What a great purchase!!!!Very up date for the MODERN MIND!!--Don't miss a single issue. Better than any text message ever.
very good just amazing great stuff you will be wanting more after you read it awesome
You can't go wrong with Popular Mechanics. There's something for everyone in each magazine. Great price and the whole family enjoys it.
Popular Science is one of only two magazines I subscribe to, and I anxiously await its arrival every month. I usually devour the whole magazine in one or two sittings. Its great science and technology kept light, so it has great taste and is less filling.
As a little background, I am a scientist. I get journals and read research papers and so on, and they can be way too heavy. Like drinking a Guinness after a big meal on a hot day in August. Popular Science is nice in that it satisfies my scientific curiosity while not being too esoteric or in-depth. It also has a wide variety of subject material, and that keeps it fresh and interesting. It is literary sorbet.
If there's a downside to this magazine, it would have to be that it has a bit of a liberal slant, and any kind of slant really takes away from scientific credibility. For example, in 1999 they highlighted the best inventions/discoveries of the millennium, even though they knew the millennium still had an entire additional year to go. They caved to popular opinion and referred to 2000 as the beginning of the new millenium. That really soured me.
But overall, this is a great magazine. The Best of What's New, highlighting awesome new gadgets is probably my favorite part, but like I said, I read the whole thing.
So when you're hungry for Science and Technology, but don't want to be weighed-down by hardcore, heavy reading like Scientific American or Discover, pick up a copy of Scientific American. It'll satisfy your apatite, and you may even find yourself going back for seconds.
I've been reading Popular Science off and on since I was eight and my brother had a subscription. The What's New magazine offers you insights into the forthcoming advances in science, medicine, electronics and other fields. It presents them in a concise, easy to read format.
Oddly though, the real joy of this magazine comes in looking at back issues. Let's face it, predictions of the future last in your mind about as long as it takes you to turn the page. If, twenty years ago someone told you music would be contained on little silver discs read by a laser, you'd have probably laughed. An article about the creation of a world wide connection of computers probably would have seemed like something only the government would ever care about in the days of the Commodore 64. Perhaps sensing this, Popular Science has an article that features past articles going back 125 years indicating the then "new" advances in technology. It's my favorite article in this always fascinating magazine.
The only problem with the magazine is that it looks strangely out of date when compared to newer magazines. It's filled with ads that look like they come out of a regional trade journal and the pages look like they were done on a low tech publishing program. Seems strange that a magazine about the future would look like something from 10 years ago. Still, it's a minor complaint when the magazine is this interesting.
Popular Science bills itself as the "What's New" magazine. And It still lives up to its description. Though you will find it to be much thinner than it was say fifteen or twenty years ago. Unfortunately part of the modern trend in media magazines: Dumb them down and make them thinner.
It still has some good science articles, the what's new section is still worth looking at, though you might wonder why anyone would need some of the gadgets they feature there. Their automotive reviews are still great. The classifieds section is a lot lighter than it used to be, no doubt a victim of the internet.
A recent article covered the problems of blasting through underground bunkers with conventional bunker blasters and the suggestion of the need to use nuclear devices to blast through them. A very thought provoking article and well written. I would say it isn't as good as it was years ago, but the same could be said of many magazines today.
Well, this is one of those things. One of those magazines that literally makes you go "hmm" as I mentioned in the title. But the question now comes to a writer as to why. Well, my general thoughts of why is the simple fact that people are interested in new things. This magazine seems to open a window of products that are coming in the future. However, it is not the best source for news on new technology. Yes, the best source would have to be hands down, the internet because it can be updated daily and the amount of news is not restricted by page numbers. Though it is not probably the best source of information, it is perfect for the average person. Even if your not into science and technology, the magazine still seems to attract. It is almost like watching Back to the Future part 2, if you remember the one where they go into the future. The short glimpse into the future is good for interest and even an entertainment value, which is why the fact that its a Science magazine should not scare off the average "Joe".
popular science is basically for industry-minded people and consumers of the technology sector. It's "what's new" section gives you peeks into the latest high-tech integrated products and gives you a sense of what's possible in today's market. it's other sections give short articles on other latest breakthroughs in industry applications in the areas of automotive, aerospace, home, computers, robotics, and others. Popular science is written and condensed well enough to let the casual reader understand its articles. however, for people who want more in-depth explanations, pop sci will often leave you craving for more; that's why they usually leave a web address where you can get more info on the article topics.
Pop sci, as compared with something like Discover magazine, is much more targeted at science and technology that are applied in industry and thus often gives product reviews. Discover is more oriented toward pure science and has more involved articles that may require some basic knowledge in certain academic fields to fully appreciate. Pop sci is good enough and entertaining enough for the average reader to appreciate.
Popular Science tells me everything I need to know relating to Science and Technology. I subscribe to lots of science magazines and I feel Popular Science is the most interesting one out there. Everything mentioned in the magazine is fascinating. My favorite section of the magazine is the Best of What?s New where the newest gadgets of technological advancement (which are all very cool) are described, (very shortly described, should be longer and more informative). Another great section of the magazine is filled with fascinating articles on anything from cars to space ships. In almost every issue I read all of the articles and I cant say I do that for Scientific American, which I also subscribe to.
This is a great magazine for those who want to find out about current scientific topics but do no want to delve into the complexity of scientific matter like Scientific American.
This is a great magazine to buy for those that are high school ages. Those who have strong technical backgrounds may find the articles a bit lacking in substance and length. The average article length is only about 2 or 3 pages and often you feel as though they could have added more.
One particular enjoyment I find in the magazine is the What's New feature. This highlights the best new inventions and innovations every moth culminating in their annual Best of What's New issue in December.
I would reccommend this magazine to anyone with a amateur interest in science and technology and wants to be kept up to date.