this is a great magazine - if you compare it to other women oriented magazines. the information it presents in regard to dating, sex, food, and health is much more realistic and focused then cosmo, glamour, etc. this magazine also makes a point of talking alot about womens self esteem issues, but uses different approaches. marie claire also talks about the issues that women in other countries have to face, which really gives you a unique perspective. it also has clothing options for those who need larger sizes and are looking for something other than a tarp.
in the whole magazine spectrum, i would probably rank it a 4, but it doesnt have as much coverage in alternative, more philosophical areas that magazines like "details" have. its topics pretty much apply to the stereotypical topics that women would be interested in - however it covers them differently and better than its competitors.
Whenever I'd finish reading a magazine like 'Cosmo', I'd feel guilty for indulging in a magazine so obsessed with sex. But whenever I'd finish 'Marie Claire', I felt like I'd read something with quality without loosing any of the fashion and beauty advice (and even a little dating) that I love. The articles range from lingerie to skin care to guns to third world countries. It's the one magazine I can always read cover to cover. I feel as though I've actually learned something about life in other places and at the same time learned how to apply eyeliner more easily. While some magazines pride themselves on featuring models who are (gasp) size 4, 'Marie Claire' shows women with real bodies (there was a woman who was size 20 and proud) which makes me want to appreciate my body that way. The bottom line is the magazine has class and intelligence and plenty of it. If you get this magazine, you're not only getting fashion, dating and beauty, you're also getting a magazine with mind, soul and heart. And isn't that what we're all looking for?
Unlike Cosmo, Marie Claire is not only about how to please your man- it's actually written for women. Of course magazines like these are not literary masterpieces, but that's not why we read them. Marie Claire is great for reading on a plane, bus, train or anywhere else when you want something light and entertaining. the fashion tips are fun to read, the love/relationship advice is really aimed towards women's problems. of course there's the obligatory human interest piece which often seems out of place among pages of expensive clothing and mascara tips, but overall this is a great magazine.
This magazine has improved a lot in the last couple of years with their new editor. It's gone from 'fashion' magazine that tried to be interesting to something with articles Really worth reading. Buy it if you are especially interested in international and / or women's issues. Each issue does have beauty, clothes, career, fitness and celebrity articles as well. My favorite pages are the music, books and movie reviews and the articles about women abroad. Buy the whole year, I have resubcribed every year since I first got an issue 4 years ago, and I've given it as a gift subscription too.
Before kids, I would read Cosmo, Vogue, Vanity Fair, etc. Once kids came along it changed to Parents, Parenting, and Child magazines. Needless to say, my fashion sense went down the toilet. Well, I'm getting that back now that I have Marie Claire. It's not quite as young and trendy as Cosmo, but for the real woman in everyday situations. I also love the reading about the newest makeup/hair products as well as the latest fashion trends.
With such a huge choice of fashion magazine out there today, I will be honest when I say the first thing that hooked me into Marie Claire was their monthly offer for free stuff! Sometimes it's makeup, panties, or skin cream, I am hooked even when the free thing is unobtainable (occasionally you have to go to a certain store to get your free thing).
Another column that I enjoy in Marie Claire, being on a limited budget and all, is the Splurge vs. Steal beauty page. Usually found near the end of the magazine it is full of various expensive beauty items and their prices along side a very similar inexpensive item.
Every issue of Marie Claire covers everyhting: fashion, makeup, beauty, men, events, how people live around the world, and ways you can help other women suffering from abuse, natural disasters, etc. I hate magazines that only shows clothes and models, and this is not one of them. Marie Claire covers everything and every month, I learn something new after reading it.
This magazine is one that fits me best because its more for the average woman. One of my favorite sections is the 100+ best looks, they group color selections together and show nine different looks with that color. They pick about four or five colors each month. Another thing they do is "Splurge/Steal" throughout the magazine. For instance they'll show you an expensive item then a comparable one for a lot less money, they do this with beauty products, shoes, handbags, and clothing.
I also find that the articles are worth reading, a lot of times when I get a magazine I tend to skip over the majority of their articels, but not this Marie Claire. They write about human intrests, getting over your fears, learning how to appreciate yourself the way you are. Many of them are really facinating. They also feature articles of women's struggles in life. One month they had an aritcle on a woman who had a drug addiction and how it affected her life. They're really interesting and worth reading.
As far as fashion/women's interest magazines go, this is the best. There are usually a few traditional fashion spreads - models in urban locales wearing weird clothes and jumping around a lot - but the main fashion offerings are lots of pictures of just the clothes. This means that there is a lot less emphasis on unnaturally skinny body types. My favorites spreads are the "Splure v. Steal" articles where the editors compare two nearly identical outfits - one from couture designers and the other from cheaper, more mainstream retailers. They also do the same thing with makeup. Whoever puts these together does a great job of showing how you can get the same high end look for a fraction of the price. The art department uses a lot of briliant color and the fashion spreads usually revolve around a color theme. The articles tend to focus on interviews with real people. Lots of articles where a couple are interviewed separately about their sex life and then compare their answers. There is also usually one article about a serious subject, usually a political topic that effects women. Nothing in this magazine is going to particularly challenge your intellect, but for a light, fun read, you can't beat it. The perfect magazine to take to the gym and read while you work out on the stairmaster.
As women's magazines go, Marie Claire is definately the best of the bunch. It focuses on more than just fashion. It has serious articles and some cute fun ones, besides.
They have had articles on:
A woman who obeys an 8-ball for a month
A man who wears make-up for a week
Thai prostitution
What women around the world keep in their underwear drawers
And lots and lots on fashion
They have a nice mix of articles. You can always find an article or two that you really like in each issue.