Unless being healthy is defined as the most updated clothes and fragrances...Magazine has gone downhill over time to included less and less on working out and eating healthy. For some reason this and other magazines find they need to move into the fashion segment. They should leave that for GQ and focus on their core competencies.
RIP-OFF >> BEWARE of publisher RODALE!!!
Aside from the fact that this magazine has very little to do with REAL men, it's publisher, RODALE has treated me very unfairly. You will get bombarded with glossy junk mail and they will automatically renew your subscription without your approval. If you ignore it, they will have North Shore Agency (collector) send you a collections notice. Think I'm kidding? Just Google it. They do this to everyone. My wife got me a subscription through her airline miles program. I hated the magazine and never renewed it. Apparently that means little to Rodale. I got a notice from North Shore and challenged them to prove I asked for a renewal. Never heard back. I expect to see this on a TV "rip-off" report soon. You've been warned!!
Barely a "Health" magazine anymore
I used to enjoy this magazine, but it has gone downhill. Rather than "Health" the magazine's focus has become getting women to bed, sex, and fashion. The title of the magazine should be changed to "Men's Fashion" or "Playboy". If you want a fashion magazine, there is already GQ. The magazine cover usually tries to portray "muscle" type articles, and there are articles on working out, but the focus on "Health" is very limited.
Watch out for the unwanted books!
The magazine is ok, a little light on exercise for the fitness guys, and a little light on fashion for the GQ guys. Warning: Rodale (the publisher) will send you books you haven't ordered, then send you a bill for them. Although you have no legal obligation to pay for them, they may report you to a credit agency to collect their [...] bucks. This is sleazy and I wouldn't recommend doing business with a company that uses tactics like this.
Great magazine.....if you happen to be a woman.
Men's Health has tried to improve sales by creating a marketing plan that targets young woman hoping to find out what men really want. This magazine is filled with advertising and uselss information that does not apply to the average male. Most of the articles are tongue and cheek.
Only somewhat useful but very annoying
I have twice subscribed to Men's Health and both times was disappointed. You really only ever need two issues of this repetitive journal of contradictory advice and mediocre fitness strategies. Real information is offered up sparingly and is often incomplete. There is however, an abundance of absurd success stories of people who are either so young that they can easily achieve their fitness goals or have so much time that they have no excuse not not be in shape. There is little that applies to anyone over thirty who have actual jobs and need to live real lives. Furthermore, they slip additional book offers and subscriptions in with your contract. You can easily spend 5 to 6 times the subscription price per year if you don't stay on top of the junk that hey send you. Honestly, one of the worst magazines in terms of all the additional crap that they send to you.
Beware of being ripped off
I subscribed for 1 year and got only 8 issues. When I asked them about it, they said my subscription had expired. And when I told them I had gotten only 8 issues, they never replied. Beware, gentlemen.
Ship has sailed
I'll echo what has already been written by quite a few: Men's Health has become a shell of what it used to be. You can only go over the same routines so many times, over the same routines all the celebrities are doing, and what foods a guy should eat this month before someone decides they're the wrong foods to eat next month. It has become so repetitive that they used the same cover, with all the same articles teasers, and just changed the guy on the front (Tyler Lautner...whoever, one of the guys from the vampire movies). Anyway, MH could be salvaged if they would leave out the Obama propaganda pieces and just decided to step outside of themselves for some fresh content. I hope they do...but I'm not counting on it.
Oh, and don't even think you can unsubscribe once you've paid. It got to be a joke how many times I tried, but they kept sending issue after issue.
Men's Health
I can't write a review as the first issue has not been delivered. I was told originally it would be sent on Mid October, Now I have been advised it will be arriving mid November. I can't understand the poor delivery time. I ordered this in August.
Thank you.
A "Woman's Magazine" for Men
The publishers of "Men's Health" have hit on a very successful formula, one that they've taken right from the pages of any number of women's magazines found on the rack at the supermarket. Each issue is devoted to stroking the egos of the middle-aged readers while selling them tons of useless "lifestyle" cloting, toys and cosmetics that they can justify by telling themselves it's all about their healthy lifestyle.