Reviews For Glamour Magazine

My review of Glamour

I am a little disappointed in Glamour. I feel with it being a fashion magazine that it should have some coupons and offers for shopping. I am glad I didn't spend any more than I did on this subscription.

good, could be better

Glamour? or Self? or Cosmo? By defualt I settle on Glamour. While I am happy overall with it I skip a lot of the magizine artticles. I find Galmour too political at times, and don't want to read about infirtilty, orphans, or abortion in a magizine I just got for fun. I also don't like the cosmo-like articles on crazy swinging from the chandiler sex. What I DO like is the how to do anything better guide, do & don'ts, the quick beauty, fasion, career, and deocorating tips.

Good but not great

It's a good magazine, but nothing spectacular about it. But then I just read a single issue of the magazine from my subscription.

The Magazine Diva says.......

I suggested on my site to share the subscription price with a friend. This mag has a few good ideas but no exactly on the pulse of my life.

Ok for 12 bucks

- has a splatter of fairly interesting articles/ pictures

- all of the fairly interesting articles/ pictures can be usually read and viewed in under half an hour
- (and in the table of contents/ on the cover they make a huge deal out of every, however tiny, article that's inside... often making cross-references/ multiple references to the same thing)
- besides dwindling inspiration, this is probably generally due to the fact that the magazine is absolutely overwhelmed by ads! Much more so than before, it seems. I would estimate that at least half, but as much as 2/3 of the magazine is dedicated to ads - many of which are very much in-your-face and clash with magazine materials
- although Glamour is more easy-going and not as pretentious as, say, Vogue... it has its share of preaching and hypocritical moments. For example, in the last issue they had an article about women/kids who escaped sex slavery in Darfur - with the interpersed full-page ads of bright red, high-heeled designer shoes! If you don't belive me, check out pages 256+ in the March 2008 issue... a pretty ridiculous sight.

glamour not for teens

This magazine is full of very adult advertising. They seem to aim towards teens but most of it is advertising. I had a hard time finding an article that wasn't selling something. I thought is was interesting enough for my 19 year old but realized its not even interesting enough for my 15 year old niece.

Save your money for a different magazine

I started ordering Glamour 2 months ago, and honestly it is a huge disappointment to me. There are so many ads in this magazine its unbelievable. Ladies, my advice is to save your money for a different magazine..I dont recommend Glamour at all.

too many ads

there's too many ads and not enough articles. Self magazine and marie claire are better for this reason.

A tarnished legacy

One of the greatest magazine editors ever, Ruth Whitney, made this magazine a must-read. In addition to the "10 Tips For Terrific Toenails"-type story (as Dave Barry once joked about Glamour), it had solid stories on women's issues. There were also features that dared to go on for pages and pages.

Then Whitney was ousted and they brought in the editor of Cosmo. Bye-bye real content, hello sex obsession. That was the beauty of the old Glamour: The sex was there, but so were the terrific book reviews and stories on health. And back then, it was "gynecologist," not "gyno," as in the new Glamour shorthand.

Sorry, Glamour, but it seems your focus on libido has taken away the magazine's former best feature: Brains.

Ugh. There's a reason why I cancelled my subscription.

I used to LOVE Glamour. It was great combo of frivolous fashion/girly stuff and great, serious, informative articles. I was a subscriber who faithfully read issue from cover to cover.

A few years ago, I thought I had been delivered a Cosmopolitan by mistake. To my great sadness, I found that this was not the case. Glamour great editor, Ruth Whitney, had been replaced with some hack who decided that Glamour should look and read like it's trashy competitor, Cosmopolitan.

Do we really need another, trashy, hyper-sex-focused magazine out there? Do we need another magazine that is overloaded with cheesy puns in the titles? (Why, why, WHY is that SO prevalent in women's magazines? Does anyone realize how dumb it is?)

Save your money and don't bother with this COsmo rehash.
