Reviews For Glamour Magazine

still not so good

Glamour exhibits its predatory posture vis-a-vis the consumer in at least two ways.

A good fashion publication informs, delights, and guides consumers who enjoy acting in this area (being fashionable).

The Glamour on-line site links its return arrow to a back-to-site circuit, actively ruining a consumer's efforts to get general information. That's acting in bad faith. Why be "punished" opening a site?

As a general rule, Glamore's occasional pieces of substance are at strong angles to its relentless sales pitch--always closing, closing, closing. Indeed, as a document of the fashion world, Glamour seems too often to suggest the old, dreary example--if its expensive--over the new, novel, more innocative example.

In general, Glamour is like cooking with butter but without the benefit of the flavor, while keeping the calories.


I don't want last month's magazine!

I wanted this month's or maybe next month's magazine. Why would I want last month's? It's out of date now! Why would I have to pay for that? I feel ripped off.
I love Glamour magazine. But, sending me last month's magazine isn't cool.
