If you are into Fish, Aquariums or just "thinking" about joining this highly popular hobby, Then you definately need this magazine. With its clear and easy to read topics cover all aspects of fish keeping it is simply a must have. Articles included each and every month on subjects of Ponds, Freshwater Fish, Saltwater fish and even Reef Keeping. Monthly articles cover subjects for both the experienced hobbyist as well as the beginner. The pictures and illustrations are first rate. The "help" sections as well as the extensive feedback area provides helpful hints in areas which you may not have even thought of yet. There are other magazines on the market ( i.e. F.A.M.A. ) but in all the years of fish keeping I have yet to come across one that I actually look forward to getting each and every month. My fish room has boxes of these things, mostly unread or barely thumbed through. However every issue I have of Aquarium Fish Magazine is dog-earred from all the reading, and re-reading and lined up on a shelf for easy reference.
Can't say enough good things about this great product.
Recommended: Yes
Just the place to find answers to fishy questions!
If you have an aquarium in your home, you should really read through at least one issue of this very informative magazine. Yes, some of the articles are much more geared to those who are REALLY into fish, but there is also a lot of general information here that can be useful to the average hobbyist as well.
A recent issue we picked up at the pet store carried articles on setting up plants to bennifit the fish, feeding tips, what fish go best together, multi-tank setups and cleaning the bottom. Articles that can be of use if you have a 5 gal tank or several 100 gal ones.
Most of the articles are written in easy to understand terms, so that even the most neophyte hobbiest can understand. And there are plenty of advertisements for different products, so if you find something that you just have to have in an article, chances are good you can find it in an ad.
Unfortunatly, our tanks still don't look like the ones in the magazine, but we are working on it. My 5 yr. old just loves looking through the photos of the fish, and picking the ones she wants. (usually the exotic ones!) Most of the ones in here don't feature the diving dog, sunken ship, and other moving toys that she has adorned ours with, but oh well, different strokes!
If you are a hobbyist, or serious fish fan, this is a good magazine to buy, read and keep for future refrence.
Recommended: Yes
Just starting an aquarium, here's valuable advice!
As a longtime reader of Aquarium Fish magazine, I cannot recommend it highly enough for the beginning aquarist. It is filled with factual, helpful articles on freshwater and saltwater fish. Even the advertisements are filled with helpful information about filtration systems and places to order hard to find specimens. Every so often, there are articles aimed at the total novice, but most assume some basic knowledge of fishkeeping. There is also a section on pondkeeping, and a question and answer format where readers ask advice from the editors. The first year I had an aquarium, I referred to my back issues on a regular basis for help on dealing with algae, snails, common diseases, etc. This one is definitely worth the subscription price!
Recommended: Yes
Helpful for the beginner
As a beginner I found Aquarium Fish magazine very helpful. I have learned how to keeping my fish healthy, how to plant an aquarium and how to do general maintenance to keep my aquarium clean. Since I live in a rural area it was interesting and educational to see all of the different filters, foods and other supplies that are available.
I think it is a very well rounded magazine. I would say the only draw back I have with it, is I would like more information on goldfish and other freshwater species. I am not that interested in saltwater aquariums. I would imagine the same would be true with the saltwater enthusiast. Again I would recommend it to anyone that keeps fish. Beginner to expert.
Recommended: Yes
Don't know what I'd do without it
I have subscribed to Aquarium Fish for over two years. I really don't know what I would without out it. I look forward to it every month. I always find myself looking through the back issues for answers to my problems and I always find it. It's definitely worth the subscription price!! Throughout the years I've had all types of tanks and this magazine covers them all. Their articles actual encourages me to set up different tanks, from paludariums to little breeding tanks. The best part has to be the Question & Answer articles which answer questions from readers. I love this magazine and is definitely worth every red cent!!!