Good Old Days magazine remembers the best of times from the turn of the century on up through the ‘50s, and all straight from the heart. Written by our readers, each new issue brings you feature stories and photos of the greatest generation—their first-hand experiences, their laughs, their sorrows, their reactions to inventions, and much more are captured in a personal, nostalgic format. This easy-to-read collection of memories fascinates and rewards both young and old.
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If you are like me, and have a fondness for the 1930's and 1940's, you will love this magazine. It is filled with warm and funny stories of those happy days gone by. Times may have been hard, but they really were better. Neighbors were real neighbors, growing up was more innocent, families were closer, and when you married your high school sweetheart, it stuck.
Everything from family memories of growing up during the great depression to a young man's memories of his first car during the 1940's are told by the people themselves. There is something to love here for just about everyone in the family. Whether it's a young girl's remembrance of...
Gift for Grandparents
Your grandparents will love this magazine! I bought this subscription two years ago for my Dad (as a gift from my daughter) and I will continue to renew this magazine as it makes for very meaningful conversations. Grandparents enjoy reflecting on the past and sharing their memories with those they love, especially grandchildren. The magazine stays on the coffee table which also allows for other family members and neighbors to enjoy as well. What an excellent conversation starter.
GREAT Magazine for those born 1930s & 40s
My parents were born around 1930 and this magazine is their favorite reading. All these years I've never seen them so eager for a piece of mail to arrive. Both my mom and dad told me that this is the first and only magazine they've ever read cover to cover (and I mean every inch). Typically the issues contain old photos that readers send in - showing how things were for everyday people. Along with those pictures are stories/anecdotes. In the stories the folks mention a lot of old-timey stuff that the reader may not have thought of in years. Also included are old advertisements, costs of goods, songs, recipes, and miscellaneous household tips.
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