One of the best mainstream science magazines out there, Discover presents the science news of the day in straightforward, concise articles and small digests. It is easy to understand without being dumbed-down, and is thourough and detailed without being overly technical. It is seperated from other science magazines is its lighthearted, and often humorous writing style, and its bright and modern layout. It is never prententous, and is accessable and enjoyable science reading for everyone.
The photography and illustration is always interesting and unusual, putting a little mad scientist pizzazz in the quest for knowledge, and the articles always cover a wide variety of scientific displines, so the knowledge gained is diverse and varied. Their are also book reviews and suggested further reading to facilitate further research for the fascinated(or for the younger set to win the science fair).
Discover's only downfall is its overall brevity-I read it in a few days, and anxiously awaut it for the rest of the month.
I have been a subscriber to Discover magazine for the last several years. I enjoy it a lot. It's the best of it's class - which I guess I'd call science for non-scientists.
The best thing about Discover magazine is it can be read an enjoyed by people of all backgrounds. The writing style in the articles is such that it's not written over your head (if you're not a rocket-scientist) but it's not so basic that it makes you feel stupid.
The range of topics in Discover is very wide. There's always lots of interesting stories. They're also relevant to today's world. You don't have to be a techie to enjoy the articles. It's really a magazine aimed at the average people who have a passing interest in science and technology. Someone who has a deep interest in these areas will also find the magazine lots of fun.
I think Discover has gone through a transition recently, as the overall style (not content) of the magazine has shifted a bit. The photo and art work is not quite as "artistic" but is more grounded. There are more small stories and facts strewn throughout the magazine. Overall, I think it's not quite as good as before, but it may just be a transition thing.
One feature I think they stopped is their annual April fools joke. In the past years, their April edition contained a fake story. In the May edition, the fake story would be revealed in letters to the editor. Either they discontinued it, or I missed it this past year.
Everyone will find something to enjoy in this magazine.
Discover has up to date information on any subject in science that you could think of. It is a very educational magazine. Many times it has articles about things that you can participate in, like SETI@home. It has an R&D section with small articles about new discoveries. It always has one article The Biology Of... It has that one on hand-washing, traffic, and so many other things. It also always has many main articles. But my favorite things throughout the whole magazine are the Brain Works and Brain Bogglers. Brain Works helps you to better understand your brain and why it does the things it does through simple activities. Brain Bogglers has riddles and puzzles for you to figure out. Overall, the magazine is terrific and its price is very reasonable. The only bad thing that I can think of about it is that sometimes it is not completely organized but that is not that bad.
My experience with this magazine, being a subscriber for over two years, has been nothing but the best. If I had a nickel for every article I loved in that magazine, count up all the articles multiply it by five, and that's how much richer I would be and that would cover the subscription price.
My very favorite articles in Discover magazine are the Neuroquest experiments in the back. It keeps changing your perception of things you never really think about, like peripheral vision. The best thing about the experiments is that you already have all the equipment you need, yourself. Anyone who is even slightly interested in science would absolutely love this magazine.
I have been subscribing to Discover magazine for about two years now and I would NEVER give it up! For those of you addicted to the Discover Channel, The Learning Channel, or any other television venue of sorts--this would be your magazine of choice! From the in-depth science articles to the latest breakthrough in technology, this magazine has it all. The best part? Discover is formatted in a way that actually makes it exciting(yes, I used the word exciting) to read about science and technology.
Compared to its counterparts, Discover is a step above the rest! Normally, when you think about reading a science and technology magazine, your eyes just automatically start to droop and you feel like you are falling fast asleep!(Kinda like listening to classical music!)
However-with Discover magazine, you are whisked through each and every article with vibrant color and easy to understand wording.
Thus, I give this magazine 5 stars for its easily understood format and brilliance! Have fun reading!
I was a freshmen in college and was not into reading magazines too much, but one day while cramming for a final, I took a desk with a Discover magazine on top of it. Of course I had to at least open it and read a few articles. Well from that moment on, I have yet to miss an issue. This magazine is perfect for those that have a scientific interest but not a scientists time. It updates you on what is currently hot in science which includes animals, environment, medicine, physics and all other affiliates. Their articles are concise and to the point. They provide enough background information, but do not try to "dumb" the story up so everybody could understand. The magazine basically assumes you have so working knowledge of science. I love the variety that the magazine gives you. One month could be concentrating on the rain forests and the next could be exploring the mysteries of physics. If there is a fault with the magazine is that at times, some of the most interesting tidbits of science is often too short. The articles leaves you wanting more, but is that not a mark of good writing and story telling? The pictures are well done and colorful. Discover presents science in much more enjoyable fashion than Scientific America where often the stories becomes just pages and pages of analysis. If you enjoy this magazine, I would also recommend popular science and popular mechanics.
I have been reading Discover magazine for more than a year now and the knowledge I have gained is in-measurable. One of the greatest things about Discover is that it reaches the topics of special interest in the scientific community while at the same time relaying the information in a well organized manner and simplistic enough for the average reader to enjoy the mysteries and discoveries of the world. But the best part about the magazine is that it doesn't focus on any individual issue for more than an article, that way it can cover the whole spectrum of studies. And it will definitely show you a different aspect of the world in the articles that focus on the average person and issues that reflect them in their day to day living. It can almost be compared to the Discovery Channel and its comprehensiveness.
Excellent Scientific Resource
by Busch4 (Tuesday Dec 21, 1999)
Discover Magazine provides the latest information on a wide variety of scientific subjects. The information is presented in a easily read format with an abundance of pictorial support. One of the finest features of the articles is that not just one side of an issue is presented. Also the future impact of a radical discovery is discussed in detail as to how it will effect future research. I would highly recommend this magazine to anyone interested in scientific research and its effect on our day to day life. Another magazine, Scientific American, also provides many excellent reviews of new discoveries but is very technical in its presentations.
I remember Discover magazine for years. My uncle had every issue delivered to him every month, where in which we would read them together and discuss the articles. Now I'm an adult, and I just can't get enough. I have my own subscription now, and I still call my uncle whenever an article really catches my eye. I hope to share this magazine to my children. The articles are written in easy to follow language, with clear explainations, and full of humor to pull the reader in. I can't stop reading the articles over and over again, each time thinking something new. And that's what they are there for, to stimulate your mind and make you think further each time. Events, facts, and news are laid out in an interesting format that never grows boring. The writers really know how to add that special umph to each article. The beautiful photography that accompanies each page, along with the detailed art, gives the reader a real feel for what they are learning. The best part is that you don't even realize that you are learning, you just feel a wonder and awe and are compelled to want to know more. This is a winner, and I hope it will be along for many more years to come.
When I have just finished one issue of Discover, I can hardly wait until the next one is published. It is one of the best science magazines on the market. It is written in plain language without losing the essence of scientific jargon. It's a great teaching manual because the articles are to the point and yet easy to understand. I don't feel like I'm wading through a lot of unnecessary information which is too far above our heads.
At the same time, we share the articles in our household which has increased the kid's interest in science.
There is certainly a broad range of interests and it doesn't limit the articles to just a few areas of science. If there isn't something in there for everyone, are you sure you are reading Discover?
It is my favorite magazine and I highly, and I do mean really highly recommend this magazine for science lovers everywhere.