Writer's Digest offers a wealth of information for writers and aspiring writers month after month. Each issue is packed with helpful hints about finding the right literary agent or publisher for every genre.
Whether you are into literary, science fiction, gay and lesbian, childrens, etc. ... it's all here in Writer's Digest. Each issue is useful in helping wade through all the problems and fears apsiring writers may have in deciding how to go about finding the right agent that best fits their catagory of writing; and many well known writers have used Writer's Digest to help launch their careers.
Each issue contains inspiring and provactive interviews, top agents and publishers, on-going contests in many different catagories of writing; there is even a classified section in the back that may be useful to writers.
For new writers, especially, and those who are looking for great advice on writing, how to write the perfect query letter, how not to make mistakes which may lead to your writing being overlooked, and where to send in your manuscripts, query letters, sample chapters, etc. - Writer's Digest will make your search much easier, much clearer, and save you time and money in the process.
a great magazine
I don't subscribe to many writing magazines, but Writer's Digest is one I subscribe to. It's packed full of useful information for the novelist, short story writer, poet, or freelancer.
Writer's Digest has helped me to learn the craft of fiction writing, and the articles here are the best you'll find anywhere. Subscribe to this awesome mag. You won't regret it.
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A Quick Review of a Key Writing Tool
I call Writer's Digest a writing tool because for years many writers have relied upon the information given within the pages of this thin monthly magazine. As soon as I began writing I started buying this magazine and reading it with a highlighter close at hand. It provides information for all corners of the writing industry, whether it's from starting a story to selling an article to doing the taxes at the end of the year; everything here is geared toward making a writer's life just a bit easier (and for those of you who are attempting this as career, you know just how important something like this could be). To add to that, there are a lot of inspirational articles and sections that can give a young writer the push needed to get writing. So, to anyone interested in writing of any form (fiction or non-fiction) then this should be your first step into the field (followed by some education, of course). Writer's Digest to me is almost as important as my Word Processor or dictionary.
Each month, I can't wait for the mailman to bring the next
I've subscribed to this magazine for a little over two years. The first year was very good, but WD changed the magazine's format in Jan 2004, and believe it or not it's even better! Last year they offered a Christmas "renew & get one free gift subscription". My niece is a serious writer/poet, and she loved the gift!!!
My only gripe about the new format: they eliminated the monthly writing prompts calendar. The prompts are still available on their website, but I liked them in the magazine better.
Well worth the money.
A good trade magazine
"Writers Digest" is actually a trade magazine. Just as the tittle implies it is a digest. There is how to articles, supplies and helpful addresses. The advertisements are also useful. For lazy people there are typists and proofreaders. Information on how to get organized. I could go on and on. Bottom line is it is better to read few of these magazines before writing yourself into a corner.
Worth Reading
Writer's Digest is one of the few magazines I read cover to cover. Many of the helps are timely and the resources good. I miss my magazine when the subscription runs out. In the fast changing requirements of the publishing and writing field it is important to keep up. This magazine is worth the time and price.
Great magazine for writers
This is a wonderful magazine. It has advice for writers of both fiction and non-fiction, articles on how to improve your writing, tips on publishing, and other insight into the world of writing.
Excellent Resource!
Writer's Digest publishes hands-on, practical articles for writers. Their interviews contain smart tidbits that I can apply quickly, and they don't write down to readers. I like the brevity of their articles too -- busy writers can read an article in five minutes or less. That's my style.
Filled with information for writers.
I truly enjoy reading Writers's Digest. It gives me tons of helpful advice about writing, publshing and marketing. I enjoy the writing contests and reading the articles from famous authors. A subcription makes a great gift for the writers in your life.
A required tool for the serious author, freelance or no...
I look forward to my monthly issue of Writers Digest each month. I know that I will find something that will be a help to my writing. Even the articals that deal with genras other than the ones that I write, I still find a piece of information that will help me learn. Yes, there are advertisments... As in all magazines!... But I would be more likely to look seriously at an ad from this magazine commited to writing then in a magazine which is not. Catch my drift?
You will love this magazine. I always have... Don't let your subsription run out! you will miss too much!