Bon Appetit is an outstanding gourmand's magazine. You can rely on the soundness of the recipes and the clearness of their instructions. It contains interesting and successful recipes from famous restaurants that are willing to share their secrets with the readers. Product advertisement is also reliable. You won't find extraneous information that you can never use, rather the information you get is ready to use and not complex. Faithful following of recipes found in Bon Appetit will impress your gourmand's taste buds and those of all of your guests. A great buy.
Bon Appetit has been staple in my mother's kitchen for years. So, when the time came for me to really learn how to cook, many of the recipes were borrowed from this wonderful magazine. Bon Appetit is not only for the professional chef. It's writers do a terrific job of writing articles that help the novice in the kitchen feel more at home. Also, Bon Appetit supplies recipes that span the table in difficulty and time. The magazine has a helpful section in the back called "30-Minute Main Courses". And, in all of the years my mother and I have used this magazine, every recipe has been delectable. Also, Bon Appetit has articles reviewing kitchen items and utensils, which I find to be most helpful. But, my favorite part of the actual magazine is the awe-inspiring photography.
Bon Appetit magazine, as far as I'm concerned, is probably the best publication out there. It's content is a step or two above the average "cooking" magazine. And that, precisely, is what I like.
At the same time is not esoteric where Julia and Wolfgang are it's
intended audience.
The recipes are easy to follow, and easy to cook. Nowadays, "gourmet" is not a scary undertaking. A certification from Johnson and Wales is not required.
Looking for something different but a crowd pleaser? You'll find it here.
The index page is nicely divided by food category, and cross referenced.
I particularly like the editorial/essay in the front of the magazine. There was one article about why cooks cook that was outstanding. I had it laminated and displayed it on the wall of my catering office.
The holiday and special editions are a treat, can't wait to read them--brimming with new ideas, and history of traditions.
The physical quality is wonderful. Brilliant photos
Can't beat the price.
I recently extended my Bon Appetit subscription for another
two years, which should give you an indication of just how
much I like this gourmet magazine. A monthly publication
that averages about 200 pages per issue, Bon Appetit provides
a lot of things beyond recipes and flashy pictures of food
(though both of these are well covered throughout).
Each month there is a section devoted to providing readers
with recipes from restaurants that they've requested. Want
that fabulous leek soup recipe from that chi-chi four star
restaurant but are too afraid to ask? Have Bon Appetit
ferret out the information for you and soon you too can
cook like a master chef.
Bon Appetit also features at least one travel piece per issue
where a certain place: Tuscany, Brittany, London, etc... is
examined. The cuisine of each locale is reviewed and recipes
accompany each piece, allowing you to replicate exotic cuisine
within the familiar confines of your kitchen.
The back page of each issue is an interview with a celebrity,
dishing (heh heh) their food likes and dislikes.
Did I mention the myriad recipes? There are so many recipes
in each issue that you will never finish trying all the ones
you want before the next month's issue is filling your
mailbox, but that's part of Bon Appetit's beauty. It really
is useful.
I know I should examine one of the magazine's flaws, but frankly
I can't think of one. I even enjoy reading Editor-in-Chief
William Garry's page devoted to food remembrances and his
own personal grievances. I suppose if you hate food you
wouldn't like Bon Appetit, but if that's the case then why are
you even considering a gourmet magazine?
Bon Appetit is without a doubt the most essential magazine for people who love to cook mouthwatering, amazing food for themselves, loved ones and friends. For those experienced cooks who yearn for recipes and menus with a little extra zing, more sophisticated ingredients and who aren't afraid of the applauds that start at the first bite of these rich and decadent dishes, every issue supplies a wealth of recipes that make it difficult to decide which to recreate first. For the cook looking to get a little more gourmet, the majority of the recipes are easily within skill range for anyone who enjoys cooking, and more difficult or unfamiliar methods are quite accomplishable the first time with a tiny bit of determination and interest. I have never had a recipe from Bon Appetit fall short of my expectations, fail or leave me on my own to figure out what to do next. In fact, I have come to rely upon it even for big dinners, like Easter and Christmas, when these occasions mark my first attempt and everything has turned out to perfection and rave reviews. And, one of my favorite sections every month is R.S.V.P - where travelers have written to Bon Appetit begging their help in getting recipes from restaurants that they can't go on without. Unlike any other magazine Bon Appetit is all about food, though with rare exception, limited to western european / american origin. Gourmet magazine is most similar, but more geared toward theme issues on restaurants, travel or down home cooking, where Bon Appetit leans more toward entertaining. A winner through and through and indespensible for the chef who truly enjoys cooking - you'll never throw and issue away, and always find more things you'll want to make in your shelved issues.
I have subscribed to Bon Appetit for approximately 15 years and it just keeps getting better. The pictorial illustrations "whet the appetite".
The recipes, for the most part, use readily available ingredients. The recipes I have used have always been successful and tasty.
The magazine is divided into a variety of departments. I especially enjoy "RSVP" in which subscribers request recipes from their favorite restaurants and Bon Appetit secures them and prints them to the delight of the reader. "Wine and Spirits" keeps you up to date on the newest releases of adult beverages, including reviews and prices. "Too busy to Cook?" provides you with gourmet foods perfect to prepare after a hectic day at work.
If you are still able to locate the January 2000 issue on your local magazine rack, I would highly suggest you pick up a copy. It has wonderful "best of the year" recipes, food trends, and kitchen gadgets.
This is a wonderful magazine,I can't get enough of it and can't wait for the new issue every month.Everything about this magazine is great from R.S.V.P. which gives recipes fron favorite restaurant to Feedback.They have a recipe index which makes it easy to find that one special recipe you are looking for and can't seem to find from that months issue.They have advertisement for Bon Appetits Wine and Spirits Focus which gives there readers a chance to join them in this event from New York to San Francisco you can join them for the week-end.I really enjoy this magazine and the features.
I always stayed away from Bon Appetit magazine when I saw it in the magazine racks. I figured the recipes would be too hard and too snooty and require too many exotic ingredients for anything but the fanciest of meals.
But while working out in the gym one day, I found myself hunting for something to read while I worked out. The picture on the front of Bon Appetit was too tempting to pass up. Imagine my surprise when I found that most of the recipes called for things I already had in my fridge or pantry shelves!
I visited the Bon Appetit website and found it so good I had to subscribe to the snail mail magazine! Some of my favorite "every night" kind of recipes now come from Bon Appetit! I've also found that the advertisements have GREAT recipes, too.
The magazine is a delight to look at, the pictures really show you how your meal is going to turn out and very few recipes are elaborate or require anything more than an average amount of expertise in the kitchen although I think it's a great magazine for those who like to experiment in the kitchen, too. Bon Appetit is also a good source for kitchen gadgets. I find myself saving the entire magazine - there are way too many recipes I want to try in each issue.
I'd encourage anyone interested in expanding their list of favorite recipes to try this magazine!
Man this is one of the great treasures of the magazine world. I started
buying it for myself until one night I prepared a dinner from it for a
gaggle of my relatives. They just ate and ate and ate. I told them where the recipes came from and they went out and purchased a subscription to the magazine for me.
This is not a magazine to ready if you are slightly hungry. By the time
you are through reading it look out supermarket here I come. They find so
many interesting combinations of food to try its just terrific. Last
night I prepared dinner for some friends and took Bon Appetit's suggestion to add jicama to the salad. Well everyone started picking through the lettuce to find the rest of the jicama after they tasted it.
Me too its definitely on my list of vegetables. Also the Japanese radish
Daikon. MMMMMMMM. First found out about it in Bon Appetit. I have also
find it to be highly reliable recipe-wise. It is both imaginative and
practical. One could really add to their cooking skills with this magazine. It is indeed a 'seminar of food' pushing and pulling us to try
new things instead of just being robots and fixing everything the same way every time all the time. A recent issue suggested adding white truffle oil the sweet potatoes. I did but I'm not sure yet that I like it.Everyone else did though. And the desserts. My, my, my. I just tried
a recipe from a year ago issue with white chocolate mousse and strawberry mousse terrine with chocolate sauce. YUMMMMMMM!. This really
is an extraordinary event, this magazine. Every month I can hardly wait to see what it has in store for us. Keep up the fabulous work staff folk.
I love to eat. Some people eat to live, I live to eat. The only problem was that eating out was killing me, and my family was worried that the 100,000 shares of Microsoft stock they were thinking of for my dowry just would not be enough. I finally decided to invest in my future, although it was actually a few years before I actually subscribed to this gem. (To save my marriage....)
Unlike Gourmet magazine, Bon Appetit is all food, all the time. It is a terrific way to bring yourself up to date on all the newest trends and hottest eating places. Some of the reviews cater to a slightly more affluent class (like their recent issue devoted to Tuscany), but there are a plethora of articles that are helpful to ordinary people trying to make extraordinary food. The question and answer section is never preachy---this is a great accomplishment, speaking as one who has a ton of cookbooks where authors tend to beat newbies to death with high-falutin' techno-babble.
Would you leap over a flaming pig for that chocolate cake you had at that tiny restaurant during your honeymoon to gay Paris? Not a problem, the folks at Bon Appetit go out of their way to get readers' recipe requests. The down-side to this is that there always seems to be at least one creme brulee recipe per issue, which isn't bad if you are a custard nut.
All in all, Bon Appetit is a great magazine for anyone who loves food and loves cooking, or just likes looking at the glossy snapshots of what can be. (And, it has been known to improve your marriage...)
Recommended For: Anyone