Are you in to reptiles as pets or for breeding? If so this is the magazine for you.
I have kept one form of snake or lizard for almost 20 years now. As I got more adept at keeping the various snakes, which were my favorites, I found out it was hard to find accurate if any information about them. Finally while attending the International Reptile Breeders Association convention in San Diego I passed a booth for Reptiles Magazine. I thought I would give it a try and got a 2 year subscription. Boy am I glad I did. Each month there is something new and different, from the common boa to venomous vipers. Even tips on how to set up that perfect viaticum for your tree snake or dart frogs to the breeding habits of the ball python. I was happy to finally get a magazine that wasn't to having a green iguana article every month.
I have learned something new every month about the animals I breed as well as others I may want in the future or just have an interest in. Articles aren't just written by the staff of the magazine but by the top breeders as well. Though sometimes I wish there was a little bit more detail on some subjects or information on the not so often seen snakes, they are only a magazine and they continue to improve every month, they do cover quite a bit of ground in the pages they have. I love the adds especially the private ones in the back. It's great to see so many choices to get reptiles from, be it a shop or a private breeder.
Best of all they promote the captive reproduction of reptiles. I have not found another place that I can find the most up to date information on reptiles from the latest veterinary techniques to the new ball python color phases. If you like reptiles this is the magazine you need to keep you up to date and informed.
Reptiles is a wonderful magazine for those who love reptiles or just want to learn more about them. My 5 and 7 year old boys are fascinated with Reptiles and are constantly looking through Reptiles. As a homeschool mother I have found Reptiles magazine to be a terrific teaching tool on reptiles. The November, 1999, issue has articles showing The Reproductive Husbandry of Reticulated Pythons. The articles has graphic pictures of the python laying eggs to the babies slitting their eggs open. It's a boy's dream come true! Big or small!
Ever wonder where a tangerine nursery frog lives? Or what a Bartle Frere cool-skink looks like? Or which poison dart frog is the easiest to breed? Just check out Reptiles and you'll find that information and more.
There are a lot of advertisements for dietary supplements, breeders, reptile jewelry and show information. If I was raising reptiles, this information would be invaluable. There is even a section for reptile news & trivia which included a health section.
Whether you are an avid reptile breeder or a homeschool parent wanting to teach your child(ren) about reptiles, this is a great magazine to have. Reptiles has more information and is cheaper than buying a book on the same subject.
My daughter loved dinosaurs. Somewhere, around junior high school, that love transferred to reptiles. Back then, there wasn't much available to read on how to care for these unique pets. There were the usual how to books, written very very generally, or there were the "professional" type for those who wanted to be breeders. There was nothing readily available for the younger or newbie herp lover.
I remember when the first issue of Reptiles came on the market, and the excitement in her eyes. Here was something she could read and understand, and was readily available. Only took her 2 issues to subscribe and she has ever since.
Her menagerie has changed down through the years from that first albino corn snake. It has encompassed different types of snakes, lizards, frogs, and even arachnids. Even though she doesn't live at home anymore, and is a graduate student in biology, she still reads every issue of Reptiles.
On a more objective note, Reptiles has something for every herp lover: breeding information, hints from vets, new product reviews, and even first person stories of people and their herps.
It is an excellent value for anyone who wants to make a herp their pet.
(And mom, snakes are not slimy, and the smaller ones make wonderful pets for children who are old enough to handle their feeding, handling, and cage care!)
I have 6 snakes and a lizard, and find this magazine extremely informative. I have not only learned more than books would tell me about my pets, but I have enjoyed the other articles as well. I recently gave a talk to my son's class about snakes, and used my extensive collection of back issues for information. I have to admit I don't really read the other magazines out there for reptiles, because I find them cost-prohibitive and I subscribe to Reptiles at their discount! Their website is also informative once you can figure out how to navigate it. The cartoons are funny, and I always enjoy the essays at the back, not to mention the beautiful pictures of Herps in each issue! I think that anyone who has pet reptiles needs to at least read this magazine every few issues to find out medical research information, such as the eye caps covered in the May 2000 issue, or just to see what's up!
If you are into reptiles, you can not go wrong with the many, many issues of Reptiles magazine. They are very factual about their information. Sometimes they even give personal opinions and experieices. There are sectons about the care of animals, sections about the population and legal status, and also sections about animal search expeditions.
In the Dec. 2001 issue, they have a great article on the conservation of the Aruba Island Rattlesnake. I personally spend time studying and learning about this species as well. They are very factual on their information. They do not get information from books, or other written documents, they interview people that have gone to the island of Aruba and worked with these animals firsthand.
They also have wonderful keeping and breeding information on different species each month. Like in the Feb. 2002 issue, they give great informatnion on keeping and breeding Feas vipers and Pictus geckos, again, they have done all of this themselves, and know what works and what doesnt.
I would recommend these magazines to everyone into reptiles and/or amphibians. They have great beginner information, like good choices for the first pets, and how to take care of them. They are also good for the advanced keepers. They give information on keeping and breeding rare and difficult animals, They also have interesting search expeditions that interest people of all experience levels.
I'm a solid reader of Reptiles for 3 years now. I LOVE IT! Before I was ever keeping and breeding reptiles myself, I was enjoying this magazine. Every issue is chocked full of pictures and information beyond belief, and it's a good way to shop around to see who's breeding what this year. Great magazine, it's a must get for any herper or plain ol person!
This is a great magazine because it balances information about herps that are suitable for pets (The stuff you'd find in a pet store) but also has interesting information on more exotic, unsuitable animals. I wouldn't want to own a Rhino Viper, but I enjoyed reading about it! I first read it in 95', and have recently gotten back into it. I just got my first 2 snakes (corn and milk) and am trying to find back issues that deal with them. Sure, there are a lot of books out there, but there's so much conflicting information out there, so I'm going with someone I trust!
What a great magazine! In a world that's often less than thrilled with cold-blooded pets, it's often hard to find a source of information on reptiles and amphibians. Well, look no further than Reptiles Magazine! It's filled with great articles on common herptiles from the pet trade, as well as features on rarer specimens that normal pet owners would have to travel across the world to see. The color photography in this magazine is absolutely tops, and stories on care and feeding of animals are always informed, accurate and well written. I, my wife, and all my reptile and amphibian pets love it! You will too.
I just wanted to update and let you know that my nephew LOVES this subscription! He says there are 65 pages in each issue. I was a little surprised because the price was so reasonable, I would have been happy with just 20 pages, but 65, what a great thing!
This is the number one herpetology related magazine on the market! It's full of information, storys, facts and it's enjoyable to read.