It has a lot of advertisments in the magazine. But not much one could use in everyday life. The gardens are usually just on the professional scale.
Beautiful photography, lousy articles, too much advertising
After hearing such good reviews of this magazine, I picked up a copy of this month's Better Homes and Gardens from the grocery store as a trial before subscription. The photography was wonderful, and it boasted some great ideas through the photography, but the articles were too brief and lousy. Moreover, I was thoroughly disappointed with the overabundance of advertisement that litters this magazine. I was very much disappointed. I was expecting more than just good ideas from pictures.
Too Green
Better Homes and Gardens has recently started getting a little too Environmental for my taste. If I wanted to know about all the lastest Green products and how to reduce my carbon footprint and all I would by a magazine about that. I just want to know about garden layout, perennials, how to make tasty dinners and desserts, and decorating my house. I am not going to be trading in my 77 cub cadet for an electric push mower any time soon.
Wish I'd never spent the money
I subscribed to BHG from their website and ended up subscribing to an additional year. The articles are helpful to a degree but the layout of this magazine, with its overwhelming amount of advertising, takes away from any good points. I've found the style to be choppy and very difficult to read because of the ads. It's hard to tell how long an article is or where it starts. I rarely find anything I'd want to save. Overall a disappointment.
The Magazine Diva Says........
This mag needs a new editor. I haven't seen anything interesting in Better Homes for six months. Maybe they are spread too thin with their website and contests.
When a magazine has very low cost to get started that should be a red flag! These magazines are mostly ALL advertisements! I went through and tore out all the pages that had advertisements on both sides and it took out about 3/4 of the magazine! And the rest of those pages had advertisements on one page or half the page. Big rip off and I have since switched magazines!
A Subscription To Ads
I started receiving Better Homes (BH) last year sometime as a free subscription. I never signed up for it or sent anything in, it just started arriving on a free trial basis for about 6 months. BH is not something I would normally think of subscribing too, but for free, I thought why not. However it wasn't long before the magazine would arrive in the mail and it would either be flipped through for a couple of minutes and then trashed, or just trashed outright. It truly was that uninteresting to me. I subscribe to about 4 other magazines and this is the only one I didn't think was worth it, even for free. The magazine is thick and heavy, but its all Ads. I mean this magazine starts out with 20 pages of Ads before you even get to the table of contents. The other reviewer here that talked about it being aggravating the way you have to navigate through all the ADs, cards, and other offers to find the few articles that there are is absolutely right. A 3 page article can be spread out over a dozen pages just because of the Ads. The price of this magazine is certainly cheap enough. On the surface it appears a downright bargain. But the whole saying about getting what you pay for applies here for sure. For some folks it may still be worth it of they happen to be the type that enjoy looking at and reading a bunch of glossy Ads. If you're one of those types,BH is right up your alley. For the rest of us that enjoy genuine articles and less fanfare, my suggestion is pass up Better Homes...
Every other page is an advertisment
Better Homes and Gardens has enticing covers, but once you flip through the pages, you are bombarded with advertising. It seems that the magazine's actual content consists of less than 10 pages. I'm left feeling short changed every month that my issue arrives. I do not plan on renewing this subscription.
Better Ads & More Ads
This magazine is a waste of money and bores me. Nothing here to see but ads.
advertisments only=== waist of time
I was given a gift subscription to Better Homes and Garden. Please, what a waist of money and my time. Every other page has an advertisment of any kind. I went through a few entire magazines with my friends and husband and counted the pages where actually some home information were given, to find out that one entire magazine, taken out the advertisments and commercializing and sweepstakes,etc has maybe 25-30 pages of articles other that advertisent. Please check by yourselves, please do!! I wrote BHG a letter and never never got an answer.