Good Housekeeping~
No, not a rating on my chores:) A wonderful Magazine that brings me comfort in ways that are hard to explain. My Mom used to read Good Housekeeping. She would get this magazine and read it cover to cover. I remember I used to "steal" it away from her and take a peak. She would then save the magazines and have a stack of them that she would go back to again and again. Well, I got married and moved away. I became a Mom and we would talk weekly. She was so full of advise and encouragement. Something all "new" moms and newlyweds seek. And then she passed away when my oldest son was a year old. I felt all this wisdom was gone. I felt very alone.
10 years later:
Now it is me who gets this magazine in the mail monthly. A wonderful treat from none other than my mother~in~law. She makes sure that every year for Christmas that it gets renewed and she makes sure I am receiving it. Now you may wonder where this is going but I will tell you.
Every month when I get an issue of this magazine, I feel as if my Mom is sharing it with me. Just that alone makes this magazine wonderful! But there is so much more. Even without all these wonderful memories, this magazine stands alone. There are so many wonderful articles in it. So many things I look forward to reading. Some of the more simple things~ Beauty tips, diet tips, and how to "firm" your body up, along with losing weight. I enjoy reading these. It makes me feel as if I am not alone~that I am not the only one who suffers from a few extra pounds after having three kids:) This magazine has advice on etiquette and also intimate advice. There is even a household Helpline which gives you helpful tips on such things as household maintenance, and storing your household goods. Then of course you have your recipes. I like to turn to these when I get really bored with hamburger, chicken, and spaghetti. Sometimes I want a switch and I can usually find it here. And the recipes range from simple to complex. I like that. There are some days I want simple. (I have had a hard day~kids screaming, fighting, Calgon take me away day and the last thing I want to do is make dinner.) And, there are days when I would like to go all out. (Valentine's Day, our Anniversary) and the recipes are so well categorized. There is a special spot where it says what the recipes are in that specific issue. And then Of course you have your health articles. I find these great to read. I can usually learn something I didn't know before. Certain diseases, or outbreaks, allergies to certain foods and so on. And most of the time, these articles are full of details, full of knowledge. Oh, of course we have articles on our celebrities. How their love life stays fresh. How they keep their make up looking so wonderful. How they stay youthful. This part of the magazine is fun to read. Entertaining.
But then of course, there are the deep topics also. I really enjoy reading these the most. To read how people go on after horrible things happen. Or Miracle births of children families have so longed for. These stories touch me and I really like that. I have faith that all things happen for a reason. One of the regular articles is called profiles. It shows real people with real problems and how they have helped society from their experience, how they went on after they suffered from some unhappy circumstance. There really is no ONE thing. They are all different and all wonderful. And some very sad!
The one thing that hasn't changed in this magazine. It Has been there since my mother read it and now while I am reading it. "The Better Way." A few yellow pages that you can pull out with valuable information. The financial issues are usually dealt with here. Mortgage information, stocks, checking accounts, how to deal with debt, etc. And yes, this is where you find the reviews on items. (which washer should I buy and why)? My favorite article out of these special pages? That would have to be the recalls. I like reading this to find out exactly what is being recalled. This has been valuable to me. I once had one of the torche lights and the specific one I had was recalled. By reading this magazine it was brought to my attention and quickly remedied.
You know~Actually there is no way I can tell you all the plus's of this magazine. There are just too many to mention and they differ every month. But what I can say is, in my life, Good Housekeeping is a staple. One that brings me the comfort, the wisdom, the knowledge, and all the security that I used to feel when I would watch my mother read it. I hope that one day, my possible "future" daughter ~in ~law can say the same things.
Just pick up an issue, open up a few pages and you will read : " Good Housekeeping, the magazine America trusts" Doesn't that say it all?
I start to thumb through my Good Housekeeping magazine as soon as I get it out of the mailbox. Each issue is packed with articles that relate to my everyday life in one way or another. The cover doesn't even come close to revealing all the useful information that GH contains.
Good Housekeeping covers the issues of family, health, and money providing answers to some of our toughest questions. You can find the answer to handling those temper tantrums, how to choose a doctor, and what you should or shouldn't invest your money in. These are important issues to all of us, and sometimes we need quidance to lead us in the right direction. GH gives that helping hand!
Other things that Good Housekeeping contains are product recalls, consumer news, and even celebrity interviews. If you want the latest information about important issues in your life, pick up the latest issue of Good Housekeeping. You will be pleasantly surprise at all that you will find inside each issue.
Good Housekeeping has been around a long time. My mother and mother-in-law enjoyed reading it. Then I got hooked. We all had our different favorites.
My mom wasn't interested in cooking much but she loved the craft articles. There used to be a lot more. My mother-in-law was a marvelous cook and often used the recipes in the GH. She also enjoyed the housekeeping tips.
I loved the Christmas gift suggestions and craft ideas. I used to send away for the patterns. I also enjoy the novel excerpts and actually picked up a couple of books after reading the excerpt in GH. There was another helpful section which was done on pulp paper and inserted into the magazine. It had information on medical news.
The first magazine short short I ever read was in Good Housekeeping. The first celebrity article was in GH. I liked them because GH didn't slam the celebrity the way other magazines did. I like positive articles.
I remember one issue I wished I had saved. It contained the favorite chocolate chip cookies of the Presidential candidates wives. I laughed at that because I knew Mrs. Bush was essential an earth mother but Hillary Rodman Clinton was a career woman. I respect both of them and the cookie recipes were both excellent.
Like Carma I was a pack rat as far as GH was concerned. I had a house with a huge attic which was the stand up kind and ran the length of the house. I had metal storage shelves built and they were filled with the issues I'd saved. I liked to go up on a rainy day with the rainy playing a tune on the roof and sitting in the old rocker, I'd read GH.
We moved from that house to one with under the eaves attic storage. The GH magazine collection had to go. It wasn't discarded though. We donated them to the local hospital auxiliary which put them out for sale. So they sure served a good cause over the years bringing pleasure to my Mom, my husband's Mom and me and then to other people with the money going to the pediatric wing of the hospital. But then what else would you expect from our old friend, Good Housekeeping?
I used to subscribe to GH but now that I frequent the coffee bar at Borders, I buy my copy there. Sure I can save money through a subscription but I enjoy a trip to Borders, a cup of good coffee, and Good Housekeeping.
One of my favorite magazines.. I started reading this when I moved out on my own (too many years ago) and have always loved it. Over the years they have managed to keep up with the times and deliver informative, entertaining articles.
Unlike many magazines, I don't find this one ad driven, in otherwords, its not loaded to the gills with ads.
The home decorating ideas are useful, cost efficient, and even the less talented crafty type person (me) can follow along and get it right.
The food ideas are great.. You can be assurred you will always have a great meal if you are using on of Good Housekeepings meals.
There ratings of household products are known worldwide, if it has the seal of approval you can trust the product completely.
Overall a great magazine, can't imagine not reading it.
I just love this magazine! It is packed full of good reading material. I buy Good Housekeeping every month and I can't even begin to tell you all of the things I learn from it.
Their celebrity stories are done very tastefully and they really make it so that you feel you're right there with them. I've changed my opinion on more than one celebrity based on what I read in Good Housekeeping.
The hints and tips provided throughout the magazine on a variety of subjects is one of the best reasons to read this one. A lot of time you will find something that will make your life easier. I know I did!
Last but definitely not least, there's the Good Housekeeping guarantee. It's good to know the products that they stand behind. I keep this in mind every time we make purchases on items they've reviewed.
Good Housekeeping is a must in every house!
Of all the magazines that I subscribe to, Good Housekeeping is among the upper echelons in terms of all-round quality. I am a happy subscriber for the last 5+ years. Compared to all other home magazines, I like Good Housekeeping best of all as it is very informative about a variety of issues. Also I feel that the recipes published in this magazine are some of the best(in terms of nutritional value) and are very creative. Every month they feature an interview with one celebrity and portray them in a very straight forward way. Every month I look forward to the fictional short stories they publish.
I am able to read this one cover to cover. Good Housekeeping has every day items for everyone. When I get a Good Housekeeping Magazine, all of us read the articles. They seem to written for the average women. They are full of information on every aspect of daily life, love, sex, food, decorating, cooking, dressing and much more.
The article change with the times. The articles keep you informed and up to date with everything.
Love the pictures that come with the new decorating ideas. They have given great ways to make more out of the area that you have. The visual aide gives me something to think about. The ideas or usually very simple but they have a great end result.
Love the recipes, some of the are quick, simple and easy to do. Or you can even find those hard changeling ones. They are always doing something on the healthy way to eat, or staying active. The magazine gives you a lot to think about.
The seasonal ones are usually my favorite. Love the ideas that are included in them. Simple things for everyone.
Love the covers, this is the one magazine that I will read just because of the cover. When talking about the stars, gives you the human part of them as well as the star parts.
I, too, have been reading Good Housekeeping since "teenager hood." I got hooked on it at my Grandma's--who I swear had them going back to the 50s!
I initially started reading Good Housekeeping for the decorating ideas and advice columns. I still love those sections, but I also enjoy the decorating and parenting columns now. I'm also very happy with the quality of the celebrity interviews and stories. It's nice to "get to know" the people we see on TV every day!
I'm very happy with their craft projects for kids. The instructions are always easy and clear. And, after I read them to tatters, my nephew has a grand time cutting out the pictures to use in his craft projects. Their advertising is family oriented, so I don't feel nervous about him looking through the magazine. I'm always sure that he won't see pictures of half-naked kids or heroin models in GH's pages!
The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval carries a lot of weight with me--a source this trusted makes me think twice sometimes when considering a purchase.
All in all, this is a great family magazine. There's something in it for everyone!
Good Housekeeping is a very informative women's magazine that I often find myself picking up at the local grocery store.
my favorite section is the "Family Life". This section provides great editorials on things like talking to your children's teacher and great tips on making your marriage strong. It focus' on all aspects regarding todays family issues.
This magazine also features articles on how to improve your health and fitness along with great beauty and style tips.
Each issue contains a great fiction piece. The stories are always creative and capture your mind. I usually find myself reading them twice if not more often.
A very informative money and finance section can provide valuable insight on buying auto or life insurance. They give great tips on the current popular companies and the most trusted ones that consumers use. They also give very useful information on IRA's and pensions. They can explain the best roll-over plans and why it is not wise to draw from them before retirement.
Don't forget the ever popular "Hints From Heloise". This is another one of my personal favorites. I am always looking for useful household remedies and laundering tips. I have often found many things of hers actually work. The readers also share some of their homemade remedies and helpful tips they have found.
This is a great magazine that is published for women much like the others such as Redbook and Women's Day.
Good Housekeeping is something I actually grew up on, I mean it was always lying around on the coffee table in my mom's house you know? So I think I can say I began reading it way back in the days of using magazines to research my school homework.Good Housekeeping has such a wide variety of subjects it was easy to find information on a slew of subjects.
Now that I'm all grown up (or so they say) I still read it because it goes beyond housekeeping. It's not merely a magazine offering a few old beauty tips and ways to clean your house. Instead you find articles on current events, interviews with women in power, some obligatory fluff articles on celebrities that our world seems to need, and things like child care information. Each issue comes packed with a wide assortment of subject matter so you are bound to come across something in your field of interest.
They do have advertising, no magazine could stay afloat without it, but it seems to be kept at a minimum. Many women's magazine's I've read would literally have multiple pages of solid advertising and you don't find that here. I liked that because I want to read a magazine not be bombarded by commercials, for that I could watch T.V. Another thing I liked about this magazine is it seems to stay much more practical. Let's face it some of the other women's magazine's feature clothes and makeup that none of us would or could wear at home or to the office right? that's Ok once in awhile but I need real fashion advice I can actually use in my real life guys! Good Housekeeping seems to try to stay within that realm as much as possible.
SO for housekeeping, recipes, childcare, current events, fashion, self help, health and fitness ..... the list goes on. You can turn to Good Housekeeping as a staple for your reading pleasure.