It started in France, but Marie Claire is for the fashion-conscious modern American woman interested in style, beauty, entertaining, relationships, careers, health and issues that concern women right now. From celebrities and practical shopping tips to investigative reports about sex, domestic violence and the plight of Afghani women, this magazine is both beautiful and smart.Marie Claire is more than a pretty face. It is the fashion magazine with character, substance, and depth, for women with a point of view, an opinion, and a sense of humor.Marie Claire leads with fashion and beauty editorial that stands apart by providing both inspiration and access. Our signature features connect with women on an emotional level as each issue speaks to the ideas, thoughts, dreams, philosophies, and aspirations of a reader who is never afraid to make intelligence a part of her wardrobe.Marie Claire is a culturally relevant experience that touches women beyond the newsstand. Readers shop with us, get dressed with us, laugh with us, vote with us, protest with us, volunteer with us, donate with us, explore with us, and grow with us. We understand that our readers are more than any label or stereotype could place on them, and celebrate that every reader is more than a pretty face.
Unfortunately this magazine is not presently available.
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Intelligent Articles Rule Over Obligatory Fashion Photos
Marie Clare is my favorite woman's magazine on the market today. It even surpasses the love I hold for my beloved Cosmopolitan.
Marie Clare focuses its readership towards intelligent, humanitarian, beauty-conscious women (yes, women can be all three!). A typical month's article listing may include the horrors of female genital mutilation, what your significant other loves most about your body, a day-in-the-life of Russian Mary Kay saleswomen, and how one woman got off of welfare.
I bypass the fashion pages (luckily, there aren't many of them) because they do not interest me. I have no desire to learn how to wear a tangerine-colored cashmere...
Marie has a bit of a brain
This is another rag in the "shameless indulgence" category -- like all women's magazines, Marie Claire is a lot of fashion, sex, random horniness, horoscopes and make-up. Which is fine, since they don't do a bad job of any of these -- unlike competitors with glaring flaws in some areas. That they can spread out so thinly and still come out even says a lot.
Added bonus: nine times out of ten, it is worth buying Marie Claire because there is invariably some sort of give-away -- assuming you've gone grocery shopping early on enough in the month, and can mail in the little coupon on time, there is some sort of beauty-oriented freebie, usually...
A Magazine Covering a Wide Range
I didn't purchase this magazine becuase I had wanted to, I was in my dorm and someone asked me to help them with their trip to Cancun. I had never really heard of it and it was pretty cheap for a years subscription. After more then two years I have become a regular subscriber. I enjoy reading all the articles. I love reading about what fashions are in and the various knockoffs you can get off of the original. At the same time there are great articles on the various lifestyles of all women. Even though I am in college I feel that there is a place for me in this magazine as much as for people that are well into the older ages.
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