I once heard that if anyone you meet has had anything to do with Harvard, the television industry or the state of Texas, he will let you know in the first five minutes of a conversation. It is a state of mind, for sure, and we know that not everyone gets it. Texas Monthly is well-written and broad in scope. The copies I keep long after I've read them are picked up by people from 18 to 70 - there is something likely to appeal to everyone. It would be a great gift for the person who has made sure you know he's from Texas.
Texas Monthly - Yeeeeeehaaaaaw!
TEXAS Monthly is a great magazine. It covers everything from armadillos, barbeque, cowboy boots, and more to places from Amarillo to El Paso to Houston and South Padre. (And places inbetween.)
There's things to do, places to go, people to see and a whole lot more. It's THE magazine of TEXAS. What ever your tastes may be, arts, beaches, cinema, history, nightlife, people, etc., TEXAS Monthly has something for everyone.
Try it, you won't be disappointed!
Texas Monthly
This is really a great magazine. Not only is there current information but historical information regarding Texas. Beautifully put together.
Texas Monthly is outstanding!
This is truly one of the best written, most interesting magazines available. While its appeal is mainly to Texans or former Texans, others will find the articles interesting.
Love it!
I've always loved this magazine---I'm so glad I finally got around to getting a subsrciption!
YES, there ARE moderates and liberals in Texas!
If you are from Texas or like to pretend you are, here is where you find out what is really going on at home!!!
Good reading.
My Granddaughter requested this magazine, so I ordered it for her. I know she will enjoy it, because I do.
A Native Texan's Favorite Magazine
I am a 68 year old native Texan who lived there for 65 years. We now live in Maryland, and each month I look forward to getting the next issue. I believe the articles are very informative and keep me current on a state I love very deeply. It's a great publication, and I will continue my subscription.
only the best - Texas Monthly
The best photography and subject matter for readers in any state. I always look forward to its arrival.
Great Magazine
I enjoy subscribing to Texas Monthly to see what is going on in other parts of the state and reading articles about people from Texas and events in Texas.