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Vanity Fair

This upscale publication attracts a dual audience with it's monthly themed issues. Most notable is the beauty and style of of Vanity Fair attracting both urban and suburban socialites and aspirationals. When you pick up an issue of Vanity Fair, you always know you'll be satisfied with it's in-depth investigative journalism and thoughtful and thought provoking articles and features.
> Select a term below for both new and renewal subscriptions.
Print Edition - 1 year - 12 issues
$102.95 $91.97
Only $7.66 per issue
This magazine publisher requires that subscriptions be confirmed by telephone only.

To order, simply leave your name and phone number below and a member of our service team will call you back shortly.
All prices are in Canadian Dollars (CAD), and includes shipping and taxes.
Listed prices active from February 16, 2025 to February 22, 2025.
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  1. I can't wait for this one!
    I used to subscribe to Vanity Fair, but don't anymore. It never came quickly enough. I would see the magazine in the racks at the local bookstore and couldn't wait for it to show up in my mailbox. Yes, I'm paying more than I would otherwise, but it's worth it.

    Vanity Fair is a magazine that has something for almost everyone. It's in depth articles and beautiful photographs are worthy of a place on a bookshelf -- mine, in fact, are lined up in order dating from 1996.

    The March 2000 issue included:

    Just Great Friends -- an article about the friendship between Rupert Everett and Madonna -- it was much more entertaining and fresh that...
  2. An Intelligent Read
    I consistently buy Vanity Fair because the quality of the articles is excellent.

    Recently, the magazine has been redesigned. This redesign appears to have been done to make Vanity Fair more appealing to younger readers. I am a 24 year old female, however, I often share the magazine with my parents and male and female friends-- all of whom find it intelligent and interesting. Plus, the beautiful pictures from photographers like Herb Ritts add to the look of the magazine.

    I find Christopher Hitchens' writing particularly good. He manages to apply his acerbic wit and obvious intelligence to all of his topics (from setencing minors to death,...
  3. Just the Articles, ma'am
    I love this magazine. I'll say it again: I love this magazine. I wait impatiently for it to arrive each month. It is unlike anything I have ever read, yet I feel more educated and more knowledgable because of it.

    Vanity Fair is not a teenager's magazine. It does not offer advice on how to win him back, or the new styles for this years prom/season. It is full of ten page articles that include actual facts, not always someone's opinion on how to minimize your hips or make your breasts look bigger. The articles inform, educate and enlighten the reader because they do offer opinion, but it is based on actual facts.

    But I won't lie to you. Vanity...

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