I have the Dec. Issue (awesome!). I has a cute seal poster and how to make these little polar bears and penguins that taste like peppermint. There is also a mealtime quiz and is really fun. I like it a lot.
Great For Girls!
My daughter has been getting this magazine for two years and still looks in the mail for it's arrival every two months! When she gets the new issue she devours every word of it and enjoys it thouroughly. She keeps all her past issues and refers to them for party ideas, craft ideas and advice on situations she encounters at school and with friends. The magazine gives a very positive image of girls and their potential in our world and offers them a great way to feel connected with the larger world without feeling intimidated by it or inadequate. I highly recommend this publication. Best part- no ads!!!
I did a survey in school about magizines and as a unnanumus vote for the girls, I got that AG was the best!
American Girl Magazine is the greatest!
This is a great magazines for those girl pre-teens. It doesn't really anything about boys and when I read it I was really suprised! That's great for me because I don't like talk heaped on top of me about boys and boyfriends and kissing, but it still has that very pre-teen girly touch. Like in the January/Febuary issue, they told me how to give myself a manicure, and before then, I didn't know how. That was the valentine's issue and when my mom brought it home, I thought it wouldn't be such a good idea to read it. If you want to find out if a magazine is sutibale for you kids, you should read the January/Febuary issue, or the Febuary issue, because that is usally where the worst things are!
american girl review
I think the magazine is wonderful just great!now I can keep boys away I mean every day my brother bothers me but not anymore.I just show him the pictures tht he does not like.and I could read some things to make me and my friend play together more often.
I love AG!
They are age appropriate for my kid. She loves it and scarfs it up when it comes in the mail.
American Girl Is Rad
I'm 14 Now but I still enjoy flipping through American Girl. It has useful info and isn't stupid like most teenage magazines. The don't show girl show it all off wearing tube tops and 4 inch shorts! It has easy cooking and is great for girls 8 to about 13. I wouldn't recommend that you buy this for a girl over 12 though. It offers real life girl do things that pre-teen girls really do. I mean come on do 11 year olds really drive and have a maid!!(at least not most ones) I really don't think there are any magazines that compare or get near the great American Girl. After you girl getes to be about 13 Jump is a teen magazine but is for real girl and doesn't have the trash like seventeen and ym. If you have a girl buy American Girl for her. It has what that age really wants to know about interesting things that a education too!
Recommended: Yes
I am an American Girl !
Out of most of the magazines I have read, American Girl is the most pleasant one. It is filled with useful information, helpful tips on life, and other creative things. It has stories written by other American Girl subscribers and recipes for cookies, cakes, etc. My sister subscribes to it now, I used to when i was younger.
The magazine came out of the American Girl Book series. Each mini series is about a different girl from the different time in a different part of America. I remember reading all of the books as a kid and when I heard there was a magazine out, I immediately subscribed.
One of my favorite sections on one of the magazines was the story writing contest. I always wanted to enter in a contest, but I was always too scared to, so I lost out. But there was this one story, about a ghost girl that I loved, I read it over and over. The girl who wrote it won the contest. I also liked the paper dolls that came with each magazine. I used to play with them and dress them up. American Girl is a great magazine for girls!
Recommended: No
This was a good magazine
I have been subscribing to American Girl since I was eight years old. I'm twelve now, but I still think it's a great magazine. Parents will find it appropriate for girls ages 8-13 because it really doesn't focus on fashion, beauty, and boys, although I, along with other girls, think it would be fine if they did an article like that once in a while. American Girl is a magazine that helps girls gain more self-confidence and self-esteem.
Each issue features party ideas, a page called "Heart to Heart" where girls speak out on different topics such as most embarrasing moments or favorite present, an advice column called "Help!" that features advice to letters sent in by girls, information about what girls are doing to help the earth and their community, seasonal features, and much more.
American Girl features many contests for drawing, story-writing, and other topics. The magazine is vivid and colorful, and has fun things to do when you're bored, like fun foods and drinks to make, stories to read, games and puzzles, and craft projects.
All in all, I would recommend this magazine to any girl who isn't old enough for teen magazines, or any girl who just wants a fun, appropriate, light magazine to read. American Girl is a good magazine!
I Love American girl and Discovery girls, I'm 13
I won't lie, I still love American Girl, it's really neat and I love it, even though I'm thirteen years old I don't care what anyone says like 'oh my gosh you still read this'? I would say 'Yes I do.' I also love Discovery girls the same as American girl, Here are the Pro's and cons'
American girl let's any age be the model
the magazine doesn't put on the cover "for girls ages 7-up" because then, girls of other ages would say "no way jose`"
They have appropriate stuff in there
they don't do Celebrity interviews like Discovery Girls Does
The magazine only comes out two months like 'febuary' 'april.' that sort of thing
The magazine is just way to expensive! I mean, when I want an issue I practically have to cough up all my cash to pay for it!
I'm doing the smart thing now, I'm buying Back issues of American girl On ebay, and the amazing thing is, they sell them for only 2.99!!! Jeez!
I have 12 issues of Discovery Girls, and 11 issues of American girl
The Good thing is, American Girl makes a Gumbo Summer issue, so that's good!
Look for my other reviews ******** They have stars at the bottom! =]