I have really enjoyed my subscription to Southern Living. I had asked for a gift subscription for several years, but no one took me seriously. My mother finally did it for me a little over a year ago. I just recently renewed it.
The magazine focuses mainly on the south, but even those living outside the south would enjoy this magazine. Actually, it's almost a monthly book. It is packed full of information for home decoration, recipes, travel, gardening and more! I really enjoy that every few months, they have an issue that has a special section for Texas. I assume this is done in every state. They pack in even more information regarding local people, places and things.
One neat thing is the layout. I have seen few magazines that are as organized. Rather than just putting stuff here and there, you first go through the travel section, then the home/garden, then food. I'm not positive that it's in this exact order, but basically, you get all the information for one subject in the same section. You don't have to go to the back of the magazine to finish reading an article (there may be a rare instance that this happens, but I don't remember any).
The magazine also explores the different cultures in the south. Each state has it's own culture, and even states like Texas or Louisiana have multiple cultures. You don't get the idea that the South is all the same-this is very true.
There is something for everyone in this magazine. Whether you like the more "hoity-toity" life-style, or are just down to earth like myself, you will find many things of interest in this magazine. It's really hard to put it down once I've started looking through it. I could spend all day in this magazine, if I didn't have children dragging me out of it!
I would highly recommend a subscription if you are going to read this magazine regularly. The cover price is pretty high, so you really save a lot of money by subscribing. You also get advance notice of their wonderful cookbooks.
With most magazines, once you have read them, they become part of the stack for the recycle bin. There just isn't enough there to warrent keeping them--or the ultimate glory for a magazine, to be passed along to someone else.
Well, meet the exception. Southern Living magazine isn't just about decorating, or cooking, or gardening, or travel, or any one subject. It covers such a wide array of subjects, that it litterally has something for every reader. I don't subscribe, because my parents do. After mom has copied all the recipees and info she wants, she hands them to me. I copy all the info I want, and pass them to my sister in law. She passes them to a neice--and so on. I have no idea how many times each issue is read, but it is several.
If you are a cook, be prepared for mouth watering recipees in every issue, from those for more experienced cooks, to quickie meals for after school. The recipees are well written, well illustrated with sharp clear photos, and you just know they have researched them from every angle to be sure that the amounts and times are right.
Gardeners will love the well-written articles about plants, trees and yards made for the South (and near South). The articles/subjects change by season, allowing you to find up to date information about what will grow (or not grow, as the case may be) in your lawn or garden at that season, along with tips and hints about new releases, old varieties coming back into fashion, and every gardeners favorites.
Home owners can find plenty to keep them occupied in the decorating and home sections. Regardless of if simple drapes will solve your problem, or you are searching for a complete re-make idea, plenty of suggestions here will get you moving in the right direction!
The magazine is sleek and well-written, the photos clear, colorful and concise. You will find plenty of advertisements around the articles that will allow you to find whatever has been written about, in case you can't find it locally. Generally, though, they provide you with source lists for the items used. They also have wonderful ideas for vacations around the South, and a calander of coming events that you can use to decide on your final destination!
Southern Living also promotes several books each year--cooking being their #1 item. They gather recipees from the pages of their magazine and compile them into several volumes--each excellent. They have also produced a gardening book that is fantastic, loaded with information and photos.
Whether you live in the South, or are just Southern at heart, pick up an issue and read through it, you will find yourself hooked by this old favorite.
I have loved reading Southern Living since I was a girl and read my mom's subscription.
It is truly a wonderful magazine full of so many wonderful ideas and photographs.
I always look forward to their home improvement ideas as well as their absolutely scrumptious recipes. Their gardening tips and layouts have been the source of many of my landscaping dreams. The photographs are wonderful and there's many great do-it-yourself projects as well.
I have a habit of flipping to their featured house plan first, and then to the recipes in the back. There's usually some type of food that is featured (cakes, stews, etc...) and there's a section of readers favorite recipes too.
I love Southern Living magazine and I just can't seem to throw any away. They're full of so much information. Even if you don't live in the south, there's something for you in this magazine. It's a great magazine for any homeowner.
I am so pleased that there is a magazine that shows the true elegance of the South. I eagerly await every issue of Southern Living and immediately read it from cover to cover then I spend the next weeks re-reading. I love gardening and the house plans are to die for. But I expect everyone's favorites are the wonderful recipes. Southern Living gives everyone a beautiful look into the South and hopefully changes that attitude that we are all barefoot and stupid down here :o). If you have not visited one of our beautiful southern cities make your plans today we look forward to treating you to some Southern Hospitality. Ya'll come back now.
I have only recently encountered Southern Living magazine, but it is sure to become one of my favorites! This magazine has it all ..... travel, recipes, gardens, beautiful homes, and all presented in a way that is visually and economically appealing. Reading the travel sections makes you feel like you are right there. Already, my "wish list" of places to visit has grown, along with lists of things to see and do when I finally get there!The recipes are easy to follow and the pictures accompanying them make your mouth water! This company also puts out a book with every single recipe printed from that year. What a treasure!!!
This is a magazine with a great deal of sensory appeal. Visually, it abounds with colorful photographs of gardens, scenic views, interiors, and people. The varied textures of these sites and topics compel the reader to examine the accompanying text. It is entirely too easy to picture oneself in the midst of the magazines pages, inhaling the aromas of the seasons and their pastimes: flowers, spices, fruits, foods, mountain air, or ocean breeze.
Southern Living accomplishes what few magazines do; it blends the elegance and grace of wealth with the freshness and simplicity of frugality.
It is for all. Other magazines seem to focus on one socioeconomic level for their audience. To me, Southern Living offers models and articles for all income levels. I never read an article and react with, "That is beautiful, but I could never afford it." There is always some aspect which can be embraced by readers of varied tastes and budgets.
The variety of subject matter is also amazing. The editors manage, month after month and year after year, to find appealing locales and projects without boring repetition. The topics range from gardening to cooking, from entertaining to vacationing, and from history, to philosophy, to literature. I always look forward to my copy. It is enjoyable for browsing as well as for in-depth reading.
This magazine has appeal for anyone who lives in the South, plans to visit the South, or has heard of the South.
I accidentally stumbled upon Southern Living while yard sale-ing. I bought a 3 year stack for my mother who has a very green thumb because of all the plant reviews.
Once she had read them, I begin to borrow and read them and now we are both big fans of Southern Living.
The magazine has a planting section that readers may send in questions to about their various plants/problems. Then the solution is listed along with the question. Also, readers may want to plant something special, and the editor will advise them on what type of landscaping plant to purchase based on their info as to whether the plant would have full sun or if it is a dry area, etc.
My second favorite section is the travel section. Each issue deals primarily with one state and will list all the goings ons in for that month. There is also a little bit of History included which is always interesting to read, and the pictures are wonderful.
The third, would be the recipes. Southern Living has the best recipes for the wonderful sit down type of dinner. Most recipes take several ingredients though, so using the recipe can be costly if it contains items not usually used.
At the back of the magazine are all sorts of ads from boarding schools for children to playground equipment for families. I never knew that we (USA) had so many military schools until flipping through these ads.
There is plenty of good reading in between all the regular features. And this magazine is not primarily advertisements like other magazines I have seen.
To see how the 'graceful rebels' live, get a copy of Southern Living.
I admit it I am hopeless when it comes to decorating...I do know what I like though. I am thrilled to have found this magazine. I was raised in the South. Now I live wherever Uncle Sam sends my husband. Over time I seem to have grown homesick. Southern Living has helped me to bring the South to me.
The articles on decorating have been very helpful in capturing that Southern look I so adore. The articles give you ideas, show you other homes, give you resources. It has turned my hopeless home into a true piece of the South wherever we may be.
The articles on cooking have given me some of my greatest recipes. The meals are simply divine. I do have to be careful, though. Southern fare usually carries a hefty calorie count.
The travel section is so nice. I try to get back to the South as often as possible. It has given me some outstanding travel ideas. I do not get to use them much, but they are nice to read and dream about.
My husband and friends truly think I am Susie Homemaker. I am not, but they need never know. I just happened to buy the right magazine one day 2 years ago. Now I pass that secret along to you.
(Oh, and don't forget to use the Holiday issues. They helped me gain the reputation of outstanding Hostess.)
Hi, my name is Nikki and I'm a magazine addict. I absolutely love Southern Living even though I wasn't raised in the south. It gives me a little taste of the lifestyle I wish I had. The food, the decor, the gardening and vacation spots, everything in this magazine is so "comfortable". That's the most appropriate word I can think of to describe Southern Living.
This magazine has tips and ideas that are practical and usually quite easy. The recipes in here are to die for, though your weight scale may not be loving you later, it's worth it. The decorating ideas are so beautiful and classy, they are styles that will last for years on end.
If you like Southern Living you might also enjoy Better Homes and Gardens, the pictures aren't as appealing as the pictures in Southern Living but they're comparable. Or for recipes you might try Taste of Home. They have good "down home" cooking with very easy recipes at a low cost as well. Though none of them add up to what Southern Living has to offer.
We enjoy reading Southern Living .. and the 'we' stretches from Texas to Ohio. My sister-in-law subscribes to the magazine. When I was visiting her one year, I became addicted to reading every Southern Living magazine I came across. She now mails a box of magazines to me at the holidays (what a package!!!) and I in turn use their numerous ideas to build my scrapbook of projects. They give you ideas, instructions, and several suggestions that make working in your yard/home enjoyable!! Other magazines may look good - - but when you try to get into the nuts and bolts of a project, Southern Living is the only mag I've found that take you thru step-by-step. It's worth every cent of the postage when the neighbors 'OOOO!' and 'awwwwhhh'! Another magazines I'd recommend is 'Garden Living' ... more plants and outdoor'sy ideas!!