Reviews For The New Yorker Magazine

Fabulous magazine

This is a fabulous magazine, chock full of information about every topic you can think of regarding the city, culture, important issues of today and more.


in a world where hype and superficial journalism has reached new dimensions, the new yorker is an amazing world in itself. there goes rarely an article left unread by the time a new issue arrives, the lure of many worlds to explore and promise to really learn about life as it is now. most of all, it's definitely worth the time.

Nostalgic reasons

The New Yorker has made it's way to our kitchen table since I was tall enough to see over the edge of the table. My Mom was an avid reader and now I buy the magazine, cause she would have wanted it that way.

I like it for the cartoons and I'm absolutely naive when it comes to politics, so I need this magazine to get some idea of what is going on.

With all the Blogging and other nonsense, I feel secure that the New Yorker does diligent fact checking before it prints something, so I rely on it where I won't rely on news printed on the internet.

Regards, Lara

A strong source of information about the New York City life

Althought it could be pretentiouos and snobbish, the New Yorker is an institution as far as a source of information for the current cultural and artistic scene in the city. It provides more comprehensive information about current exhibits, museums, music venues, etc. than any other source I know. Almost every issue has interesting articles, and excellent cartoons!

A joy to read

I remember first reading the New Yorker while a freshman in college. It was more than a little intimidating to read a magazine that seemed to challenge the reader with so much great fiction and nonfiction. This is, in short, one of the best literary magazines in print.

Why four stars? The cartoons are not funny. I know this seems petty, but the magazine seems to congratulate itself on a regular basis on the witty cartoons featured throughout each issue. They just try to darned hard to be witty and clever. The result is something like a dry exercise in humor without the actual laugh.

This mag is fantastic.

Great stories, habitually written very well. I think it's a keeper.

Bias abounds, yet a good read

As another reviewer recently said, the bias is indeed laughable...unless I suppose you share the viewpoints of the very liberal editors. Reading the front matter of the current issue, which contains short snippets of current affairs editorials and such, I was easily able to refute every point the author was trying to make. It is the same hyper-liberal sludge that is so far to the left that is easily passes for a joke.

Otherwise, despite the bias that may permeate the magazine, the main articles are lengthy, very well written, often unique and interesting, and intellectually satisfying.

While some viewpoints are amusingly bias to the sensible reader, the rest passes for excellent journalism.

the new yorker

great articles albeit they are too lengthy...could cut them by a third and provide another good article

a Good Magazine

the New Yorker covers a wide range of topics&you also get a interesting take on various covers Pop Culture&also other elements of the Arts&Politics.the articles can be a bit long at times but are interesting never the less.

Bountiful...but Biased.

I have to admit that I'm a big fan of the New Yorker. To me it embodies the phase je ne sais quoi. There are not too many magazines out there offering up the type of information and entertainment which it does. Its reporting is exceptional and I greatly enjoy the extended pieces on topics which other journals don't explore in the same detail. To the denizen of New York, its early page descriptions of city life are intriguing and undoubtedly invaluable even if they are bewildering to the non-resident (like this reviewer). I also enjoy its art and its cartoons. The one reason that I cannot give it more than a three star rating is due to the rampant leftist bias of its political coverage. This is something which it needs to be more honest about. In the most recent issue, I read a The Talk of the Town concerning the State of the Union Address and was appalled by the partisan slant of its writer who happens to be the senior editor, Hendrik Hertzberg. The skewed prism in which he views the world was so obvious that I began laughing. He mentions the Republican minority's vain efforts to respond after Johnson's speech in 1966 along with the weakness of Dole's minority rebuttal in 1996, but then raves about the great work done by James Webb the other night. What a surprise! Then he plays the shill for the Democratic Party by pretending that they have presented a policy for Iraq when they clearly have not. A truly honest and reputable publication should inform readers of the angle from which they process political events, but the New Yorker fails to do so. This a black mark against an otherwise outstanding magazine.
