Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! is based on Lippincott Williams & Wilkins's popular and successful Incredibly Easy! book series for nurses. The emphasis of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! is on breaking down challenging clinical concepts the ones that are often difficult or confusing for the practicing nurse to grasp and presenting them in a refreshingly original, easily understood, and engaging format. The tone is lighthearted, but never simplistic, to make learning fun and effective. Clinical artwork mixed with humorous line drawings illustrate and reinforce key points. Articles are contributed by experienced clinicians, ensuring that content is based on sound clinical principles and hands-on expertise.
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I have never subscribed to any nursing magazines before. I always felt that they weren't very practical for my job in the ER as a RN. Well, this is the best nursing magazine that I have ever read. The articles are very informative and well written, hence the name of the magazine. I have gained valuable knowledge reading the articles. Any new and experienced nurse should read and subscribe to this magazine.
Get information fast and easy
Easy to access information -- isn't that what most bedside nurses need most? NMIE offers tables, pictures, and other methods to easily access the information you need. It is not a research journal, and doesn't pretend to be. NMIE is for clinical nurses who need information fast and easy, and want to be shown how to put new information into clinical use immediately.
I recommend this journal to anyone who wants to stay up-to-date quickly and easily. It's a very helpful addition to every nurse's library.
Vast wealth of Knowledge Simplified Monthly
Simplified versions of complicated medical information! I love this magazine!It is Nursing Made Incredibly easy! Wonderful Gift for a Nursing Student, New Nurse Grad., or a Nurse who loves a review of "nursing school information." Provides wonderful examples, and illustrations! This is a must for any nurse! The book series is wonderful also! Director of Medical/Surgical/Pediatrics
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