I order this magazine to learn more about fashion stuff. Magazine is exquisite. Its also a good deal.
great magazine
I really like this magazine. It has alot of interesting articles and topics. Plus I like the fashion in it.
No complaints
Started receiving my issues a few weeks after I ordered them and there's been no problems, just a great deal!
Still better than most women's mags
Still think that Marie Claire is a cut above most women's magazines.
great read great ideas
i get great fashion ideas from magazines. this helps. i dont ve to look and figure things out. the trend is already in the magazine
Great Advice- No Freebies for me
This magazine truly defines the real woman. The advise is down to earth advise for real women.If you can get through all the advertisement to read one, the feature articles are great reading also. I like the "What Men Think" articles they often publish. It's nice to know what they think, and it is great that Marie Claire is there to let us know what they think. They sure won't say, unless it is about football! The only real problem that I have with Marie Claire is that I can never use the coupons or freebies they give. I am no where near a Macy's or Nordstrom or Vidal Sasoon Salon. I have am near some large chain retailers but I don't live in New York, by far.
Recommended: No
Advertisement in every page
I have been trying to read more this todays fashion statement but there are some points why it just doesn't hit right, first of all, Marie Claire has way too much advertisement(s) in every page and I just don't want to pay only for those,
Almost all the clothes and accessorys are too expensive for a middle class consumers.
If you have good salary and you are willing to spend a lot for a good and maybe even classic appearance Marie Claire is going to be helpful and a good resource of finding just the right places to shop.
From outside the magazine looks better than from inside, the writers should get more involved with the subject that they are writing about, it feels that M.C is just full of articles that are just scratching the surface of todays fashion.
Recommended: No
Flip though it in five minutes or less!!
Marie Claire is a fashion magazine marketed at young women 20-30 years old. It has lots of lots of fashion articles, photos, makeup, perfume, etc. It does not have much of anything else in it.
Some of the articles in the March issue are: skincare, improving hair and makeup, sexual health, women that were raped, horoscope, hot new fashion looks, runway fashion, trenchcoats bad hair days, easy hair dos, etc. The magazine looks like Vogue but packed with more beauty, and fashion how-tos. There are dozens and dozens of advertisements for perfume, makeup, and designer fashions. It seems like most of the magazine or more than half is filled with ads.
Pages of current fashions are towards the back of the magazine. I always like to look at this part of the fashion magazine to see the photos and current trends. The photos look like they would be in any other fashion magazine such as Vogue. Some of the clothes look strange, and slick. Sometimes they are in exotic settings. Clothes are by designers: Missoni, MaxMara, Dolce and Gabanna, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Versace.They include runway clothes, a halter dress, suits, and lifestyle clothes.
I didn't see anything in this magazine to differentiate it from Vogue o Elle. They look almost the same and with same amount of ads. However, this magazine is great for people who love fashion. There are very few articles with any substance in this one.
by Artiste
Recommended: Yes
OK if you're in their demographic
I bought this for Mrs. Spudman because it was such a good deal. I'd never seen the magazine but figured it would have all the topics usually covered in women's magazines like clothing, makeup, travel, recipes, children, love and romance. I was only partically correct. Mrs. Spudman doesn't mind looking at the magazine and even finds a few articles of interest in it. Mostly , though, Marie Claire is directed to younger career women with plenty of disposable income to buy the things with the fancy brand names featured in the magazine. It's for a young woman who cares about her looks, likes being impeccably coiffed, and doesn't mind spoiling herself with the best of everything.
It's a magzine full of beautiful women and beautiful things and fueled by ads for these richly priced fashions. For women who shop at the high end stores and don't mind dropping two hundred dollars for a clutch, this might be a magazine of interest. Unfortunately Marie Claire is as appealing to Mrs. Spudman as Men's Health is to me. A George Constanza might even find Marie Claire magazine good bathroom reading.
marie claire
its a good magazine but truly for the younger set 20-30 although there was a few things that interested me. not really my thing but i am a grandma young one but still a grandma