Reviews For Wired Magazine

Very interesting magazine

I enjoyed my first issue as it had a little of everything in it. Of course as with all magazines it has way to many ads but that's how it goes.
I am looking forward to receiving another issue to see what else it has for special stories and features.


This is a great magazine for all network junkies, and ones that are also directed towards the mainstream crowd of consumer electronics and video games. This is NOT a hardware magazine, so be warned: If you want a hardware magazine, get Maximum PC. If you want the best of networking and consumer electronics, there is not much better than Wired.

Current Evernts Current Tech

Interviews w/the who's who of the tech world and anyone else who overlaps into the tech world, tech trends, loads of info on gadgets (kinda Popular Mechanics for tech world), not afraid to load up on controversial topics - global warming, energy crisis, human modification/research. The theme is often - how technology can improve our lives. Overall it's a smart, sometimes humorous, progressive magazine. A bit ad happy, but always has something worth reading if you have the time.

Wired Rips

Since receiving Wired the past three years, it has been one of the most relished magazine that I wait upon to see - what's new, any tamely or wild electronics, and a decent broad tech. read for flipping or re-reading for an academic paper. I consider Wired, a start for introducing readers to the vast world of technology in "layman/woman terms." Overly, a clever and decent read to carry during a commute. Enjoy!


This purchase was a gift for my boyfriend for Christmas. So I don't really know what it is like, though he was very excited about getting it and couldn't wait for it to arrive in the mail.

Its exciting but dont expect great! Only GOOD!

The magazine is good, but not great. It is something good to have lying around. I was expecting electronic and gadgets reviews and test but this magazine barely touch the subject.

at least the ads aren't over my head

I'm sure this is more for the tech minded; but, there's still enough in it for the rest of us. If you have time and enjoy spending it thumbing thru magazines, this one is certainly entertaining. The ads are sleek, the men are handsome and there's tidbits of info for everyone.

Fading, but still interesting

It wasn't long ago, at the peak of the tech stock bubble, that Wired was an immensely thick, immensely brash young magazine that documented the new emerging world. Startling graphics alternated with stories prophetizing the coming of a new world- sort of a "Matrix" with on-line grocery delivery and bio-implants.

Well, the dot-com bubble burst, Wired shrunk to half or a quarter of its previous size, and what looked like prophesy now reads more like a Popular Mechanics for GenY. But it's still attractive, it's still cheap, and it's still fun to read. I'm keeping my subscription.

Wired got Tired

As of 2010, Wired is not the great magazine it used to be. There are still some thoughtful outside-the-box articles amid the shiny rubble. (Weak articles propped up with extreme visuals. Shameless advertorials. Shallow product reviews...)

10 buckss a year is the best price you'll find, and maybe worth it if you like to keep up on long-range tech and societal trends. Or if your grade-schooler needs colorful material for a poster project.

Where's the beef?

Very glitzy. Lots of ads. Lots of ads. Lots of ads. You get my point!
