This magazine seems like a great one for dog and animal lovers. It is well organized and shows some wonderful pictures. Dog world offers tips on several aspects dealing with the life of your dog ranging from health tips to tips on its training. This is a great magazine for the dog enthusiast and I highly recommend it to any dog lover. If you are interested in pet products, some useful ones are also listed in this magazine. With the wide range of information listed in the pages of Dog World, you can go wrong by subscribing to it now.
Recommended: Yes
All You Need to Know
You know, before I found this magazine, I never knew where to turn for help with the family dog. A purebred Maltese, most pet shop owners couldn't tell me anything at all, since Maltese's are not that common. So I decided to try some magazines. After looking through countless magazine's at the local bookstore, I found Dog World, the best magazine imaginable for purebred dogs, or even not purebred dogs. Dog World gives you all of the information you could ever hope for, and then some. It tells you exactly what kind of care you need to give your dog. The best shampoos to buy, the best food, you name it. For those of you who need a little help caring for your dog, this is where you can get all of the information you need.
Recommended: Yes
Really Great Magazine
I really think this is a good magazine for dog owners and fanciers alike. It is very informative and has a lot of good articles, etc. It is definetly one of the top 5 best dog magazines that I have seen out!
dog world-pure enjoyment!
Iam enjoying my new subscription to Dog World magazine.I recently discovered a breed that I didn't know existed!
Excellent Magazine
This magazine is a must read for the serious pet parent. It contains articles helpful in maintaining your dog's physical and mental health. The articles, written by veterinarians and breeders, help you become the best health advocate you can for your non-speaking pet. This subscription will most definitely be renewed.
Great Magazine
This magazine is very informative. Being a first time dog owner of a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie), it has helped me in raising that puppy into a great dog. The only fault I can find with this magazine is there is not enough articles and too much advertisements. The writers of this magazine are very informative and they research the article they are writing extensively. I would give this magazine for the most part a thumbs up!
Recommended: Yes
Worlds of Info for 85 years
Dog World has been a standard in my magazine reading for almost thirty years. This magazine has been very good at keeping up with the times. The cover photo's are always visually stimulating as well as the photo's accompanying the articles. Timely articles are always present, usually with a breed of dog profiled. I have noticed over the years that, in some ways, they have toned down the coverage of dog shows a bit. Though the ever present show calender is still there. As the sport of dog shows have grown the chatty columns about different exhibitors have been relegated to breed specific magazines. I miss this columns as I learned a lot about the show world from them. Part of the reason to buy this magazine is for the kennel ads, but they seem to be decreasing a bit as well. This is a shame as the kennel ads can help a prospective owner learn more about the breeds they are interested in. All in all, after 85 years in publication it is hard to find fault with Dog World.
Recommended: Yes
Good intro to the world of the purebred
DOGWorld provides the prospective owner with a fairly good introduction to the world of the purebred. Much of their advertiser support comes from kennels, and one gets to see breeds pictured in those kennel ads that one would not see otherwise. Therefore, this is a magazine worth picking up if you are interested in getting a dog and know you don't want to go to an animal shelter, but are new to the world of the purebred.
However, I must agree that over the past few years, DOGWorld has indeed backed off somewhat from the intense coverage of the purebred world that it once featured. Therefore, it is not a magazine for someone who has been in the field of dog breeding for many years (unless you want to see your display ad!). This group of readers is perhaps better served in other ways, perhaps by putting out another magazine which would be more technically satisfying to them.
Recommended: Yes
A great and educating magazine
This is an amazing magazine that is swamped with facts, issues, and tips. I find it educating and helpful. It is always filled with hints to help with the raising and well-being of my dog. I am glad this magazine is around to inform people of illnesses and health problems. It tells the symptoms of illness and how you might cure it yourself, or when the problem is bad enough to take your dog to the vet. It is informing to dog owners and lovers. It takes the exceptional qualities of the dog, and represents them in a positive way. It is an excellent reference guide to the problems and needs of the different breeds. It is overall an excellent magazine.
Recommended: Yes
not for mutt owners
This is a good magazine for show dog people. Some of the articles don't pertain to me.