Here are a few tips for improving your game. I got them from the magazine, GolfDigest. this magazine has been very helpful for me. I have been able to improve my game a great deal from what I have learned from this magazine.
To improve your putting tempo you should stroke your putts with a two-beat tempo for a repeating motion. As you do so, think to yourself, ?back and through?. The length of putt will alter your clubhead speed (faster for longer putts). Focus on keeping your tempo consistent. As a drill, putt three balls ten feet away and try to keep them within a three-foot circle of the hole.
To swing in the proper sequence from the top, your lower body shifts, your hands and arms drop along the plane of swing and your hips rotate. Practice with this pump drill. First, swing the club to the top, lower your hands below your waste. Then take the club to the top again. Repeat this two or more times and fire through to the finish.
A big waggle can help you diagnose swing problems and fix them quickly at the driving range. Next time you are at the range for practice, waggle the club back until the club is parallel to the ground. Check both shoulders to make sure you are on track. This is something you can do when no one is around to watch.
Downhill sand shots can be tough, but with this tip maybe you can come out of the pit with ease. Keeping your head stable throughout the swing is the critical element in any sand shot. Try this shot. Kick your right knee in so you don?t have to reach for the ball. Hit bout an inch behind the sand with a square clubface. You must dig into the sand to get under the ball.
This may help you in measuring your short game ability. Hit three 30-yard pitches, chips and bunker shots, putting each ball out. If you are a 21-handicapper or more, you should score at least 27. Say you are from a 10 to a 20, your score should be 24 or more. If you are a single digit player, your score should be 21 or better. You know to work on your short game if your scores are higher.
How can you hit the low stinger? Tee the ball low and play it back in your stance with your hands ahead of it to hit the knockdown 2-iron. Sit a little lower in your setup to get your center of gravity down. Make a full back-swing turn. Often average players try to hit this shot to hard and end up rushing restricting their back-swing and coming down to steeply.
For power, swing a bat. When on the course, try not to think about your swing. Concentrate on the target and the distance to the pin. Use this same routine for every shot. Stand behind the ball on your target line and zero in on a spot a few feet in front of the ball. Now figure your yardage. Repeat the number of yards to yourself three or four times.
You have to get the club moving straight down the target line and have the face square at impact to improve your smash factor. To do this, ?glue? your right elbow to your right side on the downswing. This will prevent an over-the-top slice move. It will also keep the club on the plane and the clubface square to the plane. This delivery position is the key to any swing.
To simulate impact position, from address, try to return the club on the downswing so that it?s in the same position it was at address. It can?t be precisely done, but you want to get close. In your setup, you should have a good balance, flexed knees and a straight back. Your hands should be even with or slightly ahead of the ball, your arms hanging naturally.
With this, you may be able to shorten your swing. Picture yourself standing with your back up against a small doorway. On the back swing, think of pushing your hands up into or over one corner of the doorframe while the club lies across the top. Try to create as wide a back swing arc as possible. Maximize a body coil for power with a relatively short arm swing. This is the perfect blend for consistency.
I recommend this magazine to every golfer out there that wants up to date information on golf and anything related to golf.
Golf Digest is an absolute must purchase for anyone interested in golf. With its great features covering a wide variety of topics, interesting and informative articles, abundance of pointed and easily digested instruction, and general layout it is easily the pre-eminent golf magazine. There's really no reason to subscribe to any magazine aside from this one to satisfy your golfing appetite.
Each issue usually contains a variety of articles and/or features with respect to golf instruction. Unlike many other magazines, Golf Digest offers sound practical advice from accomplished professionals. In fact, Golf Digest enlists a number of PGA pros as playing editors including pretty every big name in golf (yes, that does include Tiger. You can usually count on Tiger's face gracing at least a dozen pages of each issue, believe it or not). One of my favorite things that Golf Digest does is break down pro player's swings frame by frame (whether it be Duval, Garcia, Lehman, or whoever) to catch their positions at each point in the swing. It's extremely helpful (although often depressing) to see where the pros are at different points in their swing and compare it to your own swing.
Golf Digest also does great features on golf courses (new and old), golf destinations, players, events, etc., including numerous interviews with top players and personalities..
I could go on but I think you get the point. Let's just say it's my favorite magazine (O.K., well maybe a close second to Maxim). Go to the newsstand, buy one issue, and you'll be hooked.
I am a big fan of golf although I am not very good as of yet. One of my best resources for information is Golf Digest. This magazine covers everything from the latest news to the most trivial of stories which are just fun to read. I especially love the useful and handy pocket tips. A great magazine and a fun read for anyone. I would recommend this magazine to anyone who wanted to keep out with the sport, or is just interested in learning a couple of useful tips about the sport and wants to lower his or her score.
As with every magazine, there are the good and bad sides. But I can see how others my like what I consider to be the bad sides.
I am a person of very little time. I work about 80 hours a week, so when I read Golf Digest, I am looking only for ways to improve my game that I am going to be playing on one of my weekend days. There are plenty of great tips in every magazine and even comments and suggestions by today's top pros to help you at your game.
Some of the slower parts are the exposes about the golfer's career and life. Although I find these interesting, I find myself constantly wishing for more golf tips in each issue. Don't get me wrong, by the time the month is over, I have read most of the articles and learned about Tiger Woods and his taco eating habits in high school-- but to me, I am looking more for instructional and educational as opposed to entertaining.
Golf Digest serves my needs well as your average weekend golfer. It helps me fine tune my game and keeps me competent enough to discuss the on-goings of the PGA while I am on the links. I look forward for every next issue and would highly recommend this magazine to any golfer, serious or just for fun. It is a great magazine.
Golf Digest is my favorite golf magazine. It is great to read on the non-golf season but also great to read during the golf season. Golf Digest gives you great tips that help you save strokes. Golf Digest has an all star crew of golf professionals. You also get incite from todays top players. I believe that this is the best golf magazine out there. NO other magazines have a crew of professionals like golf digest. The professionals that give you tips are the teachers that teach the best players in the game. I particularly enjoy one specific section which tells you what you should concentrate on to break either 100, 90, or 80. In this same section you see articles about the first time a professional athlete broke 100, 90, or 80. If you don't believe golf digest is the magazine for you I personally like Golf Tips.
Golf Digest is indeed a magazine for any golfer out there, ranging from the die-hard weekender to the driving range fiend. At a reasonable price of subscription when compared to other sports magazines, Golf Digest simply offers a combination of great articles, pictures, and features for golfers handicapped scratch to infinity. The magazines conducts outstanding, in-depth, up-close-and-personal interviews with the game's hottest stars, ranging from PGA Senior Tour newcomer Tom Watson to extraordinary golf phenom Tiger Woods...the interviews are sure to satisfy the curiosity of anyone and everyone who has ever inquired into the personal lives of these wonderful players. Aside from articles on Tour players themselves, the many lessons provided in Golf Digest are themselves written by professional golfers themselves; playing editors range from Ryder Cup hero Justin Leonard to international sensation Ernie Els. These tips have variation in them as well, ranging from the mental approaches of any round to important shot and technique selection based on any given situation. A separate section of tips for avid, active golfers with varying handicaps is also featured, which has helped out my game as well as the games of all golfers in my family.
The most memorable article to me in Golf Digest has been that of the Ryder Cup. A parody of the Ryder Cup team dinner was so well-written in the most comedic sense, I couldn't stop laughing for days after reading it. Not only do the editors have a sense of today's golfer and his/her equipment and stylistic needs, but they also throw in a great sense of humor and common sense into each and every page. I wholeheartedly recommend Golf Digest to each golfer who is interested in reading a golf magazine with a great personality and new twists and turns within each issue to enjoy for the rest of his/her golfing days.
Like every golfer out there I strive to improve my game every year. This desire to improve is what drove me to start my subscription to Golf Digest. I have to say that it was a worth while investment. I use the word "was" because I no longer subscribe to the magazine. I ended my subscription because after about a year and a half of getting this magazine, I noticed that the feature stories and much of the advice kept repeating itself. Here are a few of the feature stories I am referring to: "How I Hit It 300 Yards", "Power! Get 10 More Yards", "How to hit it Long And Pure", and my favorite "Power Made Easy". As you can see the features are basically the same.
That being said I do think that Golf Digest is a wonderful and informative magazine. It really taught me a great deal about my golf swing. Every magazine usually has at least a small section on the following: hitting the ball further, putting, hitting the ball straighter, lowering your scores, and shots around the green. In addition to having sections about improving your game, Golf digest offers a lot of literature on things like golf courses, golf course architects, and equipment. I almost forgot to mention one of the greatest things about the magazine. It has a plethora of frame by frame pictures of different professional golfers' swings. This is really nice for the beginning golfer because it gives them a feel for what the swing should look like at different stages.
I think that Golf Digest has the best combination of golf information, but there are other magazines you might want to consider. Golf magazine is very similar to Golf Digest, but it does not have as many big name players writing its articles. Golf Lessons is a annual publication which gives a great deal of instruction. Golf lessons is a neat magazine because it often contains pictures of older golfers' swings; Ben Hogan for example. If you are looking for a magazine that has a lot of advertisements for golf courses and equipment, without all of the instruction, Todays Golfer might be your magazine. But if you want the most complete magazine, with the big name players, I would highly recommend Golf Digest. Just keep in mind that the magazine is repetitious, but then again so is the game of golf.
This is without any doubt the best golf magazine that you can buy. If you are looking to subscribe to any golf magazine, this is the one to get. This is due to the fact that this magazine is much more detailed than any other magazine. Each month the magazine's qualified writers write articles to help your game and very often there are guest writers who are current PGA tour players. There are interesting facts that are added that cause this to be a magazine that I like to read not only to help my golf game, but it is something that I enjoy reading. Near the end of every issue is a few pages that talk about famous golf courses or golf course and resorts that would be good to visit and play. Finally, there is an area where you can even buy equipment from. With all of this taken into account, no other magazine has the quality of guest writers and overall quality of Golf Digest.
Golf Digest in my opinion is an extremely good magazine. A couple of years ago I got a one year subscription to it. I think you get one every month. I really liked the magazine. It gave me a lot of helpful hints, which was good for me since I just got introduced to playing golf. It not only gave me helpful hints but it kept me updated on what was going on with the players. It also told me what times the tournaments were held and a lot of the time what channel. All in all Golf Digest is a good source of information on golf. I highly recommend this magazine to anyone who enjoys the sport of golf, weather or not they are good or bad at the game.
Golf Digest is one of the best golf magazines on the selves of book stores. Thoughout the magazine you are able to get indept interviews, from people such as Tiger Woods or Davis Love III. There are many advertisments for golf componies (Titleist, Callaway, ect.) I have been suscribing to this compony for about 5 years now, and i have never been un-satified with an issue. If I had to choose an magazine on the market, it would be this one. Also thoughout the issues, you can also find deals for vacation, in South Caralina, Florida, and any place you can play golf at. My rating for this magazine on a scale from 1-10, it would be 9 1/2, for its in dept details from players to golf clubs.