The April 2000 issue arrived just over two weeks ago, and I have not been able to put it down. This is just not any horse industry magazine. This is a periodical that has issues written by horse professionals and veterinarians. I have had to swallow some pride and realized that I needed to learn some things that I didn't know, things that I should know.
In this issue, there are two articles in particular that I have read and re-read, "Special Report: How Travel Affects Horses" and "The Best Plants For Your Pastures". They are written for both the horse professional and the hobbyist, but in layman's language. The articles are easy to understand and full of a lot of information.
As with other horse industry periodicals there are the articles about health issues and illness preventions, but there is an article about equestrian arts from around the world. In the April issue, it is about art from China and in the May issue, Equine Museums.
This is a must have for any horse industry professional. I also highly recommend Equus to anyone who has a little interest in the industry. If you like Horse and Rider, then you will like Equus and vice versa.
Whether you're merely interested in the horse industry or already a well-seasoned horse(wo)man, this is truly a wonderful magazine to read. Every issue is packed with information, all quite well written. The layout and design is also unique and fantastic. The illustrations are simply incredible! The articles covering scientific/biological topics are written so that anyone can easily understand them. The advice given in this magazine is qualified and respectable. The publishers truly listen to their readers as well.
I can't think of a single negative thing about it. The only magazine that comes close is Horse Journal, which has recently declined in quality in recent years, in my opinion.
If your horse could read Equus would be the number one pick. I started subscribing to this magazine since it's inception, (early 70's I believe), and haven't been disappointed yet. It is truly a magazine every horse owner, rider and enthusiast should read, cover to cover, each month.
The magazine targets the horse owner who truly wants to broaden the horizon and wishes to soak in information. Packed from cover to cover on topics from genetics to fencing the magazine is informative and fun. I insist my students read many of the articles and find even junior riders can absorb most of the information.
Equus was once focused on the english equestrian, however, the magazine has now incorporated the western horse into it's publication. Although you may or may not agree with the training articles, you will absolutely gain an incredible amount of medical information about your equine friend.
I have even submitted questions to the magazine and had them not only answered but published, along with a thank-you note. Can't beat that!
As a lifetime horse enthusiast/owner/trainer, this magazine is foremost in my library. The articles on equine health, training and care are "user friendly" and beneficial for explaining to novice horse owners the issues. This magazine is not inundated with advertisements, but useful and informative innovations and products for the horse enthusiast. Reference guides at the end of each calendar year, are great for cataloguing in the event a problem arises with your horse, albeit health or training issue, that you may wish to refer. Strongly recommend this magazine to any potential or current horse enthusiast.
After hearing and reading what several different people have said about this magazine I decided i had to see for myself what all the fuss was about. I have to agree with everything that has been said about it. It has great advice for everyone. It covers the beginner through the advanced rider. The art work and pictures are beautiful. I could not believe some of the photos on the magazine. The publishers of this magazine must spend months on one issue. I liked the magazine because it covered all riding styles. It is written so young people can understand it but the "older person" does not feel like they are being talk to like a kid. This magazine is for anyone that owns a horse or just wishes they did. The pictures make it worth it. This magazine has a variety of horses not one certain breed. You will see horses at work and at play. It is a tribute to the beauty of all horses.
This magazine is wonderful!It can teach a person so much on everything from health to training.I just bought my first horse,and Equus taught me and is still teaching me (and my family)much of the knowledge that I needed to know.It helps me to train my horse the way i want to and giving me tips on how to do so while keeping us both safe.
The one disadvantage that I find is that many things contradict what my friends say.That makes it difficult in that I am not quite sure who to listen to (even though most of the time i find that Equus' articles and advice make more sense).
So my advice is to read Equus.It has a variety of information every month,and exceeds every other horse magazine I've read.
The equine magazine "Equus" is a great magazine for horse owners. There are valuable training tips and things that could save you money by doing it yourself. There are crafty ideas for horse treats, and colic symptoms that could help you determine life or death instances for your horse. I have found Equus to be very useful many times. This magazine can be good for beginners in the trade. I think every horse lover and owner should subscribe to at least one horse publication. There are so many ideas you will get from these issues. There are things from hoof care to trimming your horses ears for the show ring. This magazine will only help you get better.
I remember seeing a couple of copies of Equus not long after it first came out. At the time, I thought it was dry and contained stuff I was not interested in.
I picked up an issue a year or two ago, though, and I was surprised! I think I've matured and better appreciate the magazine, but I also think the magazine has come a long ways and offers much more now.
There are articles about horse health, nutrition, care, and training. I think the magazine covers most aspects of horse ownership and care.
I almost always read this one cover to cover - and I save all back issues for future reference. This is a WONDERFUL magazine to subscribe to, no matter what segment of the equine industry you are active in.
I have taken this magazine for years. I have always found good information for the horse owner regardless of the situation.Information about injuries, disease, stabling techniques, etc. are all offered in this magazine. Matthew Mackay-Smith always gives as much information as possible to the horse person as he can. The breed forums are good. Issues about cruelty are available to enlighten others to what really goes on in the horse world. This magazine is the best magazine for the equestrian and should be in every home that has horses. I would recommend this magazine to all horse people. There are usually tips offered in the classified section of the magazine. I find good produce information about horse equipment to help us make good purchases. I love the true tale article. It is so heartwarming.
From beginners in the horse world to advanced equine knowledge this is a must on equine health, behavior and management. Going beyond just the basics the articles featured will bring an advanced knowledge of the horse. If you are just beginning your trip into the equine world you may not understand all the articles at first, but this will help you learn. As a beginner you may also want to invest in a book on the basics of equine anatomy and riding and keep it close by as a reference if you come across something you don't understand.
The more you read the more your understanding of the equine world will grow. This magazine is a must if you keep a horse or want to know more about equine behavior, management and health. In the December issue the magazine puts together a guide for that years publications so you will be able to easily find an article written earlier that year. I save my magazines and use them for research when I come across something that I don't understand or would like further information on. A real plus of this magazine is you will stay up to date on the latest equine research and findings. A must if you own a horse or just desire more equine information.