This magazine is excellent! Offers horse care tips whether you own a horse or not. Helpful riding tips. Answers horsey propblems. You can win neat horse stuff. For kids who ride and don't ride. For begginers all the way up to advanced. I LOVE THIS MAGAZINE. I can't wait for the next issue to arrive.
Love This Magazine!
My 6 year old horse-loving daughter adores this magazine! She can read the articles and stories--they are well written and interesting and not too old for her, and she loves the games, quizzes and, of course, the pictures! She likes it so well we are going to get her a subscription of her own, as we have been having trouble finding it in the horse stores. It is wonderful someone makes a great magazine for the younger horse-lovers!
Great horse magazine!
This is PERFECT for girls who love horses and own one or don't own one. Good articles, and lots of pictures. I have posters from the magazine all over my room!
Ride it Read it!
I love this horse magazine so much!I love the quizzes, great posters and great acticles about real people and their horse/pony.I take riding lessons but don't own a horse but still enjoy this magazine! This is a great magazine for kids ages 7-13 i think. Some people say that people over the age of 10 are too old for this magazine, but I toatally disagree! I am 11 years old and I love this magazine. This magazine I think is for any good horse lover!
This is an excellent magazine!! It's well-rounded for both english and western riders and has a good bit of grooming, medical care, and other topics related to horses tied in as well!And if focuses on a different educational club or a rescue organization nearly every month. Of course, it isn't perfect and can't teach you how to completly take care of or ride a horse, but what magazine, or book for that matter, can? Not even videos! You have to go out and get instruction! So, I don't think that just because it only hits the surface of some topics, that it should have a star taken. Excellent choice for the younger equestrians.
Easy to read
This magazine has easy to find information, and it is very easy to understand. Young Rider provides you with "must-know" knowledge that helps you prepare yourself and your horse for the upcoming seasons and equine events, plus there are many free give-aways! Young Rider teaches you how to take care of your horse properly! You should get this magazine!
THE best! No other words to explain it!
I absolutely love this magazine because it's hours of fun for someone who's looking for a great magazine, plus it's informational and fun for the horse-owning kid. If you've read 'Blaze Magazine', you probably know that it's good, but it's not very realistic and VERY short. Young Rider gives information on the proper way to care for your horse, games, colorful photos, and the do's and don't's of the equine world. The authors are dedicated to let kids learn more about horses, they have a short story every issue about special kid and a horse, and a new quiz every issue. Although tons of kids (especially little girls) LOVE horses, I don't recommend it to kids who don't own a horse of their own. I think that in order to enjoy this great magazine, you should have your own horse. There are many great articles that I have to say are really helpful to the horse-owning kid, like how to care for your horse when the temperature is very, very cold, or very, very hot, but I don't think it would mean very much to people without a horse. Anyway, this is a fantastic magazine that I have to give AT LEAST five stars. I read every issue over again until it's falling apart, that's how much I love this magazine. Plus, if you don't know if you should order the whole subscription yet, you can always pick up the latest copy at your local riding store and see how you like it. If you do, it's definately worth a year's subscription. Two "hooves" up! : )
Awesome mag!!!!!
Awesome mag for kids!!!great buy!lots of good articles,even if you don't have a horse of your own. Always has cool posters and stories that kids can relate to. Don't hesitate to buy this mag for any horseloving kid!Fun way to learn interesting things and facts about horses that you never knew. it's packed with contests too!only downside is that it is a bi-monthly mag (so good I wish it came more often!). Once again, it's a great choice for any child interested in horses.
Young Rider Magazine
Young Rider is a great horse magazine! It has articles on how to perfect your riding whether you ride English or Western! It also has articles on how care for your horse or pony. Also there are 2 posters in every issue. Then there is a short story and a quiz! This magazine is perfect for kids who love horses!
Two Thumbs Up!
This magazine is DEFINATELY a good one! It has quizzes, the latest in the equestrian world, games, a new short story every issue, and so much more. Plus, in most magazines, every other page is an ad. Young Rider has a few ads here and there, but never once have I complained about them. I've found out about a lot of interesting, fun websites and books through the ads, plus great deals on tack and other horsey needs. I recommend YR to horse owning kids, kids that help out at barns, or kids who work with horses everday, but not for people who merely ride. A lot of the magazine is based upon you and your horse, and that is why I find it so great. But, personally, I think that YR isn't for just horse-loving kid or just a horseback rider.