There are many excellent fitness tips and routines in "Fitness." Unfortunately, the magazine is also jam-packed with fluff pieces about make-up, purfume, and fashion. While the magazine tries to relay the message that fitness is about health, not how you look, they put a large emphasis on beauty.
Good content, bad models
I have found this magazine to be fairly good as far as content of the articles and helpful health tips. It does disturb me that the magazine keeps placing skinny models in bathing suits on the front that do not look like they work out consistently but are just very thin. I hope the magazine will read some of these and make a change to some healthier options.
More fluff than needed
With the name "Fitness" I expected a more excercise and workout centered magazine, but that's really not the case. It's not a bad magazine by no means, but if you're looking for something that focuses on working out and excercising, you'll want to look more into something like "Oxygen". There's also too much "fluff stuff" that didn't interest me like fashion and make up stuff. Also could use more healthy eating recipes. This magazine is a lot like Self and Shape; if you like those, you'll like Fitness.
As far as women's fitness mags go this one is on par with the rest
For the price, Fitness is the best buy for women's health and wellness magazines on the market right now. I've bought most of them at least once and while Shape and Fitness have similar content, my pick is definitely the latter. One of the best parts of the magazine for me is the number of stories from actual fitness readers. Each month there is an "I Did It" story where we hear someone story of how they managed to reach their goal whether it's losing weight, toning up, or leading a healthier lifestyle. It's encouraging to hear stories from people and not just look at pictures of models in bikinis. Furthermore, the stories and fitness advice is varied and will usually give advice from a number of perspectives. For instance recently there was an article on how to work your problem areas and it not only covered a wide range of body areas, but provided nutrition information as well. Fitness is definitely on par with the rest of the women's health magazines on the market and in my opinion is one of the better options. Also, they're currently running a special where if you subscribe to one year, you get a second for free (you can keep it for yourself or give a gift subscription).
Great for a Gym workout person...
Fitness magazine has went downhill over the years. It is not worth a subscription anymore. Once you have read one issue you have read them all. And unfortunately Fitness, Self and Shape are all running the same articles as each other so when you have subscriptions to all then you are just rereading content. I will say that Fitness is better than Shape, but not as good as Self.
One thing I dislike about Fitness is that they assume everyone goes to the gym. Instead of working out at home-which they used to plan everything for you to work out a home-a no excuse method. Yet, now every article revolves around gyms. And I personally don't attend a gym I work out at home. I also don't relate to a lot of the articles as I have just read them in my Self magazine. I personally don't feel this is worth a subscription. If you are a gym workouter then this magazine may be great for you!
Not sure it's worth the wait
I finally get my magazine 4 months after I pay for it when I thought it would just take a couple weeks. The articles are good but then again there are a lot of advertisements.
Women's Fitness, and Other Things
Fitness Magazine is a health/beauty/fitness publication that concentrates its efforts on the physical well- being of the individual. This magazine is geared toward woman's health and it offers some good articles on such health- inspired topics as the nutritional content of specific foods; strategies for losing weight; natural ways to battle allergies; and many more.
Getting in shape and staying in shape are certainly worthwhile goals and this magazine has some good pointers, but there are a few things about this magazine that I do not appreciate. One is the misleading title. When I see the word "fitness" on the front of a magazine, I expect the publication to dedicate itself not just to losing weight, but also staying in shape through physical workouts, weightlifting, and more. However, there isn't much in this magazine that is dedicated to fitness education, weightlifting, or any other similar topic. The other issue I have with this magazine is its beauty and fashion emphasis. True, some of these articles do correlate with health and fitness but others are more fluff than substance.
Looking at other aspects of Fitness Magazine, I like that it includes the featured cover articles in their own reference section because this makes it easy to open an issue and go directly to an article of interest. I also like the low price. You don't find magazines priced at such a low level nowadays, and this is a refreshing change. On the other hand, there are a large number of advertisements in each issue, and this is likely part of the reason the retail price is kept at such a low level.
So, what is my bottom line on this magazine? Well, there is some good material in this publication, some good advice on medical matters and nutrition, and other positive qualities. However, this publication deviates from the subject of fitness on a frequent basis and it doesn't contain many articles on the mind and spirit, like its subtitle suggests. Thus, the pros and cons are just about on par with each other, leading to an average rating overall.
to little helpful tips and to many advertisements
The magazine did have about two seperate sections with actual tips on how to workout effectively. However most of the magazine was filled useless advertisements and pictures of models that were not fit but naturally skinny.
Paying $1.97 an issue is about right!
I read Fitness for the first time about a year and a half ago... and I liked it. So I subscribed to it for two years. Well, a year into it, I've decided it's just not for me. See, if you're like me, wanting to gain something out of reading a fitness magazine involves knowledge of how the muscles work, when to work them, what nutrients are best for them, and basic health, because let's face it ladies, even if you DON'T have a degree in biology, you know losing weight and staying healthy involves a lot more than a fashionable pair of hot pants or just a few crunches. You have to understand your body - each person requires different exercises and different diets (by which I mean different types of foods, not an actual act of dieting) in order to look their best. So, if you want to gain the education you REALLY need to lose weight or stay healthy, Fitness isn't what you need. They've got great ads for great fashions and great UNREALISTIC looking exercise models (who personally don't have "perfect abs" or "sexy arms" - they look like size 4 girls that haven't lifted a weight since high school gym class). A magazine like Fitness Rx is LOADED with information and women who look like they really work for what they look like - something we all have to do in order keep our figures.
They need to work on this magazine
There was no meat to this magazine. Way too many ads and useless tid bits. Many of them we have heard. Nothing good to read.