Let's be honest. You pride yourself on being a jack-of-all-trades, but when it comes to those tough fix-it projects, you aren't quite up to par. Or maybe you are an expert handyman, but need a little refresher on certain aspects. Popular Mechanics is designed for both the master and the novice. The premiere do-it-yourself magazine features how-to articles on electronics, woodworking, home improvement, science and technology and automotive repair. Reviews of new products as well. Simply put, it is the only fix-it resource you need.
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Popular Mechanics is a Jack-of-All-Trades Magazine. I have been an avid reader since high school picking up every other issue or so at local newsstands. I only recently finally got smart and picked up a subscription. For the price you can't go wrong. PM is filled with informative articles on everything ranging from new technology, world events, woodworking tips, car care, automotive design, and computers. PM does not delve to deep into any particular subject, rather it gives you a broad view of all of them.
In each issue your likely to find tips on how to change and fix a flat tire on your car, plans on how to build wood furniture, reviews on new cars,...
Chock-Full of Information
I took a chance on this magazine approximately 1yr. ago and I am not sorry I did. It has a wealth of information covering almost anything mechanical and electrical. The how-to section is always informative and helpful, as well as, educational. I will continue this subscription indefinately.
I've been reading PM for over 55 years ... and it's still an excellent read!
When I was a little guy my bedtime reading included Winny the Pooh, The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Brave New World, and four "How-To" magazines including Popular Mechanics. Three of the magazines changed direction (and/or failed) over the years, but Popular Mechanics stayed true to its Do-It-Yourself-type readers and is still worth reading cover-to-cover. No I'm not interested in selling my Popular Mechanics collection; I'm still using them.
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