I have spent many a day and night, at the hospital with my children, and other members of my family, and each time I ask that a Word Search puzzle book be brought to me. This is one book which is fun, keeps your mind occupied, and helps you to learn words. With word search puzzles, even if a person cannot read, they can do the puzzles, because all they have to do is find the word which is listed. The word may be up and down, across, or even bent and wiggly. I always keep a Word Search puzzle book handy, as it is so much fun, and it is somthing that even my children enjoy doing. I have been doing Word Search puzzles, for so long, until I can not even remember when I did start doing them. Word Search puzzles, is a book that would make a great gift to give,as I do not know of anyone who does not enjoy sitting down, and working the puzzles in it. Go out today, and purchase a Word Search book, and enjoy finding the words they have hidden.