short!
Of the numerous magazines I subscribe to, this is one of the most useful for women over 40. No bimbo articles, no articles about 10 ways to contort oneself---well, you get the idea. What it DOES have is informative and intelligent articles such as the recent one about common haircolor mistakes made by mature women, complete with before-and-after pictures. There are some fun articles, and some articles like another recent one about the women in President Bush's inner circle of advisors. (Very reassuring, that one.) The newstands either don't get many copies, or they sell quickly, so you may not have seen it, but it's worth a look!
Well over 40 and LOVE this magazine......
Who doesn't want to look her best???? Yes this magazine does use space to talk about clothes and looking good. One of my favorite fashion pages is where they have three different readers/models wear an outfit and comment on it. All the women are over 40 and the comments aren't always flattering - it seems real. There also is some serious commentary and subjects broached that overall appeals to women over 40 and other intelligent people. I don't believe that if you are a woman over 40 you will regret subscribing to this publication. Just flip through an issue at the newstand and you will be convinced.