This product has a freakishly long shipping time for some unexplainable reason because the magazine industry exists on another planet FAR FAR away and even though they charge you shipping, sending you the magazine is NOT really their priority. I wish I'd bought it at Walmart.
How can you ask me to rate this magazine when you told me that you won't be able to deliver it until December 2010???????????? I am almost sorry that I ever ordered it since I had told someone that I'd order it for them. They got all excited and then really disappointed when they found out that it would take a couple of months until they'd even get the first issue. Had I known that it would take you so long to get it out I'd probably not even have bothered! Sorry to say but since you asked me for my review, here it is.
No Substance & No Help Whatsoever!
I subscribed to this magazine when I was having a lot of problems--in school, in puberty, in love, in life, in friendships, EVERYTHING! Since everyone said it was good, I got it and HATED IT! American Girl was no help to any of my problems! If all of life was based on AG, it would just be having fun parties and making crafts. It has absolutely no advice on puberty, and yet this is a magazine targeted for girls who are just starting to change and are probably scared about it. There are a few Heart-to-Hearts, but those are mostly things like the most unique gift you ever got and isn't helpful. For all fun and games and no substance, turn to AG. For substance and help for your real life problems, turn to New Moon, which is the same age group and is very helpful. DON'T GET THIS MAGAZINE!
Boring,too babyish, a waste of time:(
I started getting this mag wen i was 9 and now i'm 13,i've definitely outgrown this mag.This mag is perfect for girls 6-11 yrs old, but once you've reached 12 or 13 u should try Girls Life or if u've outgrown it before 11 yrs old,then u should try Discovery Girls. American Girl focuses on stuff only elementary girls would care about, when u get to be a preteen u think about(or focus on) things like boys,make-up,and since ur in the puberty age group u might want to know more about it, not some little craft. American Girl magazine is WAY too expensive,it's not worth the price,really. The only good part-free stuff in every issue,and 4 some people who care-no ads. Also i hate that u changed the style of the magazine it looked better before. An alternative to this mag is Discovery Girls(the age range is 8-12 yrs old) but when u (or ur daughter) turns 13 definitely try Girls Life magazine(the age range is 12-16). DO NOT GET AMERICAN GIRL IF UR 12 OR OLDER.(It's a WASTE of time!!!!):(
PERFECT For 6-11 year olds
When i wuz 9 and just started getting this mag i loooooved it BECAUSE it was perfect (age-appropriate) for my age and my parents liked it because of that. But now i'm 13 and i still have a subscription to AG but i know that as soon as this subscription ends i'm NOT renewing because i feel waaaaaaay too old for this magazine it seems very pointless and boring to me now,so i think that this mag is perfect for 6-11 year olds. If ur 12-15 yrs old try GL, I have it and think its the perfect teen alternative magazine.I really hope that u preteens realize that this mag is way too young for you, don't mean to insult u, but GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American magazine is babish!
This magazine is fairly Babish! I am ten years old, none of my friends likes this babish magazine neither the girls in my class!!!! I would recommend this magazine for eight year olds! If your ten years old or older I would say not to get this magazine! The magazine does have crafts and some quizzes and other stuff. PARENTS YOU SHOULD PURCHASE THIS MAGAZINE FOR YOU EIGHT OR NINE YEAR OLD. Plus there is no inapprotient stuff in this magazine!
I read this magazine once and I HATED IT!!! People always say that this is the perfect magazine for pre-teen girls, but they are so wrong. This is what the magazine is all about:
-Tries to make it seem like all the pre-teen years are about is having stupid parties and doing crafts.
-Tries to make people with problems in life feel like losers
-Posts unhelpful advice, like if you are looking for advice on how to deal with crushes, they tell you how you can overcome your fear of brocolli (How helpful! NOT)
DO NOT i repeat DO NOT buy this so called magazine unless you want to feel bad about yourself.
AMERICAN GIRL IS DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American Girl is lame because they think bimonthly issues are excellent??????? THEY'RE NOTTT!! They think: OK, this is only for wealthy American girls. and they make it so the magazine is boring and the website is boring. THEY'RE LIKE HERBERGERS and i hate herbergers!!!!!!!!! I like teletubbies WAAAAAAAAYYYYYBETTER!!!!