This mag was a godsend through my pregnancy and I still read it. It gave me lots of informative articles and advice on all the different things I was going through. I saved the magazines and I still buy them when they come out because they are great for those first couple months postpartum as well. I especially like recipe and exercise sections. It helped me to be healthier during my pregnancy.
There should be more issues though! I am sure you can make a monthly mag out of the subject of pregnancy! Even if some articles or subjects are repeated, they can be helpful to a whole new slew of expectant mommies!
This magazine covers every topic from fitness during pregnancy to product rating. I was able to sit down and read it cover to cover. As a woman going through pregnancy for the first time I'm confronted with many books with a great deal of information to absorb. I found this magazine covered topics in just enough detail to be helpful without being burdensome.
The first issue I purchased had a pull out product review for products for the new baby. I have it pulled out and will be using it to help me make selections as the time draws near.
I can't wait for the next issue to come out. Unfortunately this magazine only is published every 3 months.
This is a magazine that I look forward to receiving with anticipation. Just when you are feeling frustrated by your body constantly changing a magazine offers realistic approaches to stay in shape and accept these changes. There are also lots of great advertisements and references for shopping for the many new products you will be needing as a new parent. This magazine is great for people who exercised before becoming pregnant as well as those looking to start in order to have a healthy pregnancy. I have not found a magazine that I can enjoy more during my pregnancy! It is also great because it is for you and your body now, not the baby or the million things you will be doing in just a few months.
My mom first bought me this magazine when i was pregnant with my first daughter. I never really thought about buying a pregnancy magazine, but once i started to read it, i became hooked! When i wen tto the doctors office they had Fit Pregnancy magazines also. It made the wait a lot more exciting.
The magazines provides you with everything you need to know while you are pregnant with your child. It has very good advice from experts, it prepares you for labor, and helps you understand what you baby is going through, and what your body is going through.
The magazine has excersizes that you can do inside your home, and gives you the knowledge to enpower yourself.
Read it and find out for yourself!
This magazine has excellent tips for moms to be. How to excersise with light impact, what you should eat, and what not to do. It also has wonderful tips on how to get back into pre-pregnancy shape. The best thing that it is the only magazine like it. Other mag's have articles, but this one is dedicated in its entirety to staying fit during your pregnancy. It helped me tremendously learn relaxation techniques, how to stay focused during child birth, and how to go thru and deal with the hormonal changes(moods)that pregnancy brings along. Another great thing, is that this magazine also is great for woman who are trying to get pregnant. It does not really go into the scientific explanations which is good. The writers really use plain english for us to understand. They take the fear away, which most moms to be usually have during their pregnancy. A definite A+++ for this magazine.
When I first became pregnant, my best friend mailed me a bunch of books and magazines on pregnancy. There was 3 Fit Pregnancy magazines in with the package. Even though the issues were a year old, I still loved them. After reading those three, I quickly found a current issue in my hometown.
At first I thought that I wouldn't like the magazine that much, because I have never been real big on fitness. I stick to my walking and that is about it. But I found much more inside each issue than just fitness. There were, of course, articles on the newest pregnancy exercises and also inspirational articles on women who have lost all of their pregnancy weight. But there was also articles on breastfeeding, attachment parenting, daddies bonding with baby, food recipes, and a lot of other topics that are of interest to me.
Because this magazine is hard to find in the town I am living in, I am fixing to subscribe to it, although I will only be pregnant for 2 more issues! I feel that some of the exercises, recipes and articles will be helpful to me after the baby is born also.
I enjoyed the two issues of this magazine that I managed to purchase after finding it when pregnant this last time. I truly enjoyed reading it cover to cover. The articles were current, trendy, promoted the pregnant body as beautiful and healthy and overall gave you a sense of wellbeing being pregnant by the time you put it down.
My big disappointment was discovering that it only came out every three months. That just doesn't hit enough of pregnancy to make sense to me, and proved very frustrating when I thoroughly enjoyed my first purchased issue and went to buy one again the next month, only to discover there would only be one more edition before I gave birth.
That being said, I really did enjoy the two issues I purchased and would recommend it to anyone currently pregnant.
FIT PREGNANCY is a wonderful publication for the woman who wants to maintain an active lifestyle during pregnancy. It covers how you look, how you feel, product reviews and what you can expect during nine months and beyond. It makes pregnancy glow and more gorgeous than it already is. This magazine is for the woman whose exercise is taking the stairs instead of the elevator or the woman who is on the treadmill and lifting weights more often.
The articles are so relevant to pregnancy and beyond, from cooking nutritious meals to finding the best products to suit your particular lifestyle.
Looking and feeling great is important to a woman, and this magazine captures how to do that during a time that maybe you don't like the way you look or feel so great. The only downside is that it doesn't come out often enough!
The initial time I purchased this magazine was during my first pregnancy almost two years ago. At the time I was corporate employed and a size 5 prior to pregnancy and thus, extremely concerned about maintaining fitness and appearances during pregnancy. This magazine did not let me down. The models are attractive, which is encouraging. The fashions are realistic and tips for fitness and health are invaluable. I also liked the fact it was not a monthly magazine, which at the time I would not have had time to read. The fact that this magazine came out less frequently enabled me to really read it over the time I had it. Overall, I found it very helpful in assisting me to maintain my appearance and self-esteem during pregnancy, a time when we ALL feet fat!
Well, now I am on my second pregnancy (7 months along) and in much different circumstances. I still did not lose all the weight from my first pregnancy when I discovered that I was joyfully! pregnant again and I am now self-employed. However, it is still important for me to look and feel good, although there is no pressure on it now. This magazine continues to be an excellent resource for pregnancy information on fitness, health and beauty. It serves as a reminder that it is actually more important now to maintain my physical well-being because there are less people around to remind me about it.
I highly recommend this easy to read, informative magazine to other "pregos" such as myself.
This is the perfect magazine for the expecting mom. I don't think I would have gotten through my pregnancy without it. It has informative articles on what to expect and when your about 5 months along and things start changing, you need a good thing to fall back on. It gives great exercises to do to stay in shape and great advice from moms that have been in your shoes before. I have so many friends that went out and bought books to read about their process, I got Fit Pregnancy.