I have read Vanity Fair for the past twenty years. The articles are timely and in depth. There are articles on politicians, bankers, CEOs as well as the Hollywood types. This is the magazine for those who want to be in the know. Also, the photographs are fantastic. If you are looking for a two paragraph blurb about the actress/actor of the hour, this is not the magazine for you.
Great magazine!!
I have been subscribing to Vanity Far for 4 years now and I simply love it. The articles range from enertainment news to current political issues. It is a really a diverse magazine. The ads are always great and any Anne Lebovitz picture is always a treat.
Upscale People Magazine
Vanity Fair is head and shoulders above "People" magazine. It targets those uppty folks who won't read those fashion rags, but still want to know about the rich and famous. Sometimes its really good reading but mostly I could care less. Exception is the murder and mayhem from the expose of the Show jumping (horses) circuit. (Re-written into the book "Hot Blood", which if you missed it is a great read into the greed of rich people. You'd have thought that there was such a thing as so much money you wouldn't have to cheat insurance companies but I guess I didn't factor in the cost of a top rated jumping horse.) The covers have in the past been very cutting edge. Anyone remeber the issue with Demi Moore in full body paint and a minor shadow? But who is dating who on the movie sets is not what I care about. If you do, get this one over the others.
decent timetable
I enjoy Vanity Fair and like the streamlined presentation...not a lot of ads. Good subscription, did not take too long to start enjoying. had purchased one as first issue came late in month, but subscriber will extend subscription date.
vanity fair
I am re-subscribing to Vanity Fair. I have been a big fan for many many years - despite living outside of the USA. I only wish I did not have to wait for "6-8" weeks for the subscription to be activated.
Great in-depth articles on celebrities
I love the fashion side of this magazine but I also love the articles on celebrities. I'm a sucker for a little gossip but I find I detest the "may or may not be true" feel of some magazines. Vanity Fair goes straight to the source and manages to get real information on what a star is going through and real emotion about their life. This is a great magazine to read on a plane because you can flip through the fashion pages and then linger on an article as you choose.
A Formulaic Magazine that Always Entertains
VANITY FAIR is a highly recommended monthly magazine for people who enjoy reading. Packed with lengthy articles, gorgeous photography and blurby information, it never fails to entertain the reader. It is the perfect companion for a lazy afternoon at the beach or on quiet plane ride across country.
The VANITY FAIR forumla is simple: slap a photo of a celebrity on the cover and inside offer a wide variety of articles, including Hollywood puff pieces, Domenick Dunne's true crime accounts, in-depth articles about international scandals, Christopher Hitchens essays and profiles of colorful, unknown characters.
Though this formula has changed little since the magazine was revived in the 1980s by its now legendary editrix Tina Brown, the magazine's new editor, Canadian-born Graydon Carter, has succeeded in putting his own personal stamp on VANITY FAIR. In virtually every issue Carter uses his Letter from the Editor to bash US President Bush.
Though I do not begrudge Carter his right to speak his mind, after months of reading Carter's criticism, I get bored with these relentless rants.
Still I highly recommend a VANITY FAIR subcription to anyone who enjoys reading.
-- Regina McMenamin
Great Photography But Lately, Way Too Political
I gave Vanity Fair 4 stars based on the photography alone. When taken in concert with the tone of recent anti-Bush articles, it drops to 2 stars. Now I might not agree with the magazine's political point of view but that's not really my beef. The problem is this isn't supposed to be a political magazine! It's about fashion, society, Hollywood, travel, etc. There are so many political magazines available that if one is looking for that kind thing, it's easy enough to find. Why must the left continue to demonstrate that they truly do control the media and use that influence time and time again to push their agenda? It wouldn't be so bad if they were honest about it by telling readers that Vanity Fair was a political magazine, but they don't. If you look at the cover and the articles mentioned, you will see few, if any, references to the Bush bashing that's inside. As an example, a recent issue featured a shirtless David Beckham on the cover. They used the sex angle to sell copies but once you opened the magazine, you'd find no less than 7 articles that talked about Bush, the Republican party or the Iraqi war. All of this is mixed in between pages of the shirtless soccer player and various Hollywood celebs. Again, I'm not against a magazine with a political agenda, I'm just disappointed it has to be this one. I wish they'd stick with what they do best and leave the politics to someone else. Let's face it, we know this is a Hollywood magazine and therefore know the political point of view to which they subscribe. We don't have to be hit over the head with it every issue. After a while, it begins to look pitiful. Hopefully, after the election, things will get back to normal because the photography by Annie Leibovitz, Bruce Weber and the late Herb Ritts is terrific.
Dame Edna's racist comments
Dame Edna, in the last issue of Vanity fair, made several disparaging remarks about Spanish speaking Americans. Hello...this is not the 1950's where you can get away with making these kinds of comments. NOT FUNNY! I hope some national Hispanic organization takes some action here. Conde Nast what were you thinking to publish this?
Should just be called "Vanity"
I admit to only reading Vanity Fair a few times. George Clooney was on the cover of their Dec 1996 issue and I had to read it. Admittedly, the article was well-written and the photos were great so I'm not sorry I bought it but in general, I do not care for this magazine. The copy I'm holding in my hand right now has 11 pages of advertisements before I even get to the index. Many more advertisements ranging from beauty products, perfumes, jewelry to clothing copiously litter this magazine. Can't stand that. This magazine also has quite a few political articles, which I admittedly have no interest in whatsoever. I'll give them credit, they are well written articles and I would enjoy their celebrity interviews more if they weren't intermixed with the multitude of advertisements. Because of the political articles, I don't think I'll ever become a regular reader.
Recommended: No
Primary Reason for Buying: Articles This is a: News magazine