As always National Geographic delivers a great magazine.
National Geographic has always been one of my favorite magazines. The pictures are always stunning and the articles are always interesting and informative. It's a great way to learn new things about science and about other cultures without actually being there.
Great Magazine
Great Magazine at a great price. It is in my mailbox every month with no problems..
Fabulous magazine
We love this magazine. So informative, well-written, fascinating and surprisingly relevant. The photos are fabulous. I often find that topics I hear about on WNYC were first printed in National Geographic.
Outstanding Magazine!
This magazine is truly outstanding! It is very informative and only rarely makes mistakes! I love the indepth and informative articles that they provide. I also love the way that they always have such clear and beautiful pictures and there is no shortage of them either! I also love the fact that all of the articles are in line with mainstream science.
THE magazine
There are magazines which concentrate in just one subject. There are magazines about current events. But National Geographic is a magazine that, using Geography as an excuse, it permits itself to tackle every subject imaginable. I look at it as the ultimate GENERAL INTEREST magazine. (Not by chance this magazine every month is translated and published in just about any language, including Spanish, Portuguese and Polish, just to name some. I read particularly the Spanish edition, being my native language. I've tried the English edition but some technical words makes it a little harder, but not too much) It is a must if you want to understand the world and everything in it, it is no longer just a geography magazine, since they have featured stories ranging from coca plantations and the dangers of cocaine (January 1989) to baseball (minor leagues, april 1991). I dare you to look in the publications index at ... /publications and search for any subject you think of, no matter how subtle or frivolous might seem. I am sure you'll find something about it. And of course, the photography and the writing is always superb. It is not supposed to be a very technical magazine, since it is targeted to the general public. So why don't you give yourself an unlimited passport to anywhere in the world, and a textbook for everything this planet has on it?
One of the best!
By far the best photographic magazine on the planet... a must have for any world traveler or photo junkie. A beautiful magazine.
A Classic
There's a reason that National Geographic has been around for this many decades: It's a classic.
As feature articles go, they are a bit on the long side, but the writing is usually so compelling you'll hardly notice. Travel to exotic places, meet fascinating new cultures, and go to some of the most remote, beautiful regions in the world.
As photography goes, I doubt there are better photojournalists out there than the ones who work for National Geographic.
As the magazine's design goes, it is superb as well. Using the top-notch photos and well-written articles, they are able to put together some really compelling (even breathtaking on occasion) designs. And you've got to love the magazine's sense of nostalgia and tradition: They've used that same yellow border for ages.
All in all, it's a great pick-up.
Great Magazine
National Geographic is the best nature, ecological, cultural magazine I have ever come across. You learn about cultures from all over the world, and the articles are easy to understand. The photography is wonderful. Great for the whole family. You'll enjoy reading it, and the children will love the photographs.
Still Relevant After All These Years
How relevant can a magazine actually remain in the age of the Internet?
National Geographic shows each month that old-fashioned reporting - along with the new and emerging technologies - can make a magazine as vital and informative as ever
Granted, it has had problems - several years ago, it was revealed by a reader that published photographs were actually staged, with the tip-off coming from a small part of several photos and a major story on an archeological find in China proved to be false. But the publication quickly addressed these issues with its readership and did not do a typical media shuffle to deflect criticism somewhere else.
The magazine has reshuffled its layout and features & gives a nice range of articles concerning issues from around the world and beyond. And the rich photographs are worth the price of the magazine. By guiding the reader to additional information, whether on the NG website or cable channel, there shows an important embracing of a holistic approach to presenting information.
National Geographic is a great magazine that has taken strides throughout its existence to remain fresh and relevant, while tackling oftentimes highly controversial issues like global warming and pollution. It is a monthly treasure of information.
Learn about the World and its many Wonders
National Geographic is one of the best magazines of its kind, with plenty of great photography, thoughtful articles, and diverse coverage of several different topics relating to the planet earth. Stories about wildlife, different cultures, and even environmentalism and the politics it breeds can be found on the pages within each issue.
What makes this magazine so enjoyable is the fact that it goes so in- depth in its coverage and includes stories with a personal element. When most people think about National Geographic, they usually think about the great photographs of natural wonders, exotic plants, and animal wildlife. These things are all great, but they form only part of the magazine's overall appeal. Stories about different cultures and peoples from around the world are just as good, and are usually presented in a personal way. You feel like you know the people on an intimate level when you read this magazine.
This publication contains between 120 and 160 pages in most issues, with about a dozen or so monthly departments, as well as some varied articles that change each month, but are always concentrated on nature, science, politics, culture, etc.
National Geographic is often very educational and intellectual, making it a learning device as well as a magazine for entertainment. It's one of the better, more thorough magazines on the market. Go ahead and give it a try. You just might learn something in the process.