and that was a good 16 years ago! I have always loved this magazine, and Family Circle (I'll write about that later.)
I feel it to be a well written magazine that covers many different topics and issues, as well as having regular sections, as most magazines do.
Why is Woman's Day appropriate for any age?
When I was younger I enjoyed reading the arts and crafts articles, and doing my best to put the crafts together. I liked to find recipes that I could help my mother make and decorate. It has always had organizational tips, which I still haven't mastered, despite my many years of reading them.
I still find it to be a stimulating magazine because it has advice on health, decorating, saving money, and fitness.
What makes this magazine so great?
This magazine has definitely changed with the times. It used to have many more patterns and recipes, and less articles on health and fitness, though I may be remembering wrong. It covers both issues that people are already widely concerned about, and issues that people should possibly be concerned about.
It still includes many recipes and crafts. They are not as complex as they used to be, but they are still as effective. They simply take into mind that many women today are on the go and need new ideas that don't take up large chunks of time.
Is there anything bad about this magazine?
Unfortunately, yes. It is slowly being overtaken by advertising. It still includes many useful articles, but a three page article will often span seven pages due to the ads.
Overall what do I think?
Despite the ads, I still highly recommend this magazine for any woman that cares about her health, finances, decorating, crafts, or cooking. I also recommend it to everyone else. Many of the articles are useful to anyone.
I absolutely love Woman's Day magazine. It is informative, helpful, real and best of all affordable. I have been reading Woman's Day magazine for the past 3 years and if it wasn't for lack of space I would save everyone. The stories and articles relate to everyday life and not that of Hollywood stars or fashion models. I love the recipes and have used them on a regular basis. The exercise and diet tips are very accurate and encouraging. More magazines should be as focused as Woman's Day on such issues as home, health and family. If more people read Woman's Day than they did such magazines as Vogue or In Style, I think we would have a much more open and honest society and a lot less lying and cheating to impress others. This magazine is my favorite part of the day!
I remember when I first picked up my first issue of Woman's Day. Looking at the simple price of a mere two dollars, I kept saying to myself that the magazine couldn't be that good. I mean, doesn't price account for much? Usually the larger magazines, no matter when they began or *how many subscribers they get, charge you a hefty arm and a leg. This magazine wasn't overly thin, the layout was nice ( just like all the other magazines on the market today )....In summary, I continually asked myself, What's the catch?
Deciding to go into my pocket for my new little experience, I began skimming through the magazine in the car. ( Don't worry - I wasn't driving ) They had wonderful recipes - all in detail, all delicious. It wasn't over ridden with health foods, hard to find ingredients, complicated recipes, or anything of the sort. Just good, ol fashioned, easy to understand and even easier to obtain recipes. That's an A plus there.
Next I went to the crafting section. Needless to say, I was knocked off my car seat. The crafts were unique, easy enough, and pleasant. I could already tell I had found a new favorite in magazines.
To this day, I still purchase this unbelievably cheap magazine that's superb in quality. I enjoy the reader's comments and tips, the many articles, the beautiful pictures and projects, the delicious recipes, and the ingenious layout. Everything a woman or housemaker could want is inside Woman's day Magazine for the easy price of 2. 00 ! Im only thankful some things blessings are still affordable in this expensive world.
Erin Williams
Woman's Day is a moderately priced magazine that is very informative on so many versatile subjects.
It is written in simplified language.
The subjects are so diversifed - articles on cooking, family life, home decorating, recipes, finances, beauty, shopping tips, health articles, crafts, child rearing tips, etc.
I buy the magazine because 1) I can afford it 2) I learn a lot of great tips to make my home life more enjoyable. It helps me organize my life.
Often, one article is worth the price of the magazine.
Very similar in format to Woman's Day is Family Circle
For young and old homemakers alike, these two magazines are well worth their moderate price.
I loved this magazine the very first time I read it and I continue to enjoy it. This is one of my favorite women's magazines. It covers all aspects of a woman's life. From fitness and beauty to family and finances. There is a little bit of everything inside.
I like the little tip bits of helpful information and recent events that are near the beginning of the magazine. The most recent issue had a number to call in order to get a free sample of tea every month. If you are interested it is 1-800-Yogi-tea. I also like the fact that not every advertisement in the magazine is some little skinny lady because women come in all shapes and sizes.
There is an interesting Neighbors section in the magazine that focuses on issues like making a new neighbor feel welcome, and how to be a good neighbor. There are also different ideas and solutions offered by readers and there are good neighbor awards given to readers.
This magazine has wonderful recipes in it and the most recent issue had three ingredient recipes. Now who couldn't use a recipe like that. The less ingredients the faster and easier it is for us.
There were a couple of true story articles which I always enjoy reading. Sometimes they have celebrity interviews. They also have articles about real life issues that face the women of today. There was a wonderful article about prejudice in this issue.
You can find tips on decorating, budgetting, and all sorts of health information. This magazine is a wealth of knowledge and also enjoyable to read.
After a hard day it is great to relax and unwind to a copy of Woman's Day magazine. This magazine lets you get away with articles such as ways you can simplify your life. It also gives you fun things to do by adding many neat and exciting one-of-a-kind craft projects. Many times they even include a bonus pull out craft pattern.
This is a great magazine about women for women. I love to cook and I will tell you this magazine is packed full of delicious, healthy and the not so healthy {yummy stuff} recipes.
Family does play a great part in this magazine as family is what is most important in a woman's life. They offer a child's health section that helps keep you current on research on children immunizations and informative articles like scrapes, bruises, and moles on your child.
The beauty and fashion sections are smaller than most but are very effective. Woman's Day offer hot trend advice and also gives great clothing ideas and patters to save you lots of money.
This is a great magazine to keep around because it is packed with so many neat things and informative articles. You never know when you will need to refer back to it.
I've purchased Woman's Day magazines for the last thirty years or so. I finally subscribed to it a few months ago.It is always what I expect in a woman's magazine. Nearly every month it covers all the topics I expect in a woman's magazine, plus it seems each month I'll find an extra article what keeps me tuned in to what's happening in other people's lives. Compared to other magazines costing quite a bit more, I think Woman's Day offers the most at the best price. I can't begin to remember the little cooking and cleaning tips I've learned from their magazine throughout the years. I've also learned several child rearing tips from reading Woman's Day. It is a magazine that has been around a long time and will be around a long time to come. I highly recommend it!
Womans Day is one of the few magazines that I read from cover to cover! It is well worth the small price at check out stand. This magazine always has the latest recipes for the season and the crafts in here are simplistic and have readable instructions!
My favorite part of this magazine is the READERS CORNER, where everyone writes in on past subjects and they even send pictures of the crafts they have made from prior issues of the magazine. This shows me that they would not put complicated, and hard to do crafts in their magazine.
Also their time saving and money saving tips they write are easy to follow in every day life. I have tried a few of these tips and they actually work!
I give this magazine an A++++
The last time i remember buying a Woman's Day magazine, would have to be just last week. Avaliable at every check out lane in your local grocery store, its a "cant put down, have to buy it magazine."
This magazine has much to offer its reader. With actual medical experts who give sound advice on many different physical and mental aspects, all the way to giving recipes that help us live a more healthy lifestyle. I've seen exersing tips that really helped, to tips on how to make arts and crafts from simple every day household objects. Plus giving you excellent tips on redecorating your home,and saving money. Many i've used myself.
The main reason i buy Woman's world is for the recipes. They are usually low-fat and very creative. You can clip them and create your own little cookbook, for future references, which i do weekly. Its a fun idea, especially when you love to cook, but need some extra ideas.
If you like Woman's Day, then you will definatly love Woman's World, excellent tips but with inspirational stories that will touch your heart.
Overall, an excellent magazine for todays modern women.
Woman's Day has it all! But the great thing is, it doesn't take a dedicated hour to read over it all. I love the format of Woman's Day! I can easily read a list of 48 time-savers in the Kitchen while watching my son play in the bath. I don't have to find a huge chunk of time to sit and sift through everything.
I have found some of the greatest recipes in this magazine too! I made a Nectarine Blueberry Crisp last year that I'm still fantasizing about. There are lots of other great recipes I now have him my regular menu which I originally found in Woman's Day.
I usually try at least one or two of the crafts too. They are easy and don't require a huge financial investment. More importantly, they don't require an all out scavenger hunt for impossible-to-find supplies (Martha!). There is also a great range of crafts. Some requiring no sewing, to those more complex knitting and crocheting patterns. (If I knew how to do either of those things, I'd try them out for sure!)
My favorite part of the magazine is the "Happy Endings" article on the last page. It is a quick read, but also thought provoking and entertaining.
I will continue to subscribe to this magazine for a long time.