At last there is a photography magazine by the experts for both the professional and the amateur photographer. Written by the world's leading landscape, wildlife, sports, and travel photographers Outdoor Photographer is an industry leader. Every issue features advice that you will use to improve your photography, evaluations of the latest equipment, and portfolios of stunning photography.
Unfortunately this magazine is not presently available.
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A Photo Magazine that inspires you to make good shots happen
Outdoor Photographer is my top choice among the numerous photography magazines out there. I became highly interested in photography as a serious hobby over 15 years ago and I believe I bought and/or subscribed to all the photo magazines around.
None of the magazines held my attention or were subscribed to again except for Outdoor Photographer. Not only did I continue to buy this magazine, but I have saved most of issues over the years as I just did want want to part with the beautiful photography, articles and reviews that filled the pages. I have gone back and checked out the competition to see if it has changed from year to year, but have...
Shoot Outdoors? This Is Your Magazine
You won't find more passion outside the bedroom than that of an outdoor photographer heading off in the pre-dawn hours to a shoot. While some amateurs yearn to be professional photographers, most pros barely make a living as outdoor specialists. It's the passion and not the bucks that drives the better outdoor photographers. Likewise, it is this love for the hobby that drives the success of "Outdoor Photographer".
As the name suggests, this monthly is aimed at those who shoot outside. Landscape, wildlife, adventure, travel, and outdoor action and sports are covered. Outdoor oriented gear including clothing and non-photo gear are reviewed....
Want an Inexpensive Photography School?, Just read Outdoor Photographer
I don't care if you're an amateur or pro, If you know the basics and can't afford New York Institute of Photography tuition or some of the others, don't! The information in this mag (OP) is amazingly accurate, I've actually taken several copies of past issues with me in the field and used their shooting techniques. I have found more ways to shoot with bad light, foul weather, filters, tele-converters, macros and everything else imaginable to make a snapshot into a well-composed photograph. Another bonus is the "Favorite Places" page in the first half of the magazine. You get to read about destinations you would otherwise not read about in other...
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