The magazine like Oprah's show covers topics about the real world that infuences our daily lives. It is also geared to middle aged women like myself. You won't find Madison Avenue's obsession with youth, beauty, & nearly nude models spread all over the pages. There are plenty of fascinating articles throughout. Such as: "Is Fear Limiting Your Life?" "Yes I Can Diet," "Sex In The Middle Ages," "Cancer-Spot, It Treat It, Beat It," etc. I also like how the magazine is organized by departments. "Special, Features, O-zone, Advice,etc. Style, Health, Books, Connections, & In Every Issue." The latter section has a Calendar with quotes on the days, O to go, Love That!, Breathing Space, Shop Guide, Food, Beauty, Something To Think About, & what I know for sure by Oprah. You can also get financial tips from Suze Orman & advice from Dr. Phil like answering a question from a working mom. The only negatives are those that truly can't be helped. Advertisiments are heavy throughout even the smallest magazines, which keeps them in business. It still deserves five solid stars.
Fabulous in every way !!
I have had a subscription since the first issue. I enjoy everything about this magazine, the articles, and fashion, are always relevant and up to date. It speaks to those of us "baby boomers" who are not ready to slow down yet. It is a large magazine and takes a while to get through but you will pick it up again and again during the month. I never get a chance to recycle it I just pass it on to others who are not fortunate to have a subscription yet.
It ties in nicely with her daily show and provides more information on the topics she covers, or just more on the entertainers she features. I always look forward to the next issue.
wonderful from beginning to end
Every issue is chock full of useful information as well as spiritual articles. I wouldn't miss any of it!
A great magazine!
A little more pricey than other magazine subscriptions but worth every penny! This magazine has a lot to offer as far as articles and insight. I have many past issues that I save to re-read when I am feeling down.
O, The Oprah Magazine
This magazine offers all kinds of insight for how to become more knowledgeable about yourself and others. It offers the most extensive amount of information from reliable sources of any magazine. It is definitely worth the price of a subscription and warrants sharing with others when finished.
Best all round magazine
I have read the Oprah magazine since its first issue. It takes me almost as long to read each month as a full-length novel. That's because I read just about every article in it. Every issue brings new information and help in just about every part of life. I have two complaints only. The first is that there is just about nothing in it relating to the over 60 year old woman. I'm 76 and would love to see clothes, makeup, etc. for my age group. The other is that the prices of the items are way over the average person's budget. All in all, it's first-rate in my book. I can't compare it to any other magazine as none covers the scope of this one.
Magazine review of O
I love the magazine and read it cover to cover. I share it with friends. I like the product reviews from the beauty team and last magazine was great. the 25 things Iknow for sure was a keeper. Her favorite things tend to be pricey though..
Great magazine!
I have had a subscription since the first issue. Great articles, not just all adds/ pretty pics. One of the few magazines for a professional women that doesn't treat me like a 16 yr. old.
shopping made easy
I have truly enjoyed the magazine from front cover to back page. This magazine is very informative.It also has need to know information for all who read it.
Oprah is an amazing woman and I do love her magazine. She gives a lot of great information for all women. Anyway I recommend this magazine. I plan to start donating my magazines to the libray for other people to read.