The quiet calm of a wooded glen surrounds your senses as you pull back your bow, waiting for the right moment to pounce on your prey. Let Bowhunting magazine make you a better and more complete archer. Each exciting issue is filled with instructional and entertaining tactics, tools and techniques for the serious, dedicated bowhunter.
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Peterson Bowhunting is a great magazine for the pro deerhunting and the beginning bowhunter. There is lots of great articles in it. There is a lot of knowledge. The writers involved know what they are writing about. The pictures are fun to look at. Not blurry or out of focus. Even the advertising is appealing. I have been tempted to purchase products just from the advertising alone. I have purchased products that have been written about in the magazine though. The tips included in each issue are a big plus. I have found some to really help me along with my hunting. I also recommend that this magazine be bought for the very beginnner of bowhunting,...
Any bow hunter needs this
If you have been bowhunting for years or if you are just starting out it doesn't matter, you will definitely learn a lot from Bowhunting. This magazine includes all kinds of information about hunting the most popular big game animal, the whitetail deer.
They give you details about the hunt and give you tips to use in the future. Besides just covering the hunts, which many magazines do. Bowhunting also covers equipment, they are always sure to let you know about the latest in bow hunting products.
To me this is the most important part since I want to be sure of my shot, and these tips help you be as accurate as possible.
The Know How of Know How
Bowhunting is a big sport in our family and we have subscribed to this magazine in the pass couple of years and plan to keep subscribing. The articles are interesting and educational. The pictures are fun to look at and dream see that big buck hanging on our wall. The tips involved are from all over. Some from experts, some from newcomers...but all are very interesting and informative. At times they include recipes which have been clipped and kept in file. Once, my husband even sent them a recipe and it was published. They are open to readers submitting works, pictures and recipes. So as a reader you also get involved with the magazines...
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